- Comment on Tea Time 8 months ago:
Or without the tea bags, if you want to brew American beer.
- Comment on Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over? 8 months ago:
Let’s call this one Planet Twitter, just to annoy Elon.
- Comment on EUROBEE 8 months ago:
The definition of a non-native species in ecology is if it was introduced by human activity after the year 1492.
Invasive species are non-native species that displace native species. - Comment on Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over? 8 months ago:
- Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago:
I’m guessing they added a clickbait fee?
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 9 months ago:
Han Solo comes on board, and seduces half the female crew members.
- Comment on Online Content Is Disappearing 9 months ago:
In most cases, this is because an individual page was deleted or removed on an otherwise functional website.
How is this news? I bet a lot of pages were also added in the same time frame, very likely orders of magnitude more.
- Comment on RIP Twitter Dot Com: Elon Musk Moves Social Network to X Web Address 9 months ago:
- Comment on Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower 9 months ago:
How come there are no student unions?
- Comment on Here's How to Declutter Your Google Search Results (And Make It Your Default) 9 months ago:
There’s a much faster way. Just put this in your hosts file:
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
This is the only really good idea on this thread.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
then use it as a server room
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
A decomposing corpse would fit in nicely.
- Comment on Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser's new studio is making an "open world action-adventure" game 9 months ago:
It’ll be called Grand Tour Adventure.
- Comment on The man who turned his dead father into a chatbot 9 months ago:
Pretty sure this is how religion started
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 9 months ago:
Grizzlies can’t climb but if they want to get to you, they’ll just dig out the tree you’re on.
- Comment on Defund the War Machine 9 months ago:
Oh no! You spoke out against the wrong war!
That somehow means you’re a tankie now! - Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
I want to see a world where content creators are simply paid by the hour, while they work. Why do they get to still make money off their work 70 years after they died?
Yes, it would probably mean that billion-dollar-movies aren’t viable anymore, and most YouTubers couldn’t live off their videos, but I see that as a good thing.
- Comment on Joost Klein: Dutch contestant disqualified from Eurovision Song Contest 9 months ago:
Don’t worry, ESC never had any standards.
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
I’m done with Ubuntu, after it had glaringly obvious bugs in 4 seperate releases right after booting the default install.
I’m talking, system starts and the first thing you see is a crash message. Or the DE locking up. Or the software center throwing an error when you try to install a program. Or Firefox telling you it can’t restore your tabs, when you just started it for the first time. etc.
Debian used to be more of a hassle to set up, but nowadays I think it’s one of the highest quality distros available. It really just works.
Arch is also very good, and never broke on me in a decade, but what it does do is change stuff on you constantly, and I’m getting too old for that. - Comment on we are in dire need of new memes to criticize marxist-leninists 9 months ago:
This poster was just arrested by the red guards.
- Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 9 months ago:
Germany is desperate for nurses, currently. Just a heads-up though: Whether you’ll feel welcomed here sadly still depends on your skin color!
- Comment on Is cave exploration an indoor or an outdoor activity? 9 months ago:
Is there usually a door at the entrance to a cave?
- Comment on 9 months ago:
Erstmal nur sehr allmählich und in sehr geringem Ausmaß.
Aber bei 360 Grad Umfang steigt der Reifenabrieb sprunghaft an, weil der Reifen erst dann zum Fahren taugt. - Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
I find the wording weird: The neuralink’s threads have retracted from the brain.
The threads can’t move or disconnect on their own. Neither can brain cells. All that can be measured is a loss of connection.The far more reasonable explanation is that the brain cells at the connection point have died.
- Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
A software patch for a hardware failure.
Sounds like what they do at Tesla, too. - Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
So there shouldn’t be girls’ locker rooms either?
- Comment on Men over 30, what do you keep in your bedside nightstand? 9 months ago:
a bear
- Comment on Tell me what it smells like in the comments! 9 months ago:
Why the fuxk are there engagement-bait posts on lemmy now?
- Comment on If we took material like rock from space and got it back to Earth enough times, would Earth grow as a planet? 9 months ago:
You should maybe invite it to dinner first.