- Comment on What host names do you use? 2 days ago:
I tend to use the names of angels for my personal devices (which surprisingly was inspired by this and not NGE)
For laptops I tend to use demons instead, just seems to fit better (which actually was inspired by Gundam IBO but this is the list)
For example:
- desktop (Linux side) is Raziel
- desktop (windows side 😩) is Azrael
- main laptop is Gusion
- eBay Thinkpad is Barbatos
- Comment on What does the 3-2-1 rule look like for you? 2 weeks ago:
“3! 2! 1!” Is just what I say when doing some potentially deleterious action after rsyincing a few key directories to a separate volume
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
Risk of Rain 2. And if that doesn’t work, Risk of Rain 2.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 4 months ago:
I think one of the reasons why we’re still seeing this dome by journalists is because Elon’s takeover is probably relevant to whatever it is they’re reporting. I’ve definitely seen articles just refer to it as “X”. But whenever it’s a story about some crazy racist shit someone said or how poorly their advertising business is doing, it’s “formerly Twitter”.
That said, I think online people who aren’t writing for news outlets and aren’t insane will — for the most part — always call it Twitter out of spite until the site either dies or Musk sells it and it changes back.
- Comment on Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way! 5 months ago:
I’d argue the pager explosions were just a different form factor of carpet bombing
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 6 months ago:
I think going back in time and video gaming Reagan would be a good start
- Comment on P.E.N.I.S. 6 months ago:
Dude I fucking love science