- Comment on UPS problem... Again 1 week ago:
If the fans are running at full blast, maybe you accidentally disconnected a temperature sensor?
- Comment on UPS and servers : simulated sine wave good? 2 months ago:
How many PSUs are installed in the Poweredge server? In the manual it says it could be 1 or 2 and the power per PSU could be 1100W so if it is 2 * 1100W then that could explain why the UPS has problems with it.
- Comment on circuits 3 months ago:
leaded solder without an extractor fan
lead does not vaporize at the temps used in soldering.
lead free solder also needs fume extraction. even more so actually, because it is used at slightly higher temps. even with perfect fume extraction, leaded solder can still poison you, because you touch it and then touch your face without washing your hands.
if you are prone to allergic reactions from solder fumes avoid solder with a rosin core, use synthetic flux instead. - Comment on B’Elanna’s stance on afterlife. 3 months ago:
I think you can even draw a defining distinction there because if it is not believed then pseudohalucination would be the better description.
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
What are birds? We just dont know!
- Comment on rabioli 5 months ago:
If you mean an Immune escape that is not a real problem for rabies becuase that virus has a slow evolution as you can tell from the fact that the same vaccines that were used in the 80s are still used today. Compare that for example to flu or Covid-19 vaccines where even two year old vaccine types are considered outdated and not used anymore.
- Comment on help needed to understand this diagram of a water flow sensor (from a boiler) 6 months ago:
That is probably inspired by EN IEC 81346-2 where “X” indicates a connector of some kind and the numbers following the X identify the connector and the relative position on the connector (for connectors with multiple contacts).
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
So what do you think when you work with HeLas?
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
and he was doing so well until this abomination 😡
- Comment on Ancient CRT monitor hits astonishing 700Hz — resolution reduced to just 120p to reach extraordinary refresh rate 7 months ago:
There is a limit on the spacing of the colour bands though. If you want colours then you have to hit the spots where the correct phosphors are and this limits the usable resolution.
- Comment on Producing fuels from 1,500 degrees of solar heat: world’s first plant opens in Germany 8 months ago:
trains are actually one of the examples where you can get away with lower energy dense fuels, like methanol, ammonia or even compressed hydrogen. sure the range will go down, but for many connections this will not matter that much because it will still be possible to go 1000km with one tank if needed.