- Comment on Gun rights groups ask Supreme Court to strike down Illinois 'assault weapons' ban 11 months ago:
Good job grandpa. Let’s have no rules becuase some tech illiterate boomer wants to keep his big boy toys.
- Comment on Gun rights groups ask Supreme Court to strike down Illinois 'assault weapons' ban 11 months ago:
The words of a truly hinged individual
- Comment on Baltimore Police grapple with dangerous staff shortage, experts warn of public danger 11 months ago:
- Comment on Higher salaries? Subsidized housing? What will it take for Seattle to recruit and retain more police? 11 months ago:
Oh no please, not less police. Who will kill our dogs and harass our minorities now?
- Comment on Rittenhouse killed two people and bragged about it. Colleges shouldn't host him to speak. 11 months ago:
Eheran - “How is he the bad guy?”
Neuromancer “He isn’t. He was a liberal”
What the fuck are you even trying to say here?? jesus titty fucking christ.
- Comment on Israeli Hostage Says She Was Sexually Assaulted and Tortured in Gaza 11 months ago:
“Sesame Street Snufflupagus Says She Rode a unicorn and kissed a leprechaun in the magical kingdom of Narnia”
The only operative part of that sentence is “says”.
The world can be whatever you want it to be if your standards for proof are low enough.
- Comment on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill that bans children under 14 from having social media accounts 11 months ago:
Classic small government conservatism.
- Comment on White House blasts new ban on flying BLM, gay pride flags at embassies 11 months ago:
“Democrats literally put BLM and LGBTQ over America, what a surprise”
You have to be special kind of delicate snowflake to be this scared of the gays.