- Comment on Procreate takes a stand against generative AI, vows to never incorporate the tech into its products | TechCrunch 5 months ago:
That’s a blanket statement. While I understand the sentiment, what about the thousands of “AIs” trained on private, proprietary data for personal or private use by organizations that own the said data. It’s the not the technology but the lack of regulation and misaligned incentives.
- Comment on Uber's new shuttle service sounds a lot like a bus route 8 months ago:
Gos forbid I react to the article after reading it
- Comment on Uber's new shuttle service sounds a lot like a bus route 8 months ago:
Wait they didn’t have them in the US? We’ve had uber shuttles for years in India
- Comment on Why do arranged marriages persist in many cultures? 8 months ago:
What he means is that there is a deep rooted segregation of men and women. Especially in rural parts of India, where you can get to your mid-20s without interacting with a person from the opposite sex (not from your family i.e.). There are no social settings where you can “meet people” and hence for marriage, arranged is the only way.