- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
Asking someone their country of residence is privacy intruding? Lol
I am from Germany
If you were really from Germany, you’d never have given that much personal information up voluntarily!
- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
It will happen, probably in weeks to months.
in the next few years, like, very few
Now who’s moving the goalposts…?
- Comment on Client did not pay? 1 year ago:
While at the same time closing all PRs indiscriminately, even the ones that are just trying to update the repo from its decades old JavaScript syntax (and get support in the comments)
- Comment on It's that time of the year again! 1 year ago:
Here in Germany everyone I know pronounces the letters individually – as German letters that is, which means the Q is pronounced “coo” rather than “cue”. I don’t mind it, it’s not quite as clunky as in English.
I do say sequel when speaking English though.
- Comment on Wrf is wrong with UK? 1 year ago:
Like when Covid lockdowns were causing shortages and every right winger said “this is what life under socialism would look like” without a hint of irony
- Comment on They tried 1 year ago:
There is an organization called nyob (I think) pushing back against that and going through the courts to have more sites penalized for their violations. The process is slow, but I see more and more pages adopting the required “reject all” so there seems to be some pressure on them.
- Comment on would would the average skin tone and facial features after 300 years? 1 year ago:
Some people use “race” to mean that, but the word you’d be looking for is ethnicity.