- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 9 months ago:
I don't know if you're from the states but if you are purchasing mega millions or Powerball tickets, they stop sales at about 6:45 p.m. Pacific time and then do the drawing sometime after 7:00 of the same day.
- Comment on Pills (Take Two) 9 months ago:
I would take the +3 charm and groundhog Day for a year. It would be really awesome to have 3 charm instead of 0, and if I could repeat Tuesday for an entire year then I could learn skills and practice things and read a bunch of books and memorize and establish a plan to purchase a winning lottery ticket, not excessive but maybe like the mega millions I don't know, and come out of the year into Wednesday with nine figures in my bank account and a clear plan of action.
- Comment on Humanity and AI, a match made in the 9th circle of hell 9 months ago:
One of the features of hell is that it plainly shows you how it can get worse but never shows you how it could get better.
- Comment on Is Your Phone Listening to You? | NOVA 9 months ago:
You are right, but it is very simple for phones to convert spoken word to text and sending text information back and forth is very lightweight on data usage. So it's not happening, but it could happen.
- Comment on Comcast Unveils Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle 9 months ago:
The sad thing is it'll probably start with infinite anime. There are so many currently existing manga that could be quickly and easily adapted to a full anime given the proper AI backing that it could take you years just to catch up.
Our great grandkids will probably be watching Spotify remixes of aitv shows recommended to them by influencers paid for by micro10gapplesoft
- Comment on Comcast Unveils Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle 9 months ago:
Thanks to streaming we don't spend quite as much time thinking about the media we consume and the deeper meanings and subtext and generating internal fanfictions about what could possibly be coming up in the next episode a week from now.
Streaming makes media easier to consume but fills it with culturally empty calories.
The grand majority of conversation I see about a show is, "Have you seen _? No? You should totally watch _, it's really good!" Or alternatively, "Yeah, it's great isn't it?"
Since Netflix came out we've definitely taken one step down the ladder rung closer to Idiocracy ass movies.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Probably bandwidth. You download a game or five and then you're good for a few weeks, whereas if you are streaming media you could run through several gigabytes a day of data per customer in perpetuity.
Obviously, with streaming media there is a continuously refreshing pool of money to cover those costs as compared to games being a one-time purchase, but even with that it would still take quite a while to expend the entire revenue of the purchased game in download expenses and storage overhead.
- Comment on I’d like to build a ducting system to actively push air from one room to another. Is that a thing? 9 months ago:
I tested the idea with a small blower fan. Well I say small but it's a decent sized and can move a lot of air.
I put it at the base of the stairs and by itself it caused the air temperatures to normalize between the bottom floor and the middle floor.
But it's also super power hungry and I don't want to burn 300 watts of power an hour 24/7 to normalize the Air temps.
There is a central wall that goes from the top to the bottom in the middle of the dome and I believe there is a pocket that I can utilize to hide the ducting.
I guess when I finally execute on the plan I'll take some pictures and show off my handiwork.
- Comment on I’d like to build a ducting system to actively push air from one room to another. Is that a thing? 9 months ago:
I've been thinking about building a similar system for my home.
I live in a geodesic home and the main floor is almost always at a comfortable temperature but the basement floor is always cold.
Thinking about purchasing some vent booster registers and wiring them in with some ducting in one of the walls to suck the cold air out of the basement and push it up into the main floor or possibly all the way up to the top floor.
I checked AliExpress and there were some sellers there who had what I was looking for in the 40 to $80 range, but I imagine the main cost is going to be dropping 10 to 20 ft of ducting through the walls.
I don't think that one of them by itself will completely solve the problem but I feel like since it would be sucking the coldest air in the entire house and mixing it in with the hottest air in the entire house that it would at least help ameliorate the issues.
- Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months ago:
Reminder that the people most affected by this would be the kind of people who can afford a $100,000 vehicle.
And the stingiest people on the planet are the rich.
I don't think it would be too crazy to rely on that to help draft pro consumer legislation.
- Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months ago:
Maybe we should write an open letter to our senators and congressman and request that they draft legislation to make it illegal for hardware vendors to software lock hardware capabilities behind a paywall.
If I buy a $100,000 vehicle I shouldn't have to pay 50 60 80 100 $200 a month to utilize the features that are built into the physical hardware of the vehicle I have purchased.
I can understand a fee for internet access or for premium radio subscriptions or something but not to use the heated seats and battery life that is physically built into the vehicle I purchased.
- Comment on Your body is completely dark except for the 1 molecule outside layer that light hits. 9 months ago:
Human beings are bioluminescent.
We glow so faintly that we can't see each other in the dark but we can be picked up in the dark by sensitive enough equipment.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
How are you going to make any money then?
Answer: paywall their fucking site.
I'm paying for Internet access. If they don't block their site it's free game.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
Yeah they're following the IBM playbook of being the operating system that businesses run.
I just wish they would take a hint and release a paid version that has none of the ads, none of the bloatware, and none of the bullshit.
I feel confident that I could pay them just as much money as they would ever earn from mining my data and annoying the ever-loving fuck out of me and I would be happier about that.
But since they won't do that fortunately there's things like Atlas OS.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
"Come take care of big poppa penguin, baby bird"
- Comment on Make straight lines straight again! 10 months ago:
Did you get your hypercube new in the store?
Lucky! I found mine on the side of the road and I had to stuff all the strings back into it. Took me ages!
Then I got like this dinosaur infestation I had to wipe them out with a fucking meteorite, and now I'm pretty sure I've got humans and I don't know what to do anymore.
- Comment on They say the opposite of pro is con right? 10 months ago:
Since the actual opposite of con is free, it would be restitution.
Give back what you stole, white people! Lol
- Comment on If Start menu ads in Windows 11 aren't bad enough, something worse might be on the horizon 10 months ago:
Yep. It's my goal to be as unprofitable a citizen for our corporate overlords as possible.
I want them to lose money by doing business with me.
I want them to go bankrupt so that their future replacements can learn from their mistakes and not repeat them.
If they choose to be user hostile, I'll match their energy and multiply it. Fuck em.
- Comment on Pick! 10 months ago:
You could also put on one man bukkake shows
- Comment on Taylor Swift needs a glass of water at night too 10 months ago:
I don't care if you're on or off the Taylor Swift hate train, but this is freaking funny.
- Comment on Giving someone oral is the most intimate thing you can do for someone. (IMO) 10 months ago:
There's something incredibly invigorating about using a blend of Listerine and hot sauce as lube
- Comment on [Retro Dodo]Google is killing Retro Dodo and Other Independent Sites 10 months ago:
Everything turns to shit whenever a metric becomes a goal, and multiply that by Infinity whenever that goal involves making money.
Ads are the worst thing about the internet. There's not an option to escape them under any circumstances and when you use things like adblock people crawl out of the woodwork to tell you how you're stealing money from people.
I'm sorry, I'm paying for the service of accessing the internet. How I do so should be my decision and not somebody else's under any circumstances, so long as I am not breaking the law.
- Comment on Some of the Most Popular Websites Share Your Data With Over 1,500 Companies 11 months ago:
I'm not paying 5 cents to read an article unless I know in writing that 4.95 of them are going to the human person who wrote it.
They get multimillions of hits a day on a mere dozens of articles. Economy of scale works both ways.
What they should do is offer a tier system through your internet provider. $10/$20/$50 a month and you get access to tiers of services without ads or tracking other than tracking that you used the site.
- Comment on Noob having fun with Self-Hosting story 11 months ago:
I'm in a similar boat, maybe a few steps further down the line than you but not that far.
Something that is really fun is getting a dynamic DNS set up with duckdns, and then put a certificate on it from certbot and then give all of your containers and self-hosted servers am SSL certificate and name using nginx reverse proxy.
If you do that and your Wi-Fi router has a VPN option then you can easily get rid of all of the certificate errors on your locally hosted stuff and navigate directly to them with a name rather than typing in IP addresses.
For me this was daunting but once I actually got it up and running it all made sense.
- Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours - HouseFresh 1 year ago:
Too bad the Mozilla foundation didn't pivot to that instead of whatever the hell they're doing with AI
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
And I could see the forest a whole lot better if all these trees weren't in the way.
It's not that one person is doing it it's that everyone is doing it.
The only way to stop everyone from doing it is to stop everyone from doing it.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
Some people prefer to not have their every action watched and observed by some anonymous Big brother.
The people who do not get that are the people who profit from the watching, and the people that are, best case, inconsiderate of the desires and feelings of other people.
It is not normal nor is it natural to claim ownership of other people's activity.
It is normal and natural to wish to exist without being observed. Privacy is a fundamental human right and companies are taking advantage of the fact that it is not legally enforced.
Hopefully the laws will catch up and make it so that each and every individual opportunity to directly observe a person must be explicitly approved beforehand with a set time limit on the observation, and that all telemetry must be made publically available and transparent, not only during the original acquisition of data but also in each and every single usage of that data after the fact.
It is only fair after all that should accompany wish to observe you that they must also be equally observed.
- Comment on There are two kinds of people on earth: peope who are stupid and people who know they are stupid. What kind are you? 1 year ago:
Apparently it's compared to the all powerful God brain in orbit around Saturn.
- Comment on When Pi-hole is down? 1 year ago:
I read 15 different sites about DNS and not a one of them claimed anything like this. They universally all stated that your network attached devices would use the 1st one unless it didn't respond and only use the 2nd one if the 1st one did not.
So once again, I ask "Can you send me some more information on this" and not just claim it without any backup information?
I apologize if I am coming off rude, just my BS meter is getting close to the red zone and I would really appreciate some reliable evidence.
- Comment on When Pi-hole is down? 1 year ago:
Yeah, looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
The second ipv4 DNS address is for redundancy and every network connected system will use the first one as long as it responds.
It's perfectly fine to have a single pihole and use something like quad9 as a failover in the unlikely event that your pihole goes down unexpectedly.