- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
Literally every point made by OP is real and easy proven
Interesting as the same can be said disproving IT. Fun.
You, on the other hand, have a made up list
I apparently
Have a list.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
Damn right.
We’re not tired of winning, just yet.
Thanks for your concern tho. 😊
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
Another example of why the gays get looked at with the slant eye, right here. You can’t even operate in public without the constant NEED to push your sexual preference into every single thing.
It says far more about yourself than it does me.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
Yeah, I’m projecting alright…
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
That’ll be your little secret!
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
Any mod can and very likely will ban me because I don’t tow the Democratic party line.
It’s of no consequence to me. Ban away.
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
Words to live by here, folks. Read it.
Then read it again.
Thanks for this.
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
This is me giving you the last word
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
See, there you go.
Pro tip:
Never give a Conservative an ultimatum.
They will always go with their gut instinct. You sir, are only interested in insulting back and forth. Which is fine, but not what I’m looking for here.
We could banter back and forth like this for hours. I’m sure you’re well versed on this. I’ll leave you to it then.
Now go beat your chest like king Kong and walk away with a synical smile on your face. I’m certain you don’t actually want my full attention.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 1 day ago:
Yeah, well. If you didn’t blatenly insult me publicly at some point, your frens might disown you. I get it.
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 1 day ago:
You could give an aspirin a headache, pal.
Just plainly say what you mean. I’m not interested in trying to decipher one cryptic sentence from the nxt.
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 2 days ago:
Yes, yes. I’ve made your point or whatever the hell nonsense you’re on about. Move along now.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Lol I love this. I literally set it up and I’m watching it play out as I thought it just might.
And it fuckin is lololol.
Yes, American. I am Russian insurgent. Take me to leader.
- Comment on A Tale of Two Greens 2 days ago:
You’re a fucking simpleton. Do please piss right off.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Jesus. This country is FUBAR.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
The Grammer Police has entered the chat
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Yeah I’m more of a pasty, eggshell white so I pass as a Russian.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Sure. Everyone get armed. Like the Wild West.
It’s our right.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Fucking LOL is right.
Look at what you just typed. God damned right I’m happy you liberals don’t get another 4vyrs to bury this country deeper.
We’ve been the laughing joke on the world stage long enough. Time for someone to pay for that farce.
Enjoy the show, see ya nxt election.
Little tip here, try to readonate with THE MAJORITY of the country this time?
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Nice bait and switch. Had me at the first half.
Ya cut deep at the second half. Brutal.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
I’m sorry you feel that way. Truly.
I wish the best for you and yours regardless of what side your on. Don’t ever think conservatives just hate anything that doesn’t align with us.
If you disagree with my voting for Trump, guess what?
That’s the AWESOME part about being an American. You Can openly disagree and be OK.
You are still an American and if I enlisted and went to war (God forbid) , I’d be fighting for you and yours just like I’d be fighting for me and mines.
Our political differences mean Jack shit in the grand scheme of things.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Yeah, I’m totally bot guys. Listen to this dude I’m replying to. He speaks the truths guys.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Lol. Nice.
And I’ll leave it at that.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Mom insults?
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
You never would believe or accept any Republican winning on merrit and that the country agrees with him.
Be honest.
There is no reality that exists where a Republican wins an election fairly, that you’d believe is legitimate.
As long as their values don’t align with your own, it will never be a legitimate win in your eyes and was rigged.
I can’t exactly fault you for feeling this way, to be fair.
I’m only asking you to be honest.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
Interesting comment that could be taken multiple ways.
I’ll let you explain yourself before I bite.
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 days ago:
I mean, I don’t agree with Nazi’s. But because I don’t agree with the democratic ideology, I’m by default - a Nazi in your eyes.
I like how you lead with such valor but teeter out at the end, ya know, where the facts come into play.