- Comment on How does patientgamers feel about free games on Epic? 1 month ago:
You can get games for free with torrenting, so it never appealed to me.
I don’t want or need more accounts, nor do I want or need more launchers.
- Comment on Can you see yourself cutting off by a generation of gaming? 1 month ago:
Kind of. I’ve been playing a lot of PS2/GBA era games lately and I’ve been having more fun than most modern releases.
I’m definitely “behind a generation” where I wait for games to be available to easily torrent and run on Linux.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Google is once again confirming what a useless company they’ve become.
Still no option to filter for no ads and no in-app payments in their app store.
- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Eh. I don’t care about this because it only affects “influencers” who are willing to sacrifice the integrity of their work to advertise products.
Any “content creator” who lost money from this can go get fucked. They can all eat shit for collectively lowering everyone else’s standards and contributing to a ‘new normal.’
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
I’m way ahead of you.
I haven’t been buying apple products because they have mediocre hardware for high prices.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
Americans have been convinced to sell themselves out.
Every trump supporter is either a dipshit or someone taking advantage of dipshits.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
Hands down, the most effective punishments for these people at the top is to redistribute their wealth so they have to live like everyone else.
That is legitimately a fate worse than death in their eyes, which should put things into perspective for the rest of us.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
Tim cook will never suffer the consequences of anti-gay legislation or the lack of legal protection for gay people.
Unfortunately, gay people like money too. He cares more about furthering his own personal empire than he does about those who have less money than him.
In the eyes of timmy, the struggles of poor gay people are completely irrelevant to the struggles of rich gay people.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
Apple stopped being apple when this cuck took over.
- Comment on Russia admits its homegrown consoles can't match the PS5 or Xbox Series 1 month ago:
Why would they bother focusing on consoles at all?
They would be way more successful investing in game developers.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change 5 months ago:
Culture, which can change.
- Comment on United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change 5 months ago:
I agree. It’s great to have machines do the work we don’t want to do so we can do other things with our lives.
We just need to get over this mentality that those who have more deserve more and those who have less deserve less.
- Comment on United Nations wants to treat AI with same urgency as climate change 5 months ago:
So… do nothing about it?
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
Not really.
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
Personally, I’ve found AI is wrong about 80% of the time for questions I ask it.
It’s essentially just a search engine with cleverbot. If the problem you’re dealing with is esoteric and therefore not easily searchable, AI won’t fare any better.
I think AI would be a lot more useful if it gave a percentage indicating how confident it is in its answers, too. It’s very useless to have it constantly give wrong information as though it is correct.
- Comment on Why is UI design backsliding? 5 months ago:
“Designers” desperate to stay relevant and make their worthless degrees seem worthwhile.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
I actually just use my phone for internet and haven’t had a landline ISP for 2 years now.
Visible, $25/month has saved me so much money and they even sent me a free phone.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Everyone is different.
I personally think copyright and patent laws need to die. If you can’t protect your own secrets, don’t rely on taxpayer resources to do it for you.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Only because it would hurt their bottom line.
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 6 months ago:
It’s my understanding that backwards-compatible PS3s actually had PS2 hardware in them.
We can play PS2 and PS1 games if they are downloaded from the store, so emulation isn’t an issue. I think Sony looked at the data and saw they would make more money removing backwards compatibility, so that’s what they did.
Thankfully the PS3 was my last console before standards got even lower and they started charging an additional fee to use my internet.
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
Owner of original 60gb PS3 here.
It got very hot and eventually stopped working. It was under warranty and I got an 80gb replacement for $200 cheaper, but lost out on backwards compatibility which really sucked because I sold my PS2.
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
Why would they lay off their QA teams when its management and executives who make the decisions to cut corners?
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
You didn’t subscribe.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
But you are effectively consuming them. Just like renting books and movies
No, you’re not. Consuming something means it is no longer available after consumption. We can’t “consume” media unless we destroy it afterwards.
Sorry, you’ve been played by industry talking points just to get you to spend as much money as possible. Now you’re doing your part in perpetuating them.
There’s a term for people like you, but I’ll refrain from using it here.
Goodbye. You may have the last word since you need to push your products on others.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
The problem is that you’re renting access to something you’re not actually consuming.
Once you stop paying, you lose access and have nothing to show for it. They still have your money, though.
This is different than, say, paying for electricity which is consumed and no longer available for either party after consumption.
Sorry bud, you’re defending being scammed.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
Hmm. It sounds to me you just don’t want to acknowledge when you’re being taken for a ride.
But hey, to each their own.
Businesses want a lifeline to our wallets, which is why subscriptions and renting is also pushed on useful idiots.