- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Prodigy | 2x19 & 2x20 "Ouroboros" 6 months ago:
Holy shit. All so that eventually all the young folks turn on the older officers on their ships. Wesley finally getting his revenge for the way he was treated growing up. He was playing this 4D chess all along
- Comment on Robert Picardo is joining the cast of Academy 6 months ago:
You hear that yelling and screaming in the background? That’s the sound of Ben from Greatest Generation raging because he needs to come up with alternate names for Admiral Your Mom’s Coworker Who Is Just a Little Too Friendly With Her To Be Comfortable For Your Dad, for the next 6 years
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x05 "Mirrors" 10 months ago:
I’m kinda left wondering why it needed to be the Enterprise at all, since all we see is the ship, and no one from it. Is it just to give closure in-universe for it? Why couldn’t it just be “any” mirror universe ship?
I mean, was Burnham so incurious about mirror Spock that she never checked the records?
- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x05: "Mirrors" (SPOILERS): 10 months ago:
I’m still trying to figure out why hexagonal.
Well, it doesn’t matter. It works.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x04 "Face the Strange" 10 months ago:
Alright, so Stamets is outside the flow of time. Presumably he doesn’t experience any of the future timelines because Stamets is dead, so do you think he just wakes up in the next time frame like it’s immediate, or does he sense the gap?
Also, if it’s affecting his DNA, is that a property of his body? He still has his personality in memories from before he spliced tardigrade DNA so it’s not tied to the specific body itself but I thought it would have been hilarious if they went back in time and Stamets is just past Stamets.
I would have loved to see a quick shot of him waking up in a bar in San Francisco or something while Discovery was under construction just going like “wait what”
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x04 "Face the Strange" 10 months ago:
Yeah, I really thought they would do a few future jumps and have Calypso be one. It seemed that the takeaway is that regardless of how it happens, if Zora is on her own, she’s at least consistent with how she spends her free time.
- Comment on Annotations for *Star Trek: Discovery* 5x01: "Red Directive" (SPOILERS) 11 months ago:
Thank you for posting these!
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x01 "Red Directive" and 5x02 "Under the Twin Moons" 11 months ago:
Burnham is the one that said “family,” but I’m wondering if she even knows what Soong-type androids are, since they would have appeared after her time. She probably made an assumption that Fred was biological, given how quickly she had to sweep the room and leave.
I’m more curious why they didn’t just hook up Fred’s head and turn him back on. They were able to do that with Data. Maybe they figured Fred wouldn’t be cooperative, or that Stamets just didn’t have the technology or know-how to able to do that and went straight for “download the data”.