- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
The short hand answer I’d try to give people is ‘it’s statistics’. Based on training data, there’s a certain chance of certain words being in proximity of each other. There’s no reasoning behind placement, other than whatever pattern is discernible from known situation.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I’ve literally never paid for Star Citizen. Not sure how I’m supposed to be a sweaty fanboy…
It’s a large scoped game, and from what I’ve seen, they’ve slowly been turning it into an incredibly feature-filled game that goes beyond the scope of what most other games deliver.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
Lawsuits for what? They never promised any customer that they would immediately deliver a working end product. As far as I can make out, they offer early access to an in-development product, with your purchase going toward funding development. It’s more akin to a donation with strings (access to the product).
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
Maybe because development has a high ongoing cost that they do not have any other product to take up? Star citizen has a fairly large scope, and the fact that they have even gotten to the point where a fairly high number of gameplay loops are fully integrated is quite impressive. If you look at their ship designs, for example, you can see just how much care was put into a lot of the designs (see the architectural reviews, for example)
- Comment on More Police Are Using Your Cameras for Video Evidence 1 year ago:
The link doesn’t work, but I just found out it’s actually supported on mine! Although I probably won’t mess with it, since I’m not alone here
- Comment on More Police Are Using Your Cameras for Video Evidence 1 year ago:
Sadly there’s little option for some stuff. Robot vacuums have become super useful, even if they are arguably the biggest security risk that exists. And that will never change, no matter how capable the products get
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
I hate the fact that you’re probably right about that reason.
- Comment on Threads is officially starting to test ActivityPub integration 1 year ago:
Why would you want to defederate at all? It’s akin to hiding your head in the sand, except done on a community-wide scale. Just because you can’t see the nazi over there in the bushes doesn’t mean he isn’t squatting there, observing you.
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Or you’d be buried by 300 layers of very similar open apps with different info loaded in each instance
- Comment on Headteachers in England tell of worsening behaviour of pupils – and parents 1 year ago:
That bullshit piece of paper seemingly everyone signs is, in my opinion, the dumbest thing there is. As a child you are effectively forced to sign said document, and as a minor you really can’t enter into binding agreements anyway. Both of which do not improve the ‘legality’ of those documents.
I was fairly well behaved, I’d say, but I never felt any sort of reason to specifically follow that guide, especially as it was forced on us. I expect a lot of other more self-aware children feel similar when still in school.
- Comment on Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids 1 year ago:
I’d say it’s because the person you’re replying to rightfully sees it as a slippery slope. If you say this fake image that didn’t directly harm anyone is illegal, what’s to stop you from saying some other fake image that’s much more in line with social tastes is also illegal? Ie an artwork made of human shit, for example. Most people would be repulsed by that. But it doesn’t change the fact that it could be art. As long as it doesn’t concretely harm someone, it’s hard to equate it to said harm.
- Comment on Surgeons in New York announce world's first eye transplant 1 year ago:
Yes, eyeballs generally don’t have points…
More seriously though, this is a step towards being able to transplant a functional eye into another person.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal 1 year ago:
It tastes a bit sweeter and looks better, really. You can also use the charger to froth cold soups or to make foamy suspensions.
It’s a better alternative to prepackaged whipped cream, in my mind. It also doesn’t contain sweeteners (unless you put them in, of course) which is a benefit.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal 1 year ago:
Nitrous whipped cream is sweeter, but apart from that and presentation, you’re correct.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal 1 year ago:
It’s nicer, for when you have guests over, for example. You could always pipe the cream, I guess, but that’s even more work
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal 1 year ago:
Carbon dioxide would produce curdled cream, that much I know.
Looks like it’s only a half-ban, really.
For example, someone buying a single canister on a weekday alongside other household and baking goods differs to young people buying a number of nitrous oxide canisters on a weekend.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas possession becomes illegal 1 year ago:
So if I were living in the UK, I’d be a criminal, got it.
But on a more serious note, how am I supposed to whip cream now? I understand banning it as a drug, but what about the main purpose of nitrous?