Retired. Ex-LabRat, Ex-digger(AUS) and 23 yrs in Defence (ITC). Writing to become an author. Interested in Lit, Martial Arts, Philosophy of mind, Metaphysics, and all ‘big’ questions (and auspol, of course)
The banner reads Democracy not Monarchy and the avatar roundel is a graphical representation of the things I can control.
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- Comment on Grace Tame wears anti-Murdoch shirt to prime minister’s Australian of the Year morning tea 3 weeks ago:
I love Grace. What Courageous individual. - Comment on News Corp’s fossil fuel advertising dressed as news should be illegal 2 months ago:
Bye… - Comment on News Corp’s fossil fuel advertising dressed as news should be illegal 2 months ago:
You sound very angry. The first question you need to ask yourself is : What it the truth? And whether a journalist's opinion or perspective is - just as your toot is - truth or not. In fact, our own personal truths are a collage of what we have accepted as truth based on our experience and that of others we trust for one reason or another - nothing more.So your truth may very well be someone else's lie. What makes you, or anyone else, judge and jury? It might all boil down to the majority view in which case we're talking about the tyranny of the majority - is that kind of world you desire? Where would you draw the line on what is legal or not? And on what basis would you make that decision? Nothing is black & white.
I think we should stop the thread here and agree to disagree my friend.
- Comment on News Corp’s fossil fuel advertising dressed as news should be illegal 2 months ago:
It cannot be made illegal, nor should it. What ought to occur is for a ‘universal’ education system to teach all kids (because we no longer go to school ourselves) how to spot dis-misinformation and uncover the ‘agenda’ behind them with ‘clear thinking’ skills (Foremost amongst other skills) IMHO.As with any issue of survival, the application of effective skills are worthy solutions to the problems we face.
- Comment on James Webb Space Telescope Finds Stunning Evidence for Alternate Theory of Gravity - The Debrief 2 months ago:
MOND refuses to go away and is still a valid hypothesis not to be dismissed. - Comment on Grill’d faces Australia's ‘first-ever' fast food strike over low-pay, 'unfair' conditions claims 3 months ago:
Bugger… my favourite burger joint (for its vegie options)…