- Comment on If I have an account on Mastodon.Social, and another account on PieFed.Social are they technically on the same instance, since they're both on .Social? 6 months ago:
Oh god… let’s not get into the nuance of web hosting. Soon you’ll have to explain dns or what a reverse proxy is… or heaven forbid how certificates work to secure it all.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
TheBananaKing is offensive. It is a reference to Banana Republics, you know the system where corporations marginalize an entire populace and make them produce their product for profit. You should really change your username. It’s trivial and nobody will care if you change it.
Obviously I do think this is as absurd as asking a company to change it’s name which was named after the founder, but you went there and presented the argument for it. I can at least understand moving away from master/slave in computing especially in future products and revisions but making someone change their business name which is named after the founder’s is ludicrous.
That being said, the only reason why the company changed the name was because it gave them good PR in the form of free advertising- just imagine all the headlines. Since you have no upside to changing yours, I know you won’t do it. Humanity is full of virtue signaling hypocrites who are just out for themselves.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
conveniently he will have a work meeting in nearby upscale restaurants from his california home mondays, wednesdays and fridays.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
I think I got starbucks once in the past 6 months.
- Comment on The Sam Vimes boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness 6 months ago:
Gotta make sure those who have get even more. That’s how it’s always been and always will be.
- Comment on WITH ads? Fuckin awesome coupon, thanks! 6 months ago:
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
You can bet your ass my unemployed relative is going to be the one buying all the groceries with cash.
No cash? Well it turns out the untaxed gift allowance is $18,000, or $1500/mo, more than enough for all the groceries of a large family.
- Comment on The Google antitrust ruling could be an existential threat to the future of Firefox | Financials show 86% of Mozilla's revenue came from the agreement keeping Google as Firefox's default search engine 6 months ago:
This isn’t a new threat. This was always a threat.
The things that give google money are the reasons why we don’t want to use google. The things that firefox does to use money are basically just giving google the thing that makes them money.
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
They treat people like cattle because they are protecting the airplanes and the airline’s liability, not the people onboard.
If people think it’s unsafe people won’t pay up to fly.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
I love how you glossed over what I said to pick up a strawman argument whichis aligned with what I said. e.g. everyone’s needs are different. My exact quote from the post you replied to:
the reality is that if the average XXX pound person needs 1800 calories to maintain and you eat 1600 and still gain, perhaps your unique body really needs 1400 or 1200 to lose. Or maybe you’re blessed with a great metabolism and 2500 calories will be burnt for you so you can eat up to that without any issues.
You can believe whatever you want but assuming i’m bigoted means you probably didn’t read everything I wrote. It’s a really, really long post for social media. The irony is your complaints of it being reductive though. If you want scientific papers perhaps you should be looking at nature instead.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
Weight is a technical problem. Eat less than you need and you lose weight. Eat more than you need and you gain weight. Simple.
Willpower to follow through with the technical steps to lose weight is a mental health issue. That is way more nuanced, complicated and ultimately why so many people can’t lose weight. I think you consider them holistically, whereas those who disagree with you keep those concepts separate. There is a logical argument for both and neither argument is wrong.
- Comment on obesity 6 months ago:
Diet determines someone’s body weight. If you don’t eat, you don’t gain. Once you gain it’s incredibly hard to lose. Once you lose it’s incredibly easy to gain.
I have lost 21 pounds in 2 months from calorie counting. I gained 60 pounds in 3 years by ordering a ton of delivery. I yoyo’d many times in the past 2 years trying to lose the weight using various programs before finding a routine that works for me. All weight gain was due to me making choices that increased calorie intake. No one forced me to eat anything, I did it to myself.
Genetic factors may make weight loss more difficult but it is never impossible. There is no possible way that if you do not eat you will gain weight. Unless you have a handful of extremely rare conditions it’s going to be the things you choose to eat and how much of them you eat that determine weight gain, alongside exercise. Some people swear that they do everything right with calorie counting but still gain weight but the reality is that if the average XXX pound person needs 1800 calories to maintain and you eat 1600 and still gain, perhaps your unique body really needs 1400 or 1200 to lose. Or maybe you’re blessed with a great metabolism and 2500 calories will be burnt for you so you can eat up to that without any issues.
Mental health challenges make it hard to stick with a routine diet for some but it’s still technically possible to lose weight even if your brain won’t let you stop eating. If someone gave you an appropriate balanced diet and there were no other possible source of calories for you, you’re gonna lose weight. You might go crazy because you can’t have dressing on your salad and perhaps even wish you were dead instead of eating less, but you would lose weight.
Beyond weight
In terms of height, diet can influence height somewhat (especially in terms of deficits causing stunted growth) but your maximum height is almost entirely due to genetics. You get very little choice in that. You can’t choose to drink more milk and gain a foot of height. Once your body stops producing the right growth hormone you just stop getting taller.
In terms of skin color, there’s very little you can do about that beyond genetics. You can paint your body with fake tan or sit in the sun to get darker or hide indoors out of sunlight to be “lighter” than if you went outdoors but there’s no way to will your body to stop producing melanin.
In terms of “cultural behaviors” that you seem to call race based on how you describe it, you can choose to behave like someone from any walk of life if you learn how to do so. You can learn other languages, social norms, customs and beliefs and act on them. You are not born any more “white”, “italian”, “irish”, “kenyan” or “thai” culturally than anybody else. You learn the local culture from your experiences. Switching between the cultures has nothing to do with genetics. We’re just most likely to be born into cultural groups that have the same genetics as us, the exceptions tend to be when you’re adopted or your parents happen to already be a different culture than their genetic heritage’s or your parents have different cultures.
I can’t believe I had to write any of this out. I’ll probably get downvoted because no one wants to hear the absolute truth of whatever thing they can’t do that they want to blame something else to feel better for their lack of discipline, but we can choose to behave however we really want to. I don’t give a shit how fat or skinny someone is, I care about the content of their character, their beliefs and their actions. I’m not going to point this shit out in polite company because it’s not my business and I believe everyone should be able to choose to do to their bodies and their lives however they wish. Doesn’t change the facts though.
- Comment on US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'. 6 months ago:
Okay, now loop in reddit’s bullshit exclusivity agreement to search results and make it so no one can favor any one search engine crawler or demand payment to be shown in search.
Most companies will want their site to show up on other search engines but they knew what they were doing, you only search for it on google to find results because google’s own are an SEO ad riddled mess.
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
How much does it cost to fix a 14900k?
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
switching platforms is a very expensive move these days.
It’s just a motherboard and a cpu. Everything else is cross compatible, likely even your cpu cooler. If you just buy another intel chip… it’s just gonna oxidize again.
$370 for a 7800x3d microcenter.com/…/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-raphael-am5…
~$200 for a motherboard.
Personally i’d wait for the next release to drop in a month… or until your system crashes aren’t bearable / it’s worth making the change. I just don’t see the cost as prohibitive, it’s about on par with all the alternatives. Plus you could sell your old motherboard for something.
- Comment on 82-year-old Las Vegas McDonald's worker can't afford to retire after decades of service 7 months ago:
They didn’t work at mcdonalds until they were 67 years old. They worked for 30 years as a radiation monitor at a nevada test site that should have provided a pension.
Where did the money from 35 years of that income (1964-1999) go? where did the pension go?
- Comment on 82-year-old Las Vegas McDonald's worker can't afford to retire after decades of service 7 months ago:
This dude didn’t start working at mcdonalds until 2009 - 15 years ago. They would have been 67 years old, already retirement age. They didn’t work retail prior whatsoever, so this isn’t a story about how retail pays like garbage (it does.)
They worked as an assistant to a handyman from 1999-2009. Before that they worked as a radiation monitor at a test site from 1964-1999.
Today radiation monitors make ~60k/year. I’m guessing in the past they were paid more than this proporitonally. Why couldn’t they save up money? It’s not like nevada is very HCOL. It’s not like they were making minimum wage flipping burgers.
- Comment on Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal 7 months ago:
Reddit has been viral marketing for over a decade. Very little of what is on there should be taken at face value in terms of reviews of products. The only thing it’s good for is to find information about fixes for things or some very broad generic info.
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
Okay, but what about all the games that have come out since steam has launched and ONLY have online-only drm options?
Not talking about MMOs because those are their own beast. I’m talking about a huge amount of games though excluding mmos.
- Comment on Valve runs its massive PC gaming ecosystem with only about 350 employees 7 months ago:
I think people often hate steam for their success
I hate them for forcing me to use a kind of DRM which will stop working once their servers stop.
Halflife was just fine without steam. Adding steam seemed to be a way to stop players from sharing CD keys.
- Comment on The AI-focused COPIED Act would make removing digital watermarks illegal 7 months ago:
Doesn’t this infringe on fair use? e.g. if i’m making a parody of something and I mimic the original even by using a portion of the original’s text word for word.
Everyone is so obsessed with having a monopoly over everything, it’s not what is best for 8 billion people.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
Don’t get me started on the DNC and the fact that the voters really don’t have any real choice when it comes to who is elected.
I’ll never forgive them for screwing Bernie and handing the election to Trump by picking Hillary.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
When less than 50% of the population wants to vote for you, it’s obvious you’re a garbage candidate.
Let’s get rid of the garbage candidates.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
“Way down” based on what poll exactly? Both of the candidates are within 2%, certainly within margin of error.
Biden isn’t really any different % wise than a month ago. Trump is up 1% from a month ago. It’s not like it’s 60/40, it’s 42/39.8
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
A taxi that doesn’t play games with the meter, that always takes a credit card, and that has a rating system that harshly punishes drivers with bad attitudes.
The problem with it is Uber’s cut.
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” 8 months ago:
High paying jobs with tons of new graduates have an oversaturated supply problem. It’s no surprise that when people figure out that becoming a software developer is easy street to 150k+++ WFH that there was a huge rush to get those jobs… now that there are TONS and TONS of young junior devs there is no shortage to hire someone for near minimum wage.
Why pay 400k for a senior developer when you can hire a mid-level for ~100k to be a manager, and 4 juniors for 60k a piece, and augment them with chatgpt to help them learn what they are skill gapped by.
Plus junior devs are so desperate you can force them to come into the office, something the dev divas ten years ago refused to do back when there was a huge shortage of coders.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I’m not really thrilled about almost all the money in show business being funneled to a couple of actors and actresses and giant studios/big money.
Over and over again the majority of writers, actors, actresses and supporting teams strike for a real share and they never seem to get one.
Meanwhile big companies get billions in tax credits every year for shooting movies. The public subsidizes the costs and then pays again once a show releases. It’s insanely big bucks going to the ownership class.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
I’m super not okay with a government (which we have) gaining free access to that information for anything they want (which they would)
I fully believe they already have it.
- Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
I have nothing but admiration for the guy willing to be the human experiment. He’s like an astronaut paving the way for a potential future for mankind.
Even if someone else finds the right way of doing it, this is driving us towards having practical man-machine interfaces. It’s really cool.
Also completely terrifying to think about being the experiment myself.