- Comment on Have win7 laptop. What to play on it? 9 months ago:
I get the feeling you’re just being contrarian on purpose now. Most, if not all games released on win 7 will still run on win 7 now, and will continue doing so forever, period. That’s exactly why OP is asking for cool games from that era.
- Comment on Have win7 laptop. What to play on it? 9 months ago:
Actually the opposite is true. I don’t know of a single game where the devs patched out something so it stops working on the OS it released on.
- Comment on Have win7 laptop. What to play on it? 9 months ago:
Well, things used to run on MS DOS, so Win 7 really isn’t an issue.
- Comment on Have win7 laptop. What to play on it? 9 months ago:
Have you really never heard of GOG? It’s an awesome platform. They allow you to actually buy games so you can 100% own them drm free. No Steam or whatever other game launcher is needed. Also they specialize in older games, so it’s perfect for this use case.
- Comment on Reflections on Xenoblade Chronicles 10 months ago:
Good writeup. I’m a huge fan of Xenogears and actually have a playthrough going that I pick up when I feel nostalgic (that and legend of the dragoon). Everything after that in the series couldn’t live up to that quality IMO. A big reason for this is the combat system. Nothing beats turn based combat and I’ll die on that hill.
- Comment on Video chat options? 11 months ago:
I use Jami for video chat
- Comment on Films and shows which tell the story of how they themselves were produced 1 year ago:
Didn’t Stargate have a show inside the show called Wormhole Extreme or something like that? And Peter DeLuise who directed Stargate was the director on the fake show as well.
- Comment on How do yall go about meeting new people while still maintaining a decent level of privacy? 1 year ago:
Not wanting to use apps that are profiling you and your devices isn’t a high level of privacy or being extreme though. It’s just being a normal person.
- Comment on What software do you use to edit markdown? 1 year ago:
QOwnNotes, because I can’t deal with electron
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Latest release has a desktop app:
- Comment on [HN] Dino – Modern XMPP Chat Client using GTK+/Vala 1 year ago:
I tried it out about a year ago, but Gajim was just light years ahead. Any reason to try it out now?
- Comment on Google DRM / WEI 1 year ago:
Is it a privacy issue tho? It’s dangerous to the freedom of the internet and an ethical dilemma. But how does it increase tracking potential?
- Comment on The TSA will use facial recognition in over 400 airports 1 year ago:
I just rewatched Minority Report a couple weeks ago for some reason. There was this scene where Tom Cruise had to get a new set of eyes because he got automatically identified everywhere. Everyone in the movie were constantly bombarded with personalized ads everywhere they went… That movie is over 20 years old and they knew exactly what was coming. Fucking scary shit…