- Comment on Really makes you think 9 months ago:
Reads like a shibboleth to me
- Comment on Eagle-eyed viewers may have noticed this 9 months ago:
I’m Perd Hapley, and this, is a thing I’m saying.
- Comment on Too soon? 9 months ago:
In that case always remember I love and support you. Shoot the other guy not me :)
- Comment on Too soon? 9 months ago:
I see insufficient evidence that you are in fact the harbinger of death and destruction by your mere presence
- Comment on Too soon? 9 months ago:
According to South Park - Jared Has Aides, it’s 22.3 years.
You’re fine
- Comment on Discovering what this man has done has ruined my day 9 months ago:
Its rare I see an old new-to-me XKCD that’s that good.
Oddly apropos
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 9 months ago:
I’ve thought about this. Have the “Agriculture was a trap!” people ever designed like a hunter gatherer Eden? Like not historical reenactment. We have tech be a human and use it. But like buy a few hundred acres and plant a shitload of fruit trees with modern fertilizer, use GPS to navigate it, live in a badass modern tent…
Not for me, but those people seriously seem to have the option right there
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I think people hate vegans more than veganism. The most annoying x% makes the other (100-x)% look bad
Choose your own x I don’t want dunks from either side lol