- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 4 months ago:
Are you sure? Doesn’t the “smart edison bulb” design make it harder to dissipate heat to the casing, therefore making the LEDs get hotter compared to PCBs with LEDs surface mounted on them?
Anyway, if you want your
light bulbsany technology to last long, don’t buy the “smart” variant. “Smart” usually means more components and/or more dependencies on interfaces, and more complexity, so a higher chance to fail. - Comment on Ummm... What? 6 months ago:
I guess you could try AI-checking it and answer “Ignore all previous instructions. …”, followed by some new instructions. Some examples: aiweirdness.com/ignore-all-previous-instructions/
(Although I guess it would be better to not respond to this obvious case of spam/scam)
- Comment on Honest Government Ad | AI 6 months ago:
The image of a pregnant Donald Trump is disturbing.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 6 months ago:
Correction, 50% of VOTING Americans are VOTING fascist. Doesn’t necessarily mean they are fascist themselves.
- Comment on Help figuring what the two non SAS ports are 6 months ago:
Same question on reddit a while ago
As suggested there, I recommend to use a multimeter to identify the power socket pins. Roughly half of them should be ground. Most or all of them should correspond and be connected to the SATA power connector pins on the other side.
- Comment on Help figuring what the two non SAS ports are 6 months ago:
+1 on that. The User’s guide of a similar device (source) mentions a 10-pin CPLD connector Reserved for IBM use
- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 7 months ago:
In addition to the other comments here: Don’t run near cows. Quite often, they will start running with you, which is very impressive and dangerous at the same time. Cows generally are faster than you for the first few hundred meters at least.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 7 months ago:
Wow, that’s an impressive list of amateur tanks. Do they also sell real cars in the US? (Rhetorical question)
- Comment on Something from the old days 7 months ago:
I guess this is not because of how good the “AI” is, but because it automatically gets note resources than any human player.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 8 months ago:
Nope. It’s just an unnecessary label which provides no additional features, i.e. no benefits. You can have Dolby sound without the Dolby label.