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- Comment on Police guarding grocery stores in the wake of Helene 5 months ago:
Wow, what heartless assholes these fascist pigs are.
- Comment on Police guarding grocery stores in the wake of Helene 5 months ago:
Yep. Cops don’t protect and serve the people. They protect and serve capital, i.e. corporations, the rich, oligarchs, etc.
- Comment on Nissan To Deactivate Key Features From Early EVs 11 months ago:
Though I’m sure if they can figure out someway to force subscription bullshit in there, they will.
- Comment on Roku lays off 300 workers and removes streaming content to save money 1 year ago:
I know an even better way for them to save money. Anthony Wood, the CEO, gets like $20,990,000 in total yearly compensation. Like most these fucks most of it is non-salary, so they don’t pay taxes on it right away if at all.
- Comment on “We’re not ‘gatekeepers,’” Apple and Microsoft tell European Union 1 year ago:
We don’t have a monopoly. - Company with a monopoly
- Comment on Elon Musk and company take @x handle from its original user. He got zero dollars for it. 1 year ago:
As all billionaires are. Along with unempathetic sociopathic psychopaths.