- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
Of what?
- Comment on BIOMES 3 months ago:
I see what you did there.
- Comment on BIOMES 3 months ago:
And even then, only to a female! Certainly not a male name.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Nope. Too much fun being here.
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Such gas lighting. Vegans and Liberals do everything they accuse the Right of doing.
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations. 5 months ago:
Found the Liberal
- Comment on PSA 6 months ago:
The trans agenda in a nutshell.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
Bots can radicalize people into thinking they have a deep, intimate friend when it is just an LLM trained to slowly turn them into
white nationalists. crazy blue haired transgender liberalsFTFY
- Comment on Britain ignored its far-right threat and demonized Muslims. Now racist mobs have spiraled out of control. 6 months ago:
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
For some fucking reason there is zero option for this type of secure virtual card in my country. And I hate it. A friend got skimmed for over $1200 a couple months ago.
- Comment on Britain ignored its far-right threat and demonized Muslims. Now racist mobs have spiraled out of control. 6 months ago:
Then the British govt should be heavily incentivizing White Brits to have more children. They used to that in Canada, they called it a 'Baby Bonus". So tell me again why we “need” all this immigration again when we could just solve the problem ourselves?
- Comment on Britain ignored its far-right threat and demonized Muslims. Now racist mobs have spiraled out of control. 6 months ago:
100% agreed. You are being down voted by smoothbrain Lefties who don’t understand reality anymore. And as for religion being less important, you’ve got that all wrong…only White, Conservative religions is Christian and Catholic, are becoming less important. In my town, the are literally bulldozing churches to build condos, while building mosques. They are eliminating the White race inoutr own countries, and drilling Lemmyites are cheering for it.