Currently learning German. I have another account on, But I haven’t used it in a while.
- Comment on What host names do you use? 1 day ago:
All of mine are animals, chosen similar to their functions (ie my 2-in-1 is “weasel”, my Chimera VM buildhost is a busy/hard-working “beaver” (busy “bumblebee” was taken by my old Gentoo binhost VM), “orca” is my media server (big black PC case), “bluejay” is my rpi (tiny, in a blue TARDIS case), etc.
It’s fun! (I have too many computers.)
- Comment on I made a new player model for myself 2 months ago:
Hey that’s really cool! I’m gonna have to try it out!
- Comment on static website generator 5 months ago:
Currently using Jekyll but working on switching to Haunt cause I like Scheme
- Comment on What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices? 5 months ago:
And you can (sometimes) install something like PostmarketOS which is closer to the kind of linux people think about when they hear “Linux”
- Comment on Selfhosted chat service 5 months ago:
I hear XMPP through Snikket is pretty easy. I just used prosody though
- Comment on How do you ask for a haircut? 5 months ago:
I tend to bring a picture or two of the style I want.
- Comment on Does a clean PC run better than one with a lot of dust in it? 6 months ago:
Luckily my cats don’t sit on the PC, but I haven’t cleaned it in years and I can see a fine layer of dust and cat fur on the power supply and the drives. I’ll have to clean this weekend. And I’ll pet the cats for you :3
- Comment on Does a clean PC run better than one with a lot of dust in it? 6 months ago:
This reminds me that I need to clean my PC
- Comment on Does a clean PC run better than one with a lot of dust in it? 6 months ago:
Username checks out
- Comment on Matrix let-down 6 months ago:
Seconded. Once I installed Cheogram I haven’t wanted to open any of my matrix chats
- Comment on My rig for the OCC 8 months ago:
Oh nice! That looks cool!
- Comment on My rig for the OCC 8 months ago:
What’s the OCC?