- Comment on How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food? 9 months ago:
Probably even better for OP if they have no money is the Olio app, where people give away free food (and non-food). It depends on activity in your local area, but in many areas there are people who regularly collect food from supermarkets at the end of the day to give away. I’ve given away portions of meals before when I’ve cooked too much to freeze it all.
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 10 months ago:
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 10 months ago:
I don’t feel like I’m having fun here…
- Comment on Mandelbrot 10 months ago:
What does the ‘B’ in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stand for?
Benoit B. Mandelbrot
- Comment on Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!! 10 months ago:
Well yeah obvs. I meant in the present and future. I was still a kid when we won last, and I’m old af now.
- Comment on Lemmyvision - The Results Are In!! 10 months ago:
This is genuinely the closest we will ever get to a Eurovision win, ever.
- Comment on duck duck 10 months ago:
Yeah but you try saying ‘ununderstandable’ after a couple of drinks
- Comment on barn owls 10 months ago:
How about carpet beetles and clothes moths?
- Comment on What kind of a gift can you give your teacher out of respect, but that doesn’t get mistaken for romance? 1 year ago:
This. My sister in law teaches and keeps all the letters she gets from her students. It’s stuff like that that keeps teachers going.
- Comment on Jewish theatregoers felt 'unsafe' at comedy show - BBC News 1 year ago:
As much as I support the Palestinian cause, and abhor the Israeli government, I’d feel really uncomfortable in an audience where I was being asked / told to give a standing ovation to flags. Particularly as he also threw the Ukrainian flag in there. Just because someone supports one, they might not support the other. And just because sometimes supports a nation of civilians in a conflict, doesn’t mean they’d support the government represented by the state. I don’t think anyone deserved abuse for not being coerced into doing something they didn’t want to do. I just really hate being told what to do though.
- Comment on If Twitter had existed while Emily Dickinson was alive, she would have been an absolute shitlord with millions of followers 1 year ago:
Dorothy Parker would have drunk tweeted from dinner parties savagely taking down all the other guests.
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
I probably didn’t have as good an education as the highest educated classes in most ancient Egyptian dynasties.
- Comment on Ex-commissioner for facial recognition tech joins Facewatch firm he approved 1 year ago:
I still hold that a lot of the anti mask conspiracy theories were fuelled by those who have financial and political interests in facial recognition surveillance. I have no evidence to base this on, it just makes sense to me that they would be threatened by everyone suddenly masking up.
- Comment on What are some common everyday examples of this phenomenon? (see body) 1 year ago:
That sounds very wrong. And probably dangerous.
- Comment on What are some common everyday examples of this phenomenon? (see body) 1 year ago:
Taking echinacia (sp?) to get rid of a cold. I’ve given up trying to tell my friends they’re wasting their money because they believe it works, because they start feeling better, and won’t be told that that was going to happen anyway.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
My late partner studied English as an undergrad and when he applied for his MA his email said “Please find attached my application for the MA in Creative Writning” and it makes me sad he’s no longer around for me to relentlessly mock him about it.
- Comment on Disabled people must work from home to do ‘their duty’, says UK minister 1 year ago:
And yet when disabled staff request home working in many organisations (including the civil service) they face a battle.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
You think pronouns are stupid? How do you feel about verbs, and adjectives?
- Comment on What’s the deal with Western Sahara? 1 year ago:
I’m a bit confused by your comment and what you mean by “a tribe here or there has been through it” and that it’s unknown territory? It’s sparsely populated, but according to Wikipedia about 500k people live there, and they’re mostly in urban areas. Surely the lack of data is more down to the political disputes over who governs it? I’d imagine the locals are reluctant to share information with the Moroccan government who they see as the occupiers.
- Comment on American bully XL dogs to be banned by end of year - Sunak 1 year ago:
So I read this article recently, and it suggested that some American breeders think there’s specific issues with the breeding line of XLs that are bred in the UK.
- Comment on 'I am horrified': Archaeologists are fuming over ancient human relative remains sent to edge of space 1 year ago:
ITT: people who know nothing about and have no interest in archaeology and paleontology arguing why this doesn’t matter. You guys do know you’ve wandered into an Archaeology thread, right?
- Comment on Porn is harder to access 1 year ago:
Ha, I sent a very long and furious email to my (Labour) MP when that law got introduced, basically saying excuse me I’m a woman that squirts, what are you as a fellow woman going to do about a law that says that’s a deviant and obscene act? And got completely ignored - usually I got a generic response from her on other issues, on that I just got tumbleweed.
(And before I get any thirsty messages, I’m menopausal and that bitch has dried up. Nothing to see, move on.)
- Comment on Most English schools handing out clothes and food to children 1 year ago:
I mean I can’t, you’re right, but the government and HMRC can. If the government actually wanted to.
- Comment on Most English schools handing out clothes and food to children 1 year ago:
We need more wealth taxes, increased public spending, and wage increases for the public sector and the lowest paid jobs. And we really need to be putting serious effort into introducing some kind of universal income. That’s how you share wealth.
- Comment on Baby boomers are sitting pretty – as millennials foot the bill for high inflation 1 year ago:
I’m Gen X and benefitted hugely from university fee support, student grants (although these were coming to an end and I also had loans), unemployment benefits, back to work incentives and schemes, and the availability of social housing (I’m still in my housing association flat now) back in the 90s. It’s not like being on the dole back then was amazing, but fuck me it wasn’t as brutal as the current system which is intentionally cruel. And the fact that young people now have to take on huge debt to go to university, and have virtually no hope of getting an affordable rented home through social housing, is just appalling. These things are so crucial to getting a chance to start off in life. Each generation seems to be getting fucked over harder than the one before.
- Comment on Private equity groups bet on UK healthcare as NHS waiting lists grow 1 year ago:
This is how it was designed to happen. It’s heartbreaking that by the time people realise that the NHS has been privatised it will all be a done deal. It’s in its death throes now. And then when it’s gone we’ll be gaslit into thinking it was always this way, or it’s the fault of socialism or something.
- Comment on Men's Liberation - A Place to Discuss Men's Issues With A Focus On Intersectionality 1 year ago:
The name isn’t new, it comes from the same place as women’s lib, afaik the concept of Mens Lib has been around since the 70s. We all want to be free of harmful and unnecessary gender stereotypes. r/menslib was a great subreddit.