- Comment on TIL: Deer are popping off down here 4 weeks ago:
I stopped giving SSAA any of my money. I don’t agree with most of their political lobbying stances, especially for reducing requirements around accessing firearms and legalising higher rate of fire guns.
Hasn’t been any great loss.
- Comment on Let's chat about these SEVEN nuclear power plants the LNP want to build ... 7 months ago:
Even when in power and offering cash incentives, the LNP couldn’t convince the power industry to extend coal power plant lifetimes or build new generators. Renewables have already won the free market, they will likely never be beaten in our lifetime. Good fucking luck getting any company that wants to actually make money to invest in nuclear.
The only reasonable argument left for nuclear is the baseline and storage argument, but again the writing is on the wall, industry can see the trajectory that batteries and storage tech is on and know that by the time they spend 2 decades investing in current gen nuclear, it will probably be beaten by storage in the free market anyway.