- Comment on Proton Now Has a Bitcoin Wallet 7 months ago:
When basic and highly requested features go untouched for years on end on every single product they have and new ones they launch, and Proton decides to keep expanding the portfolio without seemingly expanding the work force, then yes, one thing does prevent the other from happening.
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 7 months ago:
There's probably a name for this just like the "author's barely disguised fetish". Usually when you see politicians campaigning this hard on topics like those, it's probably because they themselves are doing it
- Comment on Proton Now Has a Bitcoin Wallet 7 months ago:
It makes more sense to not spread even thinner chasing AI grifting and cryptobro services when your existing services have been lacking basic functionality for years
- Comment on Proton releases a self-custody bitcoin wallet | Proton Wallet is open source and has been audited by a third-party firm, the company said 7 months ago:
The entire way that Proton introduced the Proton Scribe seemed very shady. Usually Proton would go on and on about transparency and all that, but with Scribe it just seemed very off, like they were purposefully avoiding talking about the thing in question.
On the Reddit post about the bitcoin wallet, Proton team is also avoiding replying to most negative constructive comments about it, and the very few that they did reply to are just trying to justify the walletand LLM because "banks have crypto ETFs", "other companies have implemented AI" and my favourite "one shouldn't confuse Bitcoin with "crypto"".
Proton is acting in a shady way with these two controversial services that seemed to appear into thin air on how quick they released those. I cannot see myself using Proton's products anymore and while trying (fighting) to cancel my subscription, I can see some dark patterns that try to prevent you from doing it, or trying to upsell you something.
- Comment on Proton releases a self-custody bitcoin wallet | Proton Wallet is open source and has been audited by a third-party firm, the company said 7 months ago:
I could go on and on about those features on that page that are there for ages, but one struck me hard in the last hour:
I tried cancelling my subscription, and after clicking on 6 "I'm sure" buttons and writing a reason why, I couldn't cancel because I was using too much storage (3GB, free accounts have a 500MB limit). I deleted everything on my Drive and emptied the trash, tried again, no success. Deleted all my emails and emptied the trash, still failed. Deleted everything on Calendar and Pass, nothing. Couldn't find anywhere how to contact support. There's a small bar that shows how much storage I'm using, one would expect that clicking on it would show a summary of what's using your storage, but all it does is show a popup with Proton's subscription plans.I can't cancel my subscription because they don't have the basic functionality of a storage usage summary.
- Comment on Proton releases a self-custody bitcoin wallet | Proton Wallet is open source and has been audited by a third-party firm, the company said 7 months ago:
They've made a poll that had questions about AI, but no clear options to indicate that you don't want anything to deal with AI. From the results, less than 20% of the voters signalled that they wanted an AI offering from Proton, those being business users, and less than a month later Proton introduces (to business accounts at the moment) a LLM that writes email for you (that has to decrypt and read plain text the emails that were supposed to be stored with zero access encryption), and it uses a model that was trained on copyrighted data without permission.
Not even two weeks later they come up with this crypto wallet, and both endeavours are on two very sensitive and controversial topics, to a point it seems Proton is "selling out" to techbros.
All the while, you can't even create or edit folders and labels on their mail mobile apps.
- Comment on Proton releases a self-custody bitcoin wallet | Proton Wallet is open source and has been audited by a third-party firm, the company said 7 months ago:
The reason people are mad with this is because Proton's longstanding services are lacking basic features for months and years already with no update in sight, and in less than a month after a (now) controversial poll, Proton introduces AI and crypto wallet in their portfolio.
- Comment on New Samsung phones block sideloading by default 7 months ago:
This is only for phones that come with One UI 6.1.1 by default and there's a page during OOBE setup with a toggle for this "feature".
An update to your existing phone will not turn on this block, it's only for new phones.
- Comment on Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News 7 months ago:
When is ad an advertisement and not a recommendation?
Always? That's why it's called ad instead of recommendation
- Comment on Affinity’s Adobe-rivaling creative suite is now free for six months 7 months ago:
Check this video as well. I do share most of that experience of having to Google how to do some things because it's not immediately obvious, and some other things do take more clicks/effort than they should've compared to Photoshop. All in all, it has completely replaced Photoshop for my use case.
- Comment on Nintendo has DMCA’ed Sudachi’s GitHub 7 months ago:
Yuzi provided means to grab keys and firmware from a Switch console, which seems to be a big red flag and a reason why Nintendo went after them. Sudachi also has guides and download links for decryption keys and Switch firmware. From what I can see ryujinx only provides some guides on how to get the keys from a Switch but no apparent download links or "shortcuts"
- Comment on Google's AI-powered search summaries use 10x more energy than a standard Google search | The Hidden Environmental Impact of AI 7 months ago:
Don't worry folks, if we all stop using plastic straws and take 30 second showers, we'll be able to offset 5% of the carbon emissions this AI has!
- Comment on Threads hits 175 million users on first anniversary 7 months ago:
Probably most, but the issue is that most are phantom accounts. See, if you don't have a Threads account and someone there searches for you, a phantom account is created, where you'll receive notifications trying to persuade you to "create" tour Threads account. These accounts inflate the numbers, and its why Threads had such a ridiculously fast ""adoption"" rate
- Comment on My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore 8 months ago:
My two cents, I could say the same as the author. My Windows work laptop most of the times cannot wake up from sleep (you know, opening the lid after it's closed) so I have to force a restart. There's a 50% or less chance that Bluetooth and WiFi won't work at all (they won't be displayed on Windows, like it's not even a feature) after I turn the laptop on, so most of my pre-work morning is restarting the laptop until it's working as intended. It's the third laptop I got from them, they're different models but they're all HP, and they all had problems. The Macs and the same HP laptops running Linux have none of these issues.
- Comment on AI-powered network of Russia-based websites masquerading as local American newspapers is pumping out fake stories targeting the US election, investigation finds 8 months ago:
At this point we should just rename it to Lenny