- Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 2 months ago:
Licensing issues very likely. They licensed that version of the engine for Killing Floor and some other games.
- Comment on PPSSPP multiplayer questions 3 months ago:
PPSSPP will attempt to establish connection to any IP or domain that is put in the ad-hoc server text box. So, much like a web browser, it entirely depends on where you tell it to connect.
That being said, as for any security concerns, I am unaware of any exploits and/or wrongdoings with PPSSPP code, so you should be safe. It only passes the data directly between the emulated games and the chat box feature.
- Comment on PPSSPP multiplayer questions 3 months ago:
So, for PPSSPP multiplayer, you either need to be in a LAN with the other players or, as you’ve said, forward the port.
So, if you’re on the same LAN as your friend(s), it’s as easy as setting the IP address to the host (on all the clients) and the same wifi channel in PPSSPP settings.
If you wish to play online, it gets tricky. Most cellular data providers are behind something known as a CGNAT, which basically prohibits port forwarding.
The only solution and workaround to this is to use a VPN tunnel that can put you in a virtual LAN with your friends but over the internet. One of the most commonly used software on PC for this is LogMeIn Hamachi. Not sure if there is anything like it on Android, though.
I’ve actually set up a Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force tournament for DLE but that quickly went nowhere after a couple episodes lol
- Comment on Three "Lost" Shining Force Games Have Been Preserved | Time Extension 3 months ago:
Shining Force. One of few RPGs I played…
Man, I miss it. I know that the “Shining” brand technically isn’t dead but, it hasn’t been the same since after Shining Force 3. Or, heck, even during it.
- Comment on FFmpeg devs boast of up to 94x performance boost after implementing handwritten AVX-512 assembly code 3 months ago:
It’s mostly because AVX-512 doesn’t get used too well by compilers even today.
However, what makes this impressive for me is that it is x86 after all. ARM is way easier to write assembly for.
- Comment on SilentPatch for Grand Theft Auto goes open source! 4 months ago:
Similarly how SilentPatch and the WidescreenFix fixes various bugs and adds improvements, mine does as well.
As a matter of fact, I used to maintain ThirteenAG’s WFP for NFS. Now I’m focused on my own thing mostly. (Forked it off of it but barely any of the code is left lol)
It’s called NFS-MultiFix. (I made one ages ago in 2017 for ProStreet but I’m reviving the project now).
It’s a going to basically be an all-in-one thing. So, from basic things like a widescreen fix, to the added ability to change resolutions of environment maps and shadows, fixing clipped/popin shadows in Undercover, fixing crashes, fixing some crap gameplay features, resizable windowed mode, etc. Basically, making it a version of the game that it deserves to be on PC.
It’s a genuinely pretty massive set of fixes spanning over 80 cpp/hpp files with about 500 lines of code on average. I made sure to optimize every nitty-gritty and I ended up with a smaller DLL size than the average widescreen fix while adding so many more features.
I also have a design rule in place - it must do its best effort to work in every possible version of the game without crashing. This includes demo versions of the same games. (This sadly doesn’t count DRM but nothing I can do about that)
That being said, I am currently focused on ProStreet (as I’m also the main coder in Team Pepega for the Pepega Mod) and I hope to make a release within the next year. It should be available for every Black Box NFS on PC (except The Run and World)
If you wanna check out what I made so far, check out the Reformed mod for Undercover. I made an exclusive release for those guys because frankly, Undercover is the worst one out of the bunch (in terms of code).
- Comment on SilentPatch for Grand Theft Auto goes open source! 4 months ago:
Silent is a real cool dude.
I assume the code was closed only because it was a bit of a hodge podge he had to clean up.
I’m currently in a similar position for Black Box NFS games. It’s taken me over a year so far and I’m still not fully satisfied to release anything because there’s so much code to span over 6 (similar, but different) games.
- Comment on Chavtar 5 months ago:
- Comment on Microsoft is discontinuing its HoloLens headsets 5 months ago:
There go my hopes and dreams of IRL Solid Vision system and duel disks…
One day, it will happen with MR.
- Comment on DuckStation Creator Considers Shutting Down Emulator Amid License Change 5 months ago:
And that’t the crux of the issue. Stenzek doesn’t actually understand the reality of licensing.
The reality is this - you can’t do anything without a lawyer. Laweyrs cost money (pro bono isn’t a thing in the copyright world AFAIK).
If he wanted to avoid this, then maybe he should’ve kept it closed source from the beginning. Chinese sellers on AliExpress couldn’t care less about licensing anyway, so that way he’d have at least some protection.
IMO his course of action so far has been wrong.
What he should’ve done is this:
- Cause a stir
- Get support from the community
- Open up donations for the project
He could even go after Arcade1up legally if he raised funds, but that’s not even worth the time if you ask me.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws creative director admits forced stealth sections are “incredibly punishing”, says next patch will ease up on them 5 months ago:
Why is there Star Trek in the embed lmao
- Comment on Is this how you play MTG? 6 months ago:
MTG poops and Yugipoops never get old
- Comment on Does anyone here play Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel? If so, do you know an easier way to build a deck? 6 months ago:
I used to play Duel Links and shortly Master Duel after it came out. I don’t anymore but hopefully this will help.
If I was going back to the game, I’d go to look for budget deck lists and seeing what ranks up easily. Most of the community is on Discord and Reddit, as well as YouTube (yugitubers and alike) so I’d go and look there.
I’d also go look for some easy farming methods. These usually come in a form of a current event (IIRC in MD there are these “festivals” for each card type, such as Synchro Festival). These events are usually a very easy way to gain a lot of gems for not much playing.
It is what it is. TCG paper Yu-Gi-Oh is even more expensive than MD.
DL is arguably cheaper but it’s been a long time since I last played (2021).
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2024 7 months ago:
I’m surprised nobody thought of the demoscene twisters
- Comment on Red alert issued in Croatia over heatwave 7 months ago:
I can confirm. I feel miserable here. 14 days of 30c and above.
No AC in the house. I am living in the basement lol
- Comment on Sonic Mania Dreamcast Port Has Sega Fans Going Wild | Retro Dodo 8 months ago:
I really wish I could find time to work on the PSP port of RSDKv4 lol
It runs at like 2 FPS currently thanks to everything being run in software mode.
I was actually amazed at how otherwise simple it was to get running. Technically all it needed was SDL which was already on PSP.
- Comment on I am inevitable. 8 months ago:
In before someone tries to guilt trip you for that because “developers aren’t getting money from stolen keys” and the developer isn’t an indie developer but a studio owned by Microsoft or EA…
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
A little thing called the “Massive Ad client” exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.
It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game’s own billboards.
It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
A little thing called the “Massive Ad client” exists in NFS Carbon, Pro Street, Undercover and even World.
It was used to download ads off the internet and display them in the game’s own billboards.
It was also an entrypoint for a NFS World hack too lol so ripbozo EA
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
One thing, I don’t know why
I bought a PS5 with no games to buy