- Comment on The First J.B Harold Game Is Being Reissued For Switch, But Don't Expect English Text | Time Extension 4 months ago:
Played the DOS version to completion, enjoying every bit of it. Then the TurboGrafx-16 CD version with its satisfying cinematic reveal of the big plot twist. Really wish I could play more games like this!
- Comment on My Pleasure, Sold, and Sure Will! 5 months ago:
The monitor had two obvious problems at first: yellow tint and rainbow patterning. Quick pass with a degaussing coil took care of the latter. Hooked up a composite lead and threw on my low-quality DVD-R copy of my VHS copy of my NTSC Reference Laserdisc and made some quick adjustments to the monitor; results below:
sharpness sharpness
color bars color bars
To make this post somewhat more relevant to the community:
Xexyz (NES) title screen Xexyz (NES) title screen
Xexyz (NES) in-game Xexyz (NES) in-game
The colors in the game look different in these pictures; hard to make them accurate. But it looks good in person.
Was reaching for my blue filter to set Color/Tint when I remembered this monitor has a “Blue Only” feature; pretty neat! Surprisingly, adjusting the Screen control on the flyback transformer seems to have more effect on the white balance than on the contrast. Still, had to maximize the Blue Gain control on the PCB and on the front panel to get the white balance close as possible for the time being. Heck, I might not actually bother with it much further; it looks pretty good. Will have to try the RGB inputs.
- Comment on My Pleasure, Sold, and Sure Will! 5 months ago:
Right you are; this one’s a PVM-8043MD. Looks like it lacks the 16:9 mode, manual degauss and tally light. I believe MD signifies “medical”; removed the cover and there is some shielding around the deflection yoke.
Thank you for mentioning that model number. That page has some good troubleshooting info relevant to the white balance problem I’m seeing with this one. Will post something nice if I can fix it!
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die" 5 months ago:
- Comment on Would you recommend any of the Star Trek games? 5 months ago:
Was lucky enough to have a sit-down cabinet version of Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator (Sega, 1983) at a local arcade. Very comfortable with the controls built into the chair. Along with having set all the games set to free play, the operator had the volume cranked on this one so Nimoy’s voice would resonate inside!
- Comment on SDCC: Star Trek & Doctor Who Get Game Crossover; Showrunners Say Canon Crossover Up To Fans 7 months ago:
Thanks for the recommendation! Happy to learn that story arc continues.
- Comment on SDCC: Star Trek & Doctor Who Get Game Crossover; Showrunners Say Canon Crossover Up To Fans 7 months ago:
Huh, I would have figured Wesley Crusher would feature in this. He was becoming pretty Time Lord-y by “Journey’s End”.
- Comment on New Port Project: Castlevania – Rondo of Blood For Sega Genesis / Mega Drive | Retro Gaming News 24/7 7 months ago:
I imported this game when it first came out and it’s been one of my favorites. Very interesting to think about how the strengths of the Genesis vs. the PC Engine could be used. So far it looks like it’s aimed at graphical fidelity. The PCE had a wider color palette from which to select and could display more colors simultaneously, but I don’t think Rondo really pushed those capabilities. Konami did some really nice parallax routines in this game for the single background graphics layer on the PCE. Those effects are much more common on the Genesis with its multiple hardware layers. Curious as to how the “extra power” could be used if werton opts to explore that. The FM cover tune sounds great, looking forward to hearing more!
What blew me away in the video was the costume change. Was that in the original all this time? I know what I’m playing today!
- Comment on What are your favorite spooky (but not scary) retro games? 7 months ago:
Fun, spooky, action-oriented*, skeletons, bats: Temple of Apshai from 1983 on the Commodore 64. About two minutes fifteen seconds into the video you’ll see and hear its unique spooky atmosphere.
*for a role-playing game of this vintage, anyway.
- Comment on What are your favorite spooky (but not scary) retro games? 7 months ago:
With you one hundred percent – Devil’s Crush features one of the best and longest tunes on the Turbografx-16!
- Comment on Van Buren Recreated: Canceled Fallout Game Revived by Modders 7 months ago:
Will probably check it out as I count myself among the Black Isle/Obsidian aficionados. Didn’t see a link to the mod in the article. Bit of a let-down that Yesterday does not seem to implement the 3D Jefferson Engine as was seen in the Van Buren tech demo, but props to these modders all the same!
- Comment on Solving CAPTCHA for 'Bicycle' -- Include Rider? 9 months ago:
Thank you for the insight. Having little understanding of the purposes of CAPTCHA beyond what is implied by the acronym, I would be concerned if what seems implied in this comment thread were actually true. Clearly there’s a bit of tongue-in-cheek, but it seems reasonable to me as a layman that some implementations could produce data usable to train autonomous driving systems. I realize it’s possible there’s no simple answer to my original question, and wouldn’t be the first time I’ve overthought something.
- Comment on Solving CAPTCHA for 'Bicycle' -- Include Rider? 9 months ago:
$ echo “$((2#01010010)) $((2#01100101)) $((2#01100100)) $((2#01110010)) $((2#01110101)) $((2#01101101))”
82 101 100 114 117 109
Reads ‘Redrum’ in ASCII. A reference to The Shining, I suppose. If there’s a joke it’s lost on me, sorry. Really don’t know programming/bash that well either. Was kinda fun spending 10min decrypting that, though :)
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 15 comments