- Comment on What's next after Pentiment? 2 months ago:
I’ll second Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Absolutely bursting with fun historical knowledge to give context to not only its world but ours. I will admit it’s a bit janky at times, and mention that the sequel is coming out in the first quarter of this year I believe.
- Comment on Wildlife Photography 5 months ago:
Man, that gorilla needs to work on his stance. He’s swinging like an schoolgirl.
- Comment on Day 24 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
I just imagine the most emaciated wastelander actively bleeding out and barely limping along but stopping to just, like, take in the awe of the moment, man.
- Comment on The American dream is over: Why some first-generation Gen Zers are moving abroad 7 months ago:
This is the stance my wife and I are taking lately. I’m native too, so dammit, I was born in this beautiful land, and I’ll not let some fucking uneducated Christian rednecks force me to leave.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
They’re being paid minimum wage. It’s not a great job.
- Comment on Mildred 8 months ago:
Thought Slime goes by Mildred…
- Comment on trending on facebook 8 months ago:
Fun fact: Redbox is operated by Chicken Soup for the Soul. I almost got hired by them but they screwed me over after I had already resigned from my previous position.
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
The power dynamic is ever present. Can a person detained by a law enforcement officer consent to sex with that officer?
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
This game, appropriately, is where I learned there was such a thing as uppers and downers.
- Comment on Then he redemptioned all over john 9 months ago:
He red all over my dead til I redemption
- Comment on stinging nettle 9 months ago:
Stinging nettle -> singing nettle
- Comment on [|(-,) 9 months ago:
Okay, why is nobody else asking why this is an image of a monitor?
- Comment on I made a 3D printed mechanical digital clock 9 months ago:
Apparently similarly mechanically powered displays involving cams to actuate number segments were pretty popular back in the day. Here’s a YouTube video I came across one day a while back about one: youtu.be/TANe2d0VTGQ?si=unBJmfzs6A_7PWkM
- Comment on How do you do, fellow kids? 10 months ago:
The scoring system for my upcoming first-person shooter
- Comment on Humane AI Pin review: not even close 10 months ago:
They’ve been over-promising on this product for more than ten years now. I remember watching promotional videos no later than 2013 for this exact product under the same Humane name. It’s honestly kind of impressive that they kept their over-promising in lock-step with the progression of technology.
- Comment on A face only a mother could love 11 months ago:
Looks like a terrier of some kind to me
- Comment on Malaysian convenience store owner charged over 'Allah socks' 11 months ago:
The name of the charge is pretty telling. I was a child the last time I was went to timeout for hurting someone’s feelings, but apparently you can be convicted for “wounding the religious feelings of others” in Malaysia.
- Comment on Texas grid paid firm to stop mining crypto during heatwave 1 year ago:
Makes sense to me, just sounds like the crypto company is holding the state’s power grid hostage
- Comment on [HN] Bombe: Minesweeper, but you only solve each situation once 1 year ago:
This is my new favorite puzzle game. I stayed up way too long last night writing esoteric rules that I know I’ll have no idea how to read when I come back to play again. So I’ll have to wipe my rulebook and start over. But it’s okay because I know my rules will only be more and more optimized as I figure out more and more methods.