- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
You’re mod for a reason
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
You are so clever
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
Like a petulant child…
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
Biden’s a liar. Trump’s a liar. Most presidents are liars. What’s supposed to be the take away? I shouldn’t vote for liars? Trump’s brand of lying is better? Every point you could possibly be trying to make is overshadowed by much bigger points that ultimately make the GOP look bad. Your bias is on full display here as you make mountains out of mole hills and I can’t help but laugh.
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
Compulsive… Right.
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 10 months ago:
This is just sad at this point.
- Comment on AI can predict political orientations from blank faces – and researchers fear 'serious' privacy challenges 10 months ago:
Physiognomy is pseudoscience. It’s hilarious that you thought this was post worthy.
- The GOP’s “Election Integrity” Lawyer Was Just Indicted for Election Subversionwww.motherjones.com ↗Submitted 10 months ago to conservative@lemm.ee | 0 comments
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
You ARE drunk
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
Sock puppets? You put words in my mouth for 2 hours, I’m just returning the favor.
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
You said children should not be protected from criminals. Those words fell out of your digital mouth. I’m not putting words in your mouth, I’m just asking how you could believe such an awful thing.
- Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
I know.
- Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
My wife’s T1 diabetic. We pay to keep her alive. Go ahead, let’s hear your bullshit response.
- Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
Republicans are red neck hillbillies scared of what they don’t understand and vehemently against anything that doesn’t give them an advantage over someone else. In this way they are like cancer, consuming value but not adding any.
Whoa shit, broad generalizing statements is fun. I see why you do it so often.
- Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
You hear that everyone? The mod doesn’t spend a lot on healthcare so it’s not a fact that this country spends more than any other and gets less. As a healthy person, your wants for cheaper healthcare are unfounded. “The system works
for me” so nothing needs to change. - Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
A mod’s feelings got hurt
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
2 hours ago I made a comment and you have chosen to waste your time and mine by taking it in the most bad faith way possible.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
Can a REAL mod step in please? This is horse shit
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
Stop telling people what they do and don’t want. I don’t have a pension or 401K you’d know that if you were me but you are awful at being me. Please stop speaking for me.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
If you want to have both sides of the argument, go ahead. Leave me out of it because despite being in violent agreement you’re hounding me, twisting my words into whatever you want them to be. I am the poor that is being hurt by inflation and I would rather every stock bottom out than for life to continue filled with this corporate greed.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
I commented on an article about the DOW dropping. It’s not a hard concept.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
No wonder this place is a god damned ghost town
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
You CAN read. Tell me again which word in my first comment was the word “inflation”
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
I was talking about the DOW drop. Obviously. But you read into it in the worst way possible. You give my own words back to me and I STILL don’t see the word inflation in them.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
There you go putting words in my mouth again. Boy, you don’t know how to act.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
I read the article. You didn’t read my comment.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
Wow you went out on the wrong limb. I couldn’t care less about the DOW or NASDAQ loss. But you put the word “inflation” in my mouth when I clearly never said it. You’re out to argue, not even discuss.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
So many people try to put words in your mouth and yet you learn nothing.
- Comment on Dow drops by more than 400 points after a surprisingly bad inflation report | CNN Business 10 months ago:
When this impacts my life, I’ll let you know.