- Comment on billions and billions. 10 months ago:
While people shouldn’t be shunned for being fat, it is always unhealthy. Stupid myths about HAES also cause a lot of harm and even death
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Ah that’s fair, I think I might’ve been injected other related conversations I’ve seen into this one. My bad!
- Comment on 1.1 History 1 year ago:
Isn’t MOND largely discounted by the results we’ve gotten from JWST so far?
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
I honestly I’m surprised how much of a problem this is for people. All I’ve done is made sure to hit the “not interested” type buttons on YouTube and tiktok whenever they pop up, and I’ve run into next to nothing after like 3 times of doing that. Sometimes I’ll watch something the algorithm thinks is adjacent to ragebait or alt-right bullshit so it’ll try to feed it to me, and after not-interested’ing the video it goes back to feeding me the stuff I actually want…
Do people just not use those features or is my experience with the algorithms really that different?
- Comment on aLiEnS!!1 1 year ago:
Lowe’s definitely made lots of USD getting the pharaohs to think the pyramids were a good idea
- Comment on Can't we just talk about it without the maths? Guys? 1 year ago:
Agreed, the big issue with their argument here is that “god” implies sentience, which isn’t something we have any reason to assume exists for whatever at the “stop somewhere” point. If energy was the starting point for example, I doubt these people would be down with calling heat a god
- Comment on Yes, We Have Free Will. No, We Absolutely Do Not 1 year ago:
Sure, if you rewinded time and replayed it, I would always make that decision, and so would the stone wash down the river, but the human had a meaningful perception of free will.
Perception of free will and actual free will are not the same. It feels like you understand this by the part of your comment I just quoted, but are trying to redefine them as the same in order to rationalize why you still think free will exists
- Comment on The real double-slit quantum eraser they don't want you to know about! 1 year ago:
sigh bud if you’re not good at picking up context clues then I can’t help you. This conversation is going nowhere so I’m gonna stop responding
- Comment on The real double-slit quantum eraser they don't want you to know about! 1 year ago:
It’s a preeeeeetty clear joke reference to the use of “observe” for the behavior changing if the photons are measured/interacted with
- Comment on The real double-slit quantum eraser they don't want you to know about! 1 year ago:
The original meme is definitely correct, idk why so many people were having conniption fits over it. In the double slit experiment’s simplest form, not measuring the photons leads to the wave interaction pattern and measuring the photons leads to the two bars as you’d expect from particles.
- Comment on Monitor Alignment Alignment Chart 1 year ago:
Neutral good originally, but I find lawful evil to be faaaaarrr better. Tilting my head up or down for extended periods feels a lot better than turning left or right