- Comment on Orange Fever 1 week ago:
They’re not immune - they often can outrun it for a good while, but reality will always win in the end. Just ask those Trumpers who are losing their jobs, no longer able to afford eggs, died from COVID, etc.
Unfortunately, their personal reality distortion fields magnify one another’s power, thus cumulatively becoming become strong enough to still screw over those wise enough to eschew them.
- Comment on They better study this subject cause there is a test coming up. 2 weeks ago:
Well, I mean… who hasn’t jerked off to a badass like Ripley?
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 2 weeks ago:
You’re never a loser if you never admit you’re wrong - no matter how high the evidence piles up just keep faking it 'till you make it, or until it doesn’t matter anymore.
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 2 weeks ago:
“blinkers” = “blinders”’ I presume?
- Comment on Twinkle Tush 5 weeks ago:
I’m NOT cleaning the inevitable mess when shit gets stuck to that, and gets deposited back all over their rear end (and everywhere they go) as this “fashion accessory” bounces around.
- Comment on Biden White House to go all out in final, sweeping cybersecurity order 1 month ago:
In response to “will Trump will it back?”
According to Daniel, “most of those people would look at it and say, ‘Okay, we may not be excited about it, but why roll it back? Because most of what it tries to do is pretty nonpartisan or bipartisan. And if you roll it back, then you’re leaving yourself open to, ‘so why did you get rid of it?”‘
Because logic and Trumpian Republicans mix even less well than oil and water. They also tend to have severe cases of “not invented here” syndrome.
- Comment on Microsoft: Happy 2025. Here’s 161 Security Updates – Krebs on Security 1 month ago:
Rapid7‘s Adam Barnett says January marks the fourth consecutive month where Microsoft has published zero-day vulnerabilities on Patch Tuesday without evaluating any of them as critical severity at time of publication. Today also saw the publication of nine critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.
^(Emphasis mine.)^
Man, I hope this doesn’t mean they’re trying to avoid looking bad by not publicizing severe issues. This is not an area where politics should prevail.
- Comment on Russia PM meets Vietnam president, seeking deeper ties 1 month ago:
“Deeper ties,” or simply more cannon fodder for the front lines?
- Comment on The Law That Disarmed Trump Is Unfair, Illogical, and Constitutionally Dubious 1 month ago:
Funny how this suddenly becomes a problem worth writing about when it affects Trump. It been an issue for decades, but not enough to change it. I have my suspicions as to why, but I’ll leave that as a thought exercise for the reader because I don’t feel like getting into it.
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 2 months ago:
Required for what logical, and good reason?!? It’s irrational power trips, no matter how you slice it. Period. The end.
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 2 months ago:
Sorry, it’s still BS to complain about the material a pair of pants is made from. I could see if they had vulgarities printed all over them, or were otherwise somehow a significant distraction, but they were just a pair of pants like any other. The idea that the material used for a pair of jeans somehow makes them any less decent than any similar pair of khakis (for example) is just fucking absurd.
- Comment on PeerTube has launched a limited mobile app for iOS & Android. 2 months ago:
Did a quick check, and there are already a handful of (non-official) apps on F-Droid supporting PeerTube. Not much of a video watcher myself, so I’ve no comment on their quality, but the Android options are already there.
- Comment on FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat 2 months ago:
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
The fact they still haven’t been caught despite all the attention this has gotten so far tells me the shooter knew what they were getting into & was prepared for it. Legally speaking, I think that eliminates a “temporary insanity” defense, but I don’t think it should. Someone despondent over losing a dearly loved one due to the completely arbitrary, cynical, and sometimes outright ghastly “healthcare” system we live under refusing to provide the service they were paid for seems like something that would lead to a temporary insanity that just lasts a very long time.
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 months ago:
I believe in miracles Since you came along You sexy thing
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 months ago:
Yeah, he was well known for spreading STDs across the galaxy - including crabs.
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 3 months ago:
We will call it a planet if we plan it.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
Yeah, the Google Minis are hit or miss for us a lot, too. I don’t generally have the keyword activation switched on with my phone, but was going to activate it if need be for this. I’ve got a Bluetooth headset with very good background noise cancellation (according to those I’ve spoken to on the phone), so I’m hoping/assuming that will help it understand me more reliably, and that Assistant activation via its button will obviate the need for activating keyword activation.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
Replying to my own post in case anyone’s following this (still too new to Lemmy to know if that’s a thing - guess I’ll look into it after this).
Apparently, Moto may be working on something that fills this need. The promo video in this article only demonstrates things I think Google Assistant might already be capable of (or maybe slightly more), but the article states what they’re working on involves using apps on your phone to do things rather than just being a microphone and speaker for stuff that actually happens mostly on Google’s servers. Crossing my fingers that includes doing what I want rather than just being focused on buying things as demonstrated in the teaser video.
In the meantime, I’ve stumbled across the fact that Google’s built-in TalkBack feature has support for keyboard shortcuts. This likely means I can use a small handheld Bluetooth game controller along with an app to map the buttons to the appropriate key presses in order to move around the screen, and thus control the Android device without looking at or touching it. I’ll likely test this next weekend & report back if anyone’s interested.
- Comment on gen z gorillas 3 months ago:
Quite a few of them, actually - as well as remakes, the more recent of which are actually pretty good & you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one if that’s all you’ve seen.
- Comment on gen z gorillas 3 months ago:
Well, according to sources like The Jungle Book and The Lion King, humans aren’t the only ones… 🤪
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
I have a few Google Home Minis, and so far as I know they are the same thing - just rebranded. It’s basically the same thing as Google Assistant built into every Google-approved/equipped (meaning it has their full suite of apps pre-installed) device. They’re just so limited. I know if no way to get them to read Lemmy posts as I’m my added second example.
I also thought of another use case for what I’m after that might be more universally applicable and easily understood. Imagine someone doing some relatively mindless menial job such as working an assembly line, janitorial work, chauffer - something where your mind is relatively unoccupied, but you’re not free to look at and/or touch your device (whether it be due to practicality, or job rules). While doing that job, I want to be able to have the device read and interact with something of interest to me at that moment, rather than just relying on podcasts with predefined content. Kind of like having someone next to me doing all the interfacing between me and the device.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
Yeah, I wouldn’t just jump in without looking first. If I can’t find a way to do this, then I’m definitely gonna have to take a trip to the nearest Apple Store, though. Thanks very much for the input!
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
iOS will open your Lemmy client, start reading posts to you aloud, and go into a post of interest upon command without you ever looking at or touching the screen (using my newer example that I added to the OP)? I’m seriously going to have to look into getting an iDevice of some sort if so.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 3 months ago:
Imagine someone blind who also has Parkinson’s - they can’t see to use Voice Access, and they can’t control their hands well enough to interact with the screen physically in a reliable manner. You can’t actually use those two accessibility features together - they are mutually exclusive in that they require you either be able to see the screen, OR you must be able to interact with it physically as it reads out what you’re touching. Why is there no way to interact entirely verbally?
- Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)?Submitted 3 months ago to | 11 comments