- Comment on Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced' 4 months ago:
This CEO may think it’s developer-friendly, but I highly doubt if Epic will keep such developer-friendly stance if Epic becomes a giant in this industry.
Epic burnt so much money on Epic store these years. If it succeeds, it’s very likely Epic will try to earn it back. From player? Will players willing to pay more in Epic store than the others? If the answer is no… Sometimes it really makes me wonder if these CEOs are really that stupid…
- Comment on Keep Pavel Durov LOCKED UP 4 months ago:
While some of the classrooms may be valid, but this article is full of propaganda.
How can Telegram distribute messages in channels with more than tens of thousands users with P2P encryption? If there’s 10k users, should Telegram store the same plain message 10k times simply because there’s 10k public keys?
Of course there’s fishy things, but the unprofessionalism severely drags down the value of this article.