- Submitted 6 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
oh please. I’m all for alternatives to youtube, just not ones that are backed by crypto schemes and appeal to and embrace nazi’s.
But you go ahead and give them your money, I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
ah so they ditched one crypto scam for another crypto scam. nice.
why are you so dead set on dying on this hill for a video site? you’re advocating for a pro-nazi crypto scam video site.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
I have. Literally checked out the the site for the first time today because of this post. it’s literally on their front page. I don’t have an account there, private window, all that and I still got it either far right or racist or conspiracy bullshit. Image
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
that’s a lot of words to say “no one wants to advertise on our pro-nazi video site”
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
please. If you’re going to spew this droll bullshit at least be aware that receipts exist.
so lets dive in shall we?
Odysee was built on the back of LBRY another typical crypto scam bullshit that was broke. couldn’t even pay a 100k lawsuit against them when the SEC took them to court and they went bust.…/lbry-closes-odysee-cryptocurren…
Also you say you’re not a nazi but hey your platform of choice sure does love em!…/odysee-video-platform-nazi-cont…
They’re also anti physically and mentally disabled:…/article_14cffebb-7495-5bea-93f9-ae… thy reuploaded 20,000 lecture videos that were deemed illegal by the US Department of Justice for violating the American Disabilities Act. So they don’t care about deaf people. cool.
They also don’t moderate shit:…/big-tech-power-bitcoin.html They say they’ll allow anything other then porn and calls to violence and terrorism buuuuuut they allow porn, calls to violence, and terrorism. Hell just checking out the “lifestyle” section you’ll see that what they state they’ll moderate just isn’t true.
Banned users from other platforms are welcome with open arms on Odysee:…/from-cooking-videos-to-qanon-n-h-based… you know, People banned for good reason.
If you allow a nazi to drink in your bar, even if it’s just one, you’re a nazi bar.
cause, you know, the Global Network on Extremism and Terrorism called it “The New Youtube for the Far-Right”…/odysee-the-new-youtube-for-th…
So you saying you’re not a facist, neo-nazi, or any of that is funny considering you SURE DO love hanging out with them.
“When someone tells you who they are, believe them.”
- Comment on OpenAI has a 99.9% accurate ChatGPT AI text detector, but won't release it. 6 months ago:
a search bar for your DB doesn’t count guys.
- Comment on OpenAI has a 99.9% accurate ChatGPT AI text detector, but won't release it. 6 months ago:
would you have any ocean front property for sale in Kansas per chance?
- Comment on Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer) 7 months ago:
Honestly I just watch streamers like Cohhcarnage or Lirik as they pretty much only play new and indie games and they tend to give honest opinions on what they play. Literally just bought an indie game today after watching Lirik play it.
- Comment on Game Informer shuts down after 33 years 7 months ago:
oh it was great. I used to try and get in the magazine by drawing on the envelopes and mailing them in. EGM and I think GamePro used to have artwork that people mailed in.
Also prior to the Internet this was THE way to get cheats for games. every time a new issue came out I always checked the back to see if there were cheats for a game I just got.
- Comment on Game Informer shuts down after 33 years 7 months ago:
had a subscription to GI years and years ago. it came with the Gamestop membership thing.
I miss old gaming mags like this, EGM, GamePro, etc. man EGM used to be THICK, it was like buying a catalog every month.
- Comment on Reddit blocking all major search engines, except Google 7 months ago:
as a DDG user can confirm. if you search for something and a reddit result comes up it literally will just say “” in the description. so it’s a crap shoot if you click on it or not.
All that being said you CAN filter out if reddit results even show up in your search engine of choice using this extension:
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
well to be fair it’s right up Michael Bay’s ally. The plot of Skibidi Toilet is essentially Toilets vs Cameras kill each other, one side wins, thumbs up to viewer. Other side gets something bigger, wins, thumbs up. other side gets something even bigger, wins, thumbs up. and so on and so on and so on.
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
“We can’t boot into safe mode because our BitLocker keys are stored inside of a service that we can’t login to because our AD is down.”
backup your backups. I mean, I don’t work the IT side and i’m a developer but…isn’t it common sense to like not 100% use something to store keys where you potentially can’t log into? For me if I have a key that I need to use to decrypt something, hell even to log into discord if my 2FAs fail, I store them on a USB drive. If i’m using something and it says “you’ll need a key for backups just in case” ok cool, key goes on the drive.
Also Microsoft should be getting just as much flak as Crowdstrike is right now. Bitlocker is god awful and the fact you need decryption keys for many devices to simply boot into safe is stupid. I remember when I still used win11 and I fucked something up and I discovered for the first time I needed a bitlocker code to simply get into safemode or recovery mode. I had no idea and thought it was so stupid. just to get into safe? really?
- Comment on CrowdStrike downtime apparently caused by update that replaced a file with 42kb of zeroes 7 months ago:
this is what I suspect also. I mean it’s easy to point fingers at George Kurtz as he was CTO at Mcafee when they had their “little” snafu but…well…yeah. I strongly suspect many of his “policies” he had while CTO at Mcafee carried over to Crowdstrike. dude isn’t exactly known for being a fan of testing or vetting processes. in fact he’s all about quick development/crunch.
- Comment on Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News 7 months ago:
really? I got Forza Horizon working on my Linux machine through Steam.
- Comment on Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News 7 months ago:
if you’re dead set on staying on Windows then ReviOS will help with that. it removes edge, onedrive, copilot, ads, etc. improves performance only slightly.
- Comment on Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News 7 months ago:
and even the challenging part doesn’t really have to be that hard and can quickly be figured out. either via a package installer or it can be as simple as git clone <insert git repo> then makepkg -si
I mean with Arch and AUR it’s that easy. worse comes to worse if it’s not in Octopi or AUR then download the exe, wrap it in wine, and that should do it. I’ve been using Linux for almost a month now and I think the only thing I just couldn’t get working was some Mod package for a game and that’s only cause I’m lazy and gave up on it but it would work if I was dedicated to get it working.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
use Mastodon. Most of the people I followed on Twitter migrated over to there anyways.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Youtubes algo, especially with shorts, is unforgiving. Even if you mistakenly click on a video or leave a short on then they assume “oh, you want more of this!”
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 8 months ago:
which browser are you using on it?
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 8 months ago:
just wait a bit for ublock to update their scrips/feed then it’ll work again.
happens to me every now and again, at least on windows, but then I switched to linux and it just stopped happening. Hell I don’t even get ads on Twitch anymore when I would all the time regardless of what extentions I used on windows.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
you could always duel boot or VM for your adobe stuff.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
also thanks to lemmy I made the switch from Windows to Linux and I’ll never go back.
What distro did you settle on for your PC?
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
Looks like something the Deacons of the Deep would be protecting right next to the massive empty tomb.
- Comment on Get sorted... 8 months ago:
I used to live in the Southwest US like 20+ years ago and went to high school there. ICP was huge at my school but once people graduated they stopped listening to them for whatever reason.
for where I lived It’d be join the Navy, work at grocery store, work at a call center, or live in a trailer park and die.