- Comment on Here's an open world zombie survival game set in medieval.... Birmingham? 6 months ago:
Missed opportunity, Birmingham became much more interesting 200 years or so later.
- Comment on UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch among missing after luxury yacht sinks 6 months ago:
Did u read his Co defending was run over ?!?!
- Comment on UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch among missing after luxury yacht sinks 6 months ago:
Absolutely astonishing
- Comment on Ikea’s stock-counting warehouse drones will fly alongside workers in the US 6 months ago:
They have flying workers ?
- Comment on Hundreds of Ulez non-compliant vehicles sent from London to Ukraine 6 months ago:
London : we met our emissions target !
- Comment on X’s new AI image generator will make anything from Taylor Swift in lingerie to Kamala Harris with a gun 6 months ago:
Porque no lo dos ?
- Comment on Cannabis could help people cut down or stop opioid use, research shows 6 months ago:
A gate can open both ways !
- Comment on The trouble with England – why rioting in the UK has not spread to Scotland and Wales 6 months ago:
I think you’ve forgotten what the article is about and in anger, entered into performative leftism.
If you want to argue against my position that the article is claptrap, hand picked for a welsh audience, let’s go.
If you want to get into a fight, as you seem determined so to do, over broader and unrelated topics like colonialism and imperialism, there are plenty of people who will indulge you, but I will not.
- Comment on The trouble with England – why rioting in the UK has not spread to Scotland and Wales 6 months ago:
Northern Irish protestants are English.
Ulster was settled by English and Scots 400 years go, so if that is English to you fair enough. I can only hope your education wasn’t expensive.
- Comment on The trouble with England – why rioting in the UK has not spread to Scotland and Wales 6 months ago:
Playing to the crowd I s’pose.
Claptrap otherwise.
‘Yea they happen in Northern Ireland but it was like, the Northern Ireland’s who are British loyalists so it totally doesn’t matter”
- Comment on Elon Musk shares fake news about England rioters being sent to Falklands 6 months ago:
20 years ago he was no one.
15 years ago he promises people cars that drives themselves, other magical toys. Never builds them. People agree he is a visionary inventor
10 years ago starts talking about living on Mars. Gets into argument with astrophysicists. Now widely considered an expert on space, thanks to media. Remains wildly unqualified to even speak on the matter.
5 years ago - now he’s an AI expert and people want to know his views on the future of humanity. starts chirping on politics. Now having direct conversations with government ministers about political ideologies.
He Plays people like a fiddle. Not seen anyone this skilled at peddling tripe since Jesus.
When he’s Earth President, don’t say no one told his method.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
It’s just a light satire, appealing to those who notice the hypocrisy of gamers, who loudly objected to “politics” in gaming, but who are now calling for politics in gaming.
Hopefully it will raise a wry smile for some, but i understand others might be triggered.
Hopefully, you’re a smiler.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
It’s a meme, based on how gamerz cry when a female or black main character in a game.
- Comment on If 1 million people sign a petition, a ban on rendering multiplayer games unplayable has a chance to become law in Europe 7 months ago:
Why did they have to make political ?
- Comment on Six people arrested after machete fight in Southend-on-Sea 7 months ago:
The rollercoaster in the back ground 🤌🤌🤌💋
- Comment on Star Trek and Doctor Who Unite for Game Crossover Celebrating International Friendship Day 7 months ago:
No problem!
- Comment on Star Trek and Doctor Who Unite for Game Crossover Celebrating International Friendship Day 7 months ago:
- Comment on Star Trek and Doctor Who Unite for Game Crossover Celebrating International Friendship Day 7 months ago:
Dr Who is black.
The previous Dr Who was a woman.
Bottle job.