Senior, sometimes crusty. AntiGlobalist and GeoPolitics/News. FOSS user since 1995. Have a lovely day. Russophile, and anti-NATO.
- Comment on These mods on their power-trips really need to stop 10 months ago:
Well, some alleged grownups are exactly that. Especially ones that believe our western propaganda without critical thinking skills.
- Comment on Threadverse Working Group is formed 10 months ago:
How many people attended this ‘FediForum’? I ask because I’d like to see how representative it is of the community. The last thing the Fediverse needs is another cliché of nerds directing the strategy of a decentralized protocol.
- Comment on What's your take on Bluesky? 10 months ago:
I was on there, but it seems to me to basically full of the neoliberal crowd that left X when Musk took over. Too much snark IMO.
- Comment on These mods on their power-trips really need to stop 10 months ago:
Why is that? Many don’t have it or the credibility to determine what’s accurate or not.
- Comment on These mods on their power-trips really need to stop 10 months ago:
Totally agree, opinion shouldn’t enter into such decisions. It’s emotional immaturity to do so.