- Comment on DID YOU AFFIRM?.. 3 months ago:
Ask again later
- Comment on It's the spherical chicken of legend! Somebody get the frictionless vacuum! 4 months ago:
Borb (not mine)
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 4 months ago:
You could use something like a dsub connector with larger current carrying pins (more expensive) or a more regular connector (e.g. 15 pin dsub) with multiple pins for supply/high current.
Regular rectangular headers can handle anywhere from 1-5A so you might be able to get away with a 2x4 rectangular header (maybe a few more pins in parallel for everything just for insurance)
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 4 months ago:
You could use XT60 connectors and connect together the ground pins
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
There is a small vocal minority that essentially equates anyone who keeps eating meat regardless of circumstances, preference or nuance. Honestly a large amount of people would take a vegan option if it tasted the same, had the same texture, was as cheap or cheaper than meat, was as accessible, and didn’t require learning a new skill set. There’s also the availability when eating out.
Antagonizing people like that is a good way to have them disagree out of spite, and the militant vegans always have a way of inserting themselves into every conversation. I had to block people on lemmy because I just didnt want to deal with that here.
Unfortunately a vegan who is a good person isn’t alwayd out there proselytizing at every chance they get in a non intrusive manner, so people rarely if ever see vegans who are reasonable people relative to vegan extremists.
- Comment on That's a big burger 5 months ago:
- Comment on Faux Wood Grain using MMU! 6 months ago:
Do you think printing without purge would make it look better? Or would it just blend into an medium brown
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
A lot of them don’t know the difference between ab, abp ublock and ublock origin
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
Cancer is a prime example of op message
- Comment on He really wants to kill that platform lol 6 months ago:
Its not super hard, but the main hurdle will by bypassing whatever api limits there are such as by using multiple accounts
Certain libraries like praw still work to some extent (my discord bot is still running somehow) but trying to scrape all of the posts in a sub might have to be done slowly. You might be able to sort by old so that the results dont move relative to the page and then go page by page.
- Comment on I'd rather be doing anything else, which is why I'm here, doing nothing 6 months ago:
What did de lima ever do to you
- Comment on “Immensely disappointing”: Nike killing app for $350 self-tying sneakers 7 months ago:
- Comment on Minecraft Is Being Ported To Dreamcast And GameCube | Time Extension 8 months ago:
Not from microsoft but rather from nintendo. Same reason portal 64 got axed - the library he used had nintendo proprietary stuff but valve was apprehensive about being sued even if he used an open source library to replace it and didnt use any nintendo software or branding
- Comment on Minecraft Is Being Ported To Dreamcast And GameCube | Time Extension 8 months ago:
Inb4 cease and desist
- Comment on What are diabetic test strips made of? 8 months ago:
I’m just imagining the nutrition facts section for that bottle of test strips
- Comment on will i damage my car electrical system with a 24v solar panel 8 months ago:
A car output is going to be ~12-14Vdc and the solar panel at 24V. You do not want to connect those two together. Ideally you have some kind of switch that connects the input to the bluetti only to the solar panel or only to the car outlet, and to the car output only if it is present. You can probably use a contactor or a heavy duty relay that is 12V and connect the NC contact to the panels, NO to the car, and COM to the bluetti. Add a capacitor to dampen spikes whenever the system switches and connect the grounds together. A bjt jank, and also have to check the relay ratings / coil power usage
- Comment on will i damage my car electrical system with a 24v solar panel 8 months ago:
An inverter is DC to AC. What he needs is DC to DC if anything. It should also not be put in parallel with the output of either type of converter because they can be backdriven and AC+solar panel does not sound like a good combo
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
People have gone to jail without rape kits being used based entirely on circumstantial evidence (e.g. “you were in the area around the time it happened”). While I would wish the justice system in every country were 100% accurate, it is far too common for the wrong person to be incarcerated to just sentence people to death.
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
What about in the case of a false accusation of rape or when the wrong person (i.e. not the person who committed the crime but a different person) is inevitably tried and found guilty
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
Hm so a false accusation leading to a the lynching of an innocent man is completely ok though. They’re not human, right?
- Comment on Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail? 9 months ago:
You made a stupid post asking “why don’t we do this: if people do X then we should do Y.” People don’t support Y and you then say they must then support people who do X? You are putting words in people’s mouths an they don’t like that. You are also advocating for harm against people who may be innocent or are also human.
Ever heard of Emmett Till? He a black boy who was accused of whistling at a white woman in 1955 and was lynched, tortured and killed for it. He didn’t do it, and the woman much later admitted she lied about it. Yet nothing has happened to her and his murderers were acquitted
- Comment on Heart Shaped Container FreeCAD Tutorial 9 months ago:
Mainline freecad always annoyed me because it has messages that pop up and really frustrated me to no end
The realthunder fork suppresses a lot of the popups which made it a lot less annoying to work with
- Comment on We keep measuring everything's value with something that continuously loses value over time 9 months ago:
In general, there’s pros and cons to both. Iirc inflation is considered to be a bit better than deflation because deflation is linked to economic crisis, high unemployment, low productivity, and low sales. Inflation isn’t much better but having a very small amount of inflation is more manageable and has some benefits.
- Comment on Confused Reddit Users After Coming to Lemmy (Apparently) 10 months ago:
There’s an RFC for (per post?) tags but not sure what ever happened to that
- Comment on What's the vaporization temperature of mouse urine? 10 months ago:
You might be able to soak it in some kind of water/soap or isopropyl bath and then dry it. If it has electronics it might not be doable without taking things apart
- Comment on What's the vaporization temperature of mouse urine? 10 months ago:
Definitely higher than the softening point of the plastic. What kind of parts? Car, residential appliance, etc?
- Comment on Isopods 11 months ago:
P. pruinosus could be defined as a macroconcentrator of Cd, Zn, and Cu (BAF > 2) and as a deconcentrator of Pb (BAF < 1).
Since isopods are food source of vertebrate and invertebrate predators, one threat is the transfer and potential accumulation of these contaminants at higher trophic levels. In a regional assessment of the Greater Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan area, Pouyat et al. (2015b) found a positive correlation between lead concentration of soil, isopod body, and blood of American robin (Turdusmigratorius Linnaeus, 1766) nestlings from the same residential yards.
One way is just by keeping the heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Zn, Cd, etc) in their body. Any heavy metals they uptake will remain in their body, and while they’re alive they create more isopods to uptake more metal. But, if they get eaten it can accumulate in other animals or if they die it just returns to the soil. They’re also useful as indicators of soil contamination.
- Comment on Emergency response 11 months ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to animemes@ani.social | 0 comments
- Comment on Whitespace 1 year ago:
stackoverflow.com/…/how-can-i-give-different-colo… might get you closer?