- Comment on The US, for being the greatest pusher of capitalism around the world, has the most socialistic policies for its major sports leagues 2 weeks ago:
Professional athletes also have some of the strongest unions in the country, since they’re a small group of practically irreplaceable workers, and many of the league structures are the result of collective bargaining between played and owners.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favourite city builders? 9 months ago:
Timberborn! It’s a city builder about beavers, the primary conceit is that there are periodic droughts that can and will kill all your beavers if you haven’t saved enough water.
- Comment on A universal basic income to the ultra wealthy would be perceived by them as being given a couple pennies every month 10 months ago:
I guess so lmao
- Comment on A universal basic income to the ultra wealthy would be perceived by them as being given a couple pennies every month 10 months ago:
Where tf do you live that a banana is $10?
- Comment on Can't upvote or downvote, neither local server or fediverse 11 months ago:
It looks like you’ve marked your account as a bot account. Bot accounts aren’t allowed to vote to help combat vote manipulation–unflagging it as a bot should solve the problem.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Mlem, Voyager, and Boost all offer keyword filtering to my knowledge
- Comment on Today's date is impossible according to Google Gemini 1 year ago:
Just gonna leave this here
- Comment on Doing the important work 1 year ago:
Is this a common problem? I’ve almost never had a burrito fall apart on me unless it outright rips–I once made the mistake of ordering a burrito in Scotland, and that was pretty formless, but it was also less a burrito and more an embarrassment hiding under an ill-fitting tortilla.
- Comment on Locking myself out of the Ghost achievement in Dishonored, I might have made the game more enjoyable to me by accident 1 year ago:
I really appreciate how FromSoft does achievements–theirs are the only games I ever really go for the 100%, since that usually entails simply playing and mastering all the content that they have prepared. Achievements like “beat the whole game under x arbitrary condition” or “get this super specific scenario to happen” just aren’t that interesting to me, but “beat every boss, collect every important item, visit every area” I find very satisfying.
- Comment on Choose A or B 1 year ago:
Also balding
- Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
Finally got around to starting Sekiro a month ago and 100+ hours and five runs later I’m wondering why I waited so long
- Comment on Works on my machine 1 year ago:
doesn’t understand that this is a useful first step in debugging reacts to standard dev proceedings with anger
Manager detected
- Comment on I am God's greatest programmer 1 year ago:
In my experience refactoring lots and lots of crappy code left by devs long gone, a dev who can write useful comments is by and large a dev who can write code clean and simple enough not to need them. If the code doesn’t have informative names and clear separation of concern, chances are a comment won’t help because the dev didn’t really know what they did that worked in the first place.