- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
yeah, but it’s dialogue, when what you’re saying is met with disagreement you stop talking, though in many cases it’s misunderstanding, people not getting the joke or what I want to convey (not native English speaker here BTW), generally i find people here more ideology-driven and rarely getting the jokes, than on reddit, it was more loose back there (mandatory fuck spez obvs)
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
of course, i posted this as a joke (like thanks Obama), i really doubt his review had anything to do with the company going bankrupt, but seeing the downvotes i’ll really think twice before commenting
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
It’s Fiskars
- Comment on Can you un-smart a smart tv? 11 months ago:
…just never connect it to the internet i guess? you have cable or aerial, right?
- Comment on Will Plants Ever Fertilize Themselves? 1 year ago:
fertilize, not pollinate
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
Test, you have a point here
- Comment on AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’ 1 year ago:
So like almost all AI renditions in pop culture, the only way to stop wars is to exterminate people
- Comment on My jaw hit the floor when I watched an AI master one of the world's toughest physical games in just six hours 1 year ago:
You don’t need AI to do that, seriously, such a buzzword where a relatively simple algorithm would suffice, don’t tell me it’s harder than double pendulums or those ball bouncing contraptions tech students make since a decade or more
- Comment on What's stopping you from coding like this ? 1 year ago:
I’d say visibility is kinda poor
- Comment on Can't even buy chicken in peace 1 year ago:
well, if you eat that shit the ads and tracking on their site should be the least of your worries
- Comment on Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge 1 year ago:
I’m not saying an event like that didn’t happen, but as far as we know a single event is blown out of proportions by Fox, it’s reported out of the context all over the world, giving people the feeling it’s a common occurrence
- Comment on Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge 1 year ago:
I’ve been seeing this surfacing a lot lately, two curious things:
- Fox - right wing, republican and conservative media known for being against global warming, renewables and electric cars
- Only happening in Chicago, people in other regions with the similar conditions report no such issues
- Comment on Proton Mail says that the new Outlook app for Windows is Microsoft's new data collection service 1 year ago:
Of course it is, it doesn’t support pop3, only IMAP through their server