- Comment on A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well. 10 months ago:
That was very nearly my exact same thought. Maybe not for curious children with carrot-sized fingers, but for adults, how convenient! Business competitor's body won't quite fit in your fancy frunk? Just while away on your phone for about 10 minutes, let the cat do its magic, and off go the legs! Travel-sized!
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
Middle-aged men would be in their 40s-50s. Not to diss my dead relatives too hard, but you're thinking of old fucks that would have any solid opinion on that. In a handful of years, the music middle aged men will be up in arms about is *NSYNC.
- Comment on Anon teaches a girl D&D 1 year ago:
You know what? It's d&d. They are now.
- Comment on Anyone else notice the fediverse is quite close knit? 1 year ago:
It's really a mix of both. More heavily the way the site has been for years because people love drama more than anything else. If you want the sweet serotonin of karma, you've gotta be simultaneously the funniest, meanest, and most jaded person in the room, and everyone is jockeying for that position.
It just breeds assholes by design. I've noticed my own behavior has changed, too, since leaving that place, although partially that's because I just didn't want to be like that anymore.
But it really has been noticeably affected since the protests. I was originally trying to stay for one single sub I was in, because they were the kindest, calmest community I'd met since back when forums were a thing.
Just the best group, for reasons none of us really understood and some of us kept trying to find psychological commonalities to explain. Truly 98% of them were people I'd chill with irl and I still know a few on discord. And also here. If you're reading this, hello!
But the migration away was enough to completely alter the atmosphere imo. A lot of the more conscientious users left for other pastures, leaving behind those that were more neutral or even openly hostile about the protests.
There began to be fights and insults thrown where before this, any aggression had been unusual. The posts took a turn that reflected that feeling and I really stopped bothering with the place after a few months. I'm still a bit sad about it and there are things that I miss, but there just wasn't enough to hold me anymore. It seemed to increasingly echo every other part of the site.
For the moment, this place is quieter but better. We still get dumb shit every now and then, but it's not to the same degree and hopefully never will be. As above, I blame the demographic. We've grouped all the people with stubborn morals into a little room and it turns out they have things in common. I do miss a couple people I used to see everywhere all the time when kbin first ramped up, but we run in different circles and they've gotten lost in the crowd.
And yes, btw, I am also going to name you one of my favorite users to see around. You seem as kind as you are prolific.
- Comment on A Skibirational message on Christmas 1 year ago:
This. This was the moment that I found out that the eldest of gen Alpha, the babies after the babies who can only be so young as to be entirely theoretical like they were when we collectively decided on the name, are thirteen now.
- Comment on Jolly Old Saint Schrödinger 1 year ago:
It is santa. You think my own parents would just lie to me for over 30 years!? To hand the credit to someone imaginary? Doesn't make a shred of sense.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on Plummeting interest rate 1 year ago:
11yr old me would have disagreed
- Comment on Webcam repairman 1 year ago:
Oh no, it's much funnier with about 10 years and 200 miles between me and that moment, I assure you.
- Comment on Webcam repairman 1 year ago:
The manager of that store was the same one who, to name just a few occasions:
Disregarded safety and climbed up the boxes herself when doing truck, resulting in a large container being dislodged from the top and landing directly on an employee's face, breaking his nose. She begged him not to tell, and he really should have. While I can't say that she 100% wouldn't have paid him off, he was also just really nice.
Made fun of another employee's weekly pay in front of all their coworkers. It was only in the double digits because they'd had the flu for weeks.
When a customer bought a candy bar, stood there in line and ate the entire thing, then immediately demanded a full refund because they "didn't like it," forced me to complete that refund because the customer is always right.
Calmed a different customer over the holiday rush by publicly and very loudly threatening to fire me. The complaint had been quite simply that I (quote) "wasn't smiling enough" and this must have ruined this person's entire holiday spirit. Unbeknownst to the customer but fully known to my boss, I had just cremated my brother two weeks ago. The PTSD from that year's rush is just barely starting to fade twelve years later.
In short, the manager of this particular store would do whatever action was the cruelest to others with the least amount of effort on her part, but then fall all over herself to brown nose A Customer.
No, I'm not aware she was made to pay for the door. She very likely would have been allowed to shop if she physically could have.
- Comment on Webcam repairman 1 year ago:
Not even solely relegated to old people, either, unless the fediverse thinks 30-40 is old. We had one woman come by our shit little dollar store about 20 minutes after we'd closed. So, long enough for us to start counting out, cleaning, etc., but not long enough to go home yet.
Noticed the door was locked. Noticed those of us not still busy were hanging out and chatting while we waited, surreptitiously watching this person. Visibly read the store hours. Tried the lock again.
Started prying open the door while we all stared in horror, ended up breaking it, then threw a whole fit to boot because we couldn't sell her anything with all the tills in the back room and we kept trying to kick her out for some reason.
She wasn't even high. She was just that entitled, because very often for suburban moms, the rules don't apply if you don't let them.
- Comment on Never stop, king 1 year ago:
Fable does this too. At least the third one. I'd married a beggar with the honest intention of lifting up one of my kingdom's most socially aware instead of settling for some brainless, peacocking noble, and all he did with his time on the throne was become a national embarrassment on the same old street corner.
So. Remembering the existence of this "Henry VIII" achievement that I'd thought I was never gonna bother getting. I took my beloved beggar-king down to the treasury, positioned him at the very top of the overflowing pile of gold he always seemed to forget we had, and shot him in the head. And then I started thinking about that achievement.
There were a lot of NPCs that really did bug me.
- Comment on when the insurance won't pay for the medicine you were prescribed 1 year ago:
- Comment on I'm now concerned about the billions I flushed in my teen years... 1 year ago:
Only people I like, which is none of them
- Comment on I'm now concerned about the billions I flushed in my teen years... 1 year ago:
Originally it was, but like with most propaganda people like this come up with, İ fail to see the problem. Imagine your parents giving you the chance to be born and grow up in actual Heaven, having never been at the mercy of...*gestures vaguely at everything*....and that's supposed to be bad parenting.
That's apparently the evil option. The good parenting option is the one with all the murder and starvation and the constant risk of sin and therefore hell. You're giving your child the opportunity to go to hell if you have it here, instead of just automatically sending it to heaven like you could.
*I* know what I want for my child.
- Comment on Nowhere is safe 1 year ago:
do any of these corpos ever think
- Comment on Nowhere is safe 1 year ago:
Almost never had the pleasure, but I believe one of the main tipoffs that you're dreaming is whatever text you're looking at will be illegible.
Though the more interesting screw up is there exists any CEO anywhere that honestly believes I'm not going to use this for porn.
- Comment on OpenAI Employees Say Firm's Chief Scientist Has Been Making Strange Spiritual Claims 1 year ago:
It was my understanding that this is just how science people act
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
Bedridden, trying not to attract the attention of the government as I slowly teleport my 99yr old fail body a couple inches at a time towards the bathroom instead of being able to get up and jog.
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
8 and 9.
I figure I can either make bank lending the anthropologists/archeologists a hand with an extinct language, or at least have a bunch of fun bringing it back to life as a personal hobby.
And really? No one's picking nine? Have any of you seen Albert Einstein's calves? He biked regularly, so he was fairly fit for his age. If it turns out I can outrun him now, that won't always be the case as my sedentary ass ages.
No matter how crap my skeleton becomes, I'm giving myself an automatic default level of movement that isn't all that shabby
- Comment on White AI faces judged human more often than actual human faces 1 year ago:
I am uncomfortable to say that I failed 3 of the human ones. In my defense, the guy on the bottom right has pointed teeth like Sweet Tooth
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Rewrite it for someone who doesn't drink.
- Comment on Maybe I need a new mattress 1 year ago:
Can't really offer you a depiction of muscle pain, but I was so confused by the last one I had to share it around. If the vet appointment I'd had that day hadn't been forcibly canceled, people would have thought I was being beat.
Like the other commenter said, I assure you, you are definitely going to enjoy the rest of your 30s
- Comment on Maybe I need a new mattress 1 year ago:
The mystery cut in the middle of my forehead has healed. My left shoulder seems to be in working order again. Before that it was the right one, which lingered for 2 days and did so loudly enough to dampen my mood for both of them.
Before that, I was bewildered to find the uncomfortably visible marks of a random handprint halfway up my forearm, and even more confused to see that the whole thing lined up perfectly with the fingers of my other hand. I had been gripping my own arm in my sleep hard enough to leave bruises.
Kind of excited to see what the next sleep injury is going to be.
- Comment on Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths 1 year ago:
How did I forget about that cloak!? I won that before reloading because I kept failing my attempts to steal all my money back. I didn't expect the prizes to be so addictive, I loved them.
My personal favorite was the boots that grant their wearer misty step, but leave all your other clothes in a pile at your starting point. Still kinda sad I couldn't win those again.
- Comment on Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths 1 year ago:
Up til now, we've had:
• The sudden realization that you can bathe and don't have to crunch around in weeks of dried gore
• The further realization that at least one npc mentions you stink and should probably do something about that
• Standing relatively close to a waterfall for a few minutes if you can find one, or perhaps walking through a really deep puddle. Don't bend down. Just walk.
• Sophisticated method — stealing a water bottle, throwing it really hard at the floor, and hoping the splashback is enough
After months of steady work, we can use the soap now, but you're going to have to give us a minute to get used to things before you start making other suggestions
- Comment on Sometimes i sit alone on a room, wondering if people know what words actually mean or have we ventured past the idea of strict language and we've finally embraced the fluidity of language... 1 year ago:
What if we took all the words and we put them in a book, and just stuck that book in every classroom. You think people would go for it? It would be massive and the educational system already lacks funding
- Comment on Wake up. 1 year ago:
Sorry you had to find out this way, but I never wanted kids
- Comment on AI in big budget games is inevitable, say dev vets from Assassin's Creed and Everquest 2: 'Developers hate it … the money is still going to drive absolutely everybody to do it' 1 year ago:
AI-generated maps and NPCs might be ok. Ditto fights, though there would have to be playtesters whose job it is to make sure the result is something winnable and acceptably fair.
The main issue there would be that there IS no continual certainty of that. You'd have to either be able to rerolled entire encounters — which would be jarring — or force the AI to DM what happens when you lose an impossible battle — far more rewarding, provided it doesn't keep doing it. But it may keep doing it. This would be impossible to ever test adequately. Every game on the market may be a Bethesda game.
I personally really don't think I'd enjoy something with a randomly generated cast/main story for the same reason I wouldn't be interested in owning one singular book whose writing changes every time you read it. I don't play to kill time; I play for the stories and I get attached like hell to the good ones. I replay them ad nauseam because I miss the characters.
I think it would be an intensely entertaining idea either as a New Game+ or for those games to have a wildcard setting that you could turn on and off. That way, there's no lack of devs who get to tell the tale they wanted and players can mix it up when they're bored. Otherwise, you've downgraded the job of the entire company to filling the AI in on background lore and nothing else.
Other aspects:
• for those that do get attached and wanna re-experience it, you'd need a way to save the information behind the game you just played. That file might be fairly gigantic?
• Would also lead to a weird market for other peoples' saves. The way modders already make quests, but for an entire plot.
• NPCs and party members that all look like randomized sims.
- Comment on Duolingo focusing on the important phrases to learn 1 year ago:
And then never discuss the weather or any emotion other than happy.
But then, I don't suppose the other feelings are even a necessity when you're drinking as much and as many types of alcohol as Duolingo seems to think Turkey, a highly regulated 98% muslim country, goes through on the daily.