It's a duck blur!
Gopher: gopher://
- Comment on Best Beige P/S2 keyboard and mouse for retro gaming build? 2 weeks ago:
I’ll recommend some modern keyboards that are suitable for your retrokit - I’m a big fan of Unicomp keyboards myself, though they do not do N-key rollover, if that is something important to you. Their lighter shade (they call it ‘white’) is more of a grey than a beige.
You may also consider USB keyboards that can handle P/S2 protocol with use of an adapter (not all of them can do this very well). I have a WASD keyboard for my modern PC that I sometimes also use with my older machines. I would recommend them, but they appear to be out of business.
- Comment on Sweet barn find 2 months ago:
This is an old article. I believe the original seller already depleted their stock. There’s a lot of good components in them for tinkerers and some folks still have interest in recreating the original services. I bought one while they were still being sold cheap, the things really were just like brand new
- Comment on What are people using to host blogs on SDF? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Two men exonerated after 30 years in prison by retrocomputing enthusiasts and the Bloop Museum, by extracting data from a damaged floppy disc. 1 year ago:
He wasn’t imprisoned for 30+ years. He got 7 years and was out after 5. He was, in his own words, ‘locked up in [his mind]’ for 30+ years.