aka freamon
- Comment on The Tesseract Lemmy app shows a news source ranking from MBFC 2 weeks ago:
Whatever the views are about MBFC, Tesseract integrated it better than LW's bot. If you don't like MBFC, it's just an option in your user settings to turn it off for Tesseract, whereas the bot caused a bunch of problems that weren't even related to concerns about accuracy and bias. Drive-by bots can be annoying, because it leads people to believe there's legit content where there isn't, and not every client respected LW's bot use of spoiler Markdown, so they ended up with a massive comment from it that dominated the screen.
- Comment on Fights about policy changes explained 2 weeks ago:
The first link in the cross-post chain is to, which is for the channel, and shows that it was made 4 weeks ago, and includes a comment from the main LW admin.
Your suspicions about this video seem off, but if you want to keep them, they should be directed at person who posted this old video into Lemmy, not the video's author. As well as a PeerTube instance, Jeena has a PieFed instance, and it seems reasonable enough for him to use his own channel to discuss things that have affected him and are relevant at the time.
What's even weirder is that this video was already posted to ! by Jeena a month ago, and OP commented on it then. It doesn't get picked up as a cross-post (by either Lemmy or PieFed) because PeerTube has 2 different formats for its URLs (a recent change to PieFed means they get they will do from now on, but it doesn't apply to old posts).
- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 3 weeks ago:
I think they still need a separate user account. For one thing, a PeerTube channel is 'attributedTo' the user account, in the same way that Lemmy communities are 'attributedTo' the moderators. A Group belongs to at least one Person, it can't belong to itself. Another is that it allows for creators to comment on videos, and either be recognised as the 'OP', or as a fellow content creator.
In terms of rendering things like Likes and Dislikes, it has the info in the backend, so it may as well. They don't Announce votes like Lemmy does, you have to activitely fetch them, so the channel as it exists on PeerTube provides a definitive source. Likewise, there's all sorts of reasons why comments get out of sync, so the channel provides an authoritative place where you should be able to see them all.
There is a friction though. I like the idea of a place that only open to people willing to create content, and isn't interested in signups from 'lurkers', but providing a mobile app doesn't seem compatible with that.
- Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 3 weeks ago:
they seem to only give accounts to creators
That doesn't seem unreasonable to me. I'll get in trouble for saying it, but I think that PeerTube is for video channels what Lemmy should be for communities. It should be that if you want to start or moderate a community, then you sign up to Lemmy, but if you just want to interact with one, you use a user account provided by software that's fully geared up around users (e.g. Mastodon).
Ignoring for the moment that Lemmy's federation model hasn't been widely adopted, and that comments from Mastodon that appear in Lemmy often have annoying Hashtag / Mention spam, my fantasy version of a post in a Lemmy community would look something like, which was created by a PeerTube user, but has been commented on and voted for by users from Mastodon, Sharkey, PieFed, other PeerTube instances, and MBIN.
Amongst those subscribers, commenters, and voters should be Lemmy users, of course. In this thread, it feels like PeerTube is being criticised by people who want to use it in a way that it's not designed for, because they can't interact with it from their Lemmy account. If inter-op was better, there'd be no need to create a new account anywhere, and it would have a network effect - the channels that people are trying to discover would already have been brought in by other users, and findable through a conventional Lemmy search. Also, the votes and comments from Lemmy users that are currently going to whoever takes a PeerTube video and posts it in the likes of !, would instead be going to original creator. This would also aid discovery (since people would be more likely to see the channel in 'all'), and might have also some incentivising influence on the creator.
Basically, I blame Lemmy.
- Comment on LemmyLink - A Reddit to Lemmy Bridge Bot 3 weeks ago: got people's ire because it created a different bot account for every Reddit user, but this one just looks like it posts everything as 'LemmyLinkBot', with the Reddit user as the first line a post / comment.
- Comment on PieFed, a FOSS Feed Aggregator alternative to Lemmy, but faster 3 months ago:
Oh okay. Might be though, in the future, if platforms (like Sublinks) get released - it's not really a relevant issue at the mo.
- Comment on PieFed, a FOSS Feed Aggregator alternative to Lemmy, but faster 3 months ago:
I couldn't really do justice to his opinions about things like that. I just replied because I recognised your name, and wanted to let you know that the software / instance wouldn't be a good fit for you.
- Comment on PieFed, a FOSS Feed Aggregator alternative to Lemmy, but faster 3 months ago:
They must have been talking about the Lemmy devs (the main PieFed dev is a lefty but no-one has ever accused him of being a tankie). To give you an idea: blocks lemmygrad and hexbear, but it also block hilariouschaos (set up by the old exploding-heads guys).
- Comment on PieFed, a FOSS Feed Aggregator alternative to Lemmy, but faster 3 months ago:
You can't, no. PieFed and Lemmy are operating in similar spaces, but are completely different architecturally. PieFed doesn't yet have an API. Unlike Lemmy (and a lot of other modern web platforms), it doesn't need one to operate, so copying Lemmy's to the extent that you'd be able to plug in something like Voyager would be overkill. It would probably also be against the TOS for Voyager (Jerboa actively prevents it's use with anything other than Lemmy, even if the API is the same).
- Comment on community not federating 3 months ago:
Interesting. Funnily enough, my comments are coming through to Lemmy as 'Undermined' too (just a PieFed bug, easily fixed), so the fact that you saw it (as well as the comments by the others I mentioned) means it's not a language thing. That's good, in a way, because it should be physically impossible to actually de-select it.
So, sorry - at least we can rule one thing out, but I don't have any more suggestions.
- Comment on Screenshots of texts from other social media are pretty boomer-ish 3 months ago:
Maybe, but image posts drive more engagement than text ones. You can see on ! that the text posts, which are no worse LQFs than any other ones IMO, score noticeably lower.
I like sites / Lemmy frontends that provide some kind of 'teaser' for text posts (they also show a bit of the post's body in the main feed), meaning you can often see both the feed line and the punchline for a post without going into it (it works well for 'dad jokes' for example). But the default frontend - lemmy-ui - doesn't do that, so it hobbles the potential of text posts.
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 3 months ago:
It has happening. If you look for news of, e.g. "Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses Harris", most outlets just say 'X'.
In my results, The Guardian, the BBC, The Independent, Fortune, MSNBC, The Washington Post and The Hill just used 'X'. Politico said 'on social media'. Only Forbes did the 'formerly Twitter' thing.
- Comment on A community to find or validate facts. You can also share other works of similar fact finding 3 months ago:
There used to be one -
It looks like it was de-activated 3 months ago.
If you make a new one, please consider limiting it to just this community (and maybe communitypromo), and to not translating a link if the OP has also already provided a ! one, and to not translating links inside code blocks.
Drive-by bots can seem easy to make, but the problem is that they can be a bit too easy, and then end up as yet another annoying one.
- Comment on Conversations like this are why I want more people, especially "normies", in the Fediverse 3 months ago:
That comment chain demonstrates a real appeal of Reddit. Even for something like a post-episode TV discussion, a critical mass of people means that not only can you have the discussion in the first place, but there might be some extra info from someone who worked on the set, or attended an audience taping.
You can click to see the rest of the comments to see plenty wrong with Reddit too, but it's not like there's any particular drive to prevent the elements of Reddit culture that I find annoying from coming to Lemmy too.
I'd be surprised if there's ever a critical mass of people on a federated app though. If there is, it's more likely to be on something with the proper funding, that hides the details from regular users (e.g
it'll be BlueSky, not Mastodon). On Reddit, Lemmy has a reputation for being too complicated, for the mundane reason that is. Too much stuff that should happen doesn't, and the answer to why are the stuff that 'normies' don't want to hear (LW and PD instances are both a bit unstable atm), or they're so unintuitive that that they'll need answering forever (e.g everything around discussion languages, instance blocks, newly-discovered communities , etc etc).I've just seen a user accidentally submit the same post to the same community multiple times (the worst I've seen is 4 times). Preventing that is some real 'web dev 101' shit. Federated apps can be an interesting hobby for inexperienced devs (like me), and mildly diverting for anyone who wants to use them as a user, but a critical mass of users?! Forget about it.
- Comment on Microblog posts that are adjacent to a sub but won't qualify as a thread there 4 months ago:
I'm assuming that this is about your earlier post that ended up in LW's technology community. Microblog posts like that seem to be more intended for whoever is following you as a user. If MBIN insists that you also have to choose a 'sub' then I think it'd be best to put it in whatever it considers a dumping ground (ideally something that doesn't federate out), so the 'random' magazine sounds about right to me.
- Comment on Is a filter for muting Lemmy 'power users' possible? 4 months ago:
This feels like something that would be scriptable using Lemmy's API - see to view and demo the endpoints.
- Comment on My blog now has Lemmy comments 4 months ago:
Neat. It took me a while to realise what was going on: the post on Lemmy and the blogpost are two separate entities. The Lemmy post is a link to the blogpost, and the blogpost uses the post_id to fetch the comments (so I guess this means you have to make the blogpost, make the Lemmy post, and then go back and edit the blogpost with the correct id?)
The script is inspectable on the blog - I can see it does:
const url = '';
So I suppose there's an inbuilt limit for comment depth and number of replies, but if you start down the road of working on that, you'll eventually find that you've re-invented a front-end, and there's no end to it.
What the duckquill guys are doing is a bit fudgy, in that they're getting another website to do the federation legwork for them, but the results are pleasing enough.
- Comment on Peanuts - A community for posting about the Peanuts comic by Charles M. Schulz 4 months ago:
If you type a ! link using lemmy-ui, it auto-completes it so that MBIN sees it as an absolute link to the community on (Blaze's link is without the auto-complete). Lemmy, like Mastodon, can be a bit "fuck you if you aren't us" at times.
- Comment on Add any RSS feed to any Lemmy community 4 months ago:
Oh, right. I was confused by this before, but I understand it now after reading yours and Otters answers, and seeing - the bot posts to its local version of a remote community, and it federates out like it it normally does.
Am I right in assuming that - API wise - the bot only interacts with, and doesn't make calls to the remote instance? (I'm wondering if there's any barriers to it operating with communities that aren't on a Lemmy instance).
Does the bot resolve the human first, check what they moderate, and then resolve the community if they moderate it, or just always resolve the community, and then compare its moderators with who made the request? If its the latter, this could be a way for bad actors to crowbar a community onto your instance (assuming it doesn't purge it if things don't match up, of course).
What would have happened if Otter had sent
? Would this be like that time when someone put 'google' into, and the Internet blew up?Thanks.
- Not just AI datacenters needing own power: Taiwanese server-maker Quanta has bought ↗Submitted 4 months ago to | 0 comments
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on will live on as a PieFed instance 4 months ago:
That's a different Jerry! (Jerry Bell)
- Comment on Juno for YouTube has been removed from the App Store 4 months ago:
He's posted before that Day 1 sales covered the cost the device itself, so a decent chuck of everything after that will have been pure profit. It was probably always doomed, what with YouTube being YouTube, so it doesn't look like he's too shaken up about it.
- Comment on HBO should use a different bumper for streaming. 4 months ago:
HBO Max, for the brief period of time it existed, had a more fitting 'bumper'. Hacks, which started out as a 'Max Original' still had it in season 3, but The Penguin, which was a Max Original until it wasn't, has the fuzzy version (I've had players that struggle with it a bit, but I doubt HBO gives a shit about the quality of my experience pirating their stuff)
- Comment on Network Rail: Twenty railway stations affected by cyber-attack 5 months ago:
Poor old Northern Rail - they only just got WiFi in the last couple of years (that's not even a joke).
- Comment on Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered - Announce Trailer | PS5 & PC Games 5 months ago:
I bought the Last of Us 2 upgrade, so I can't really criticise anyone buying this, but I've played this game to it's absolute death - had every conversation, completed every mission, even played through on the hardest difficulty to get all the trophies - so I can't imagine ever playing it again. It's Guerrilla Games' own fault - if they hadn't made it so good, they could have had an extra tenner from me.
- Comment on GitHub - WinampDesktop/winamp: Iconic media player 5 months ago:
Crikey - it was only added a few hours ago and it's already all kicking off on their GitHub's Issues page.
- Comment on Mars brings Marathon name back in UK as nostalgia rises for retro sweets 5 months ago:
I think I've finally fully mourned the loss of the 'Marathon' name to the clearly inferior 'Snickers' - bring 'em back at the size Marathons bars were, that'd be a thing!
- Comment on Are there any communities dedicated to product reviews? 5 months ago:
All the other comments except from that one are from (Reddit users turned into bots), which your instance is defederated from.
- Comment on Manual hobbies - active communities promotion thread 5 months ago:
textiles/needlecraft combo projects: !