- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 6 months ago:
The job of CEO seems the far easier to replace with AI. A fairly basic algorithm with weighted goals and parameters (chosen by the board) + LLM + character avatar would probably perform better than most CEOs. Leave out the LLM if you want it to spout nonsense like this Amazon Cloud CEO.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
A ballsière
- Comment on Are there foods that dogs can safely eat but humans can't? 7 months ago:
I not sure this is true.
As I understand, humans have an extremely acidic stomach compared to other animals, even carnivores. Our stomach acid is on the level of scavengers, and this is to kill bacteria and parasites in the food we eat. Humans could be more tolerant of spoiled food than most other species.
The modern western diet/lifestyle can damage our digestive tract in ways that affect our pH and microbiome making us susceptible to what we should normally be tolerant of. Anyone taking antacids or dealing with heartburn type issues I would expect to more vulnerable to food poisoning since any pathogens can more easily pass deeper into our digestive tract.
The short digestive tract in a dog is all that is needed to extract nutrients from animal sources, digesting plants requires help from a microbiome and they need somewhere to live and do their work, this is why plant eaters have extensive digestive tracts that are not very acidic so they don’t kill them off. Humans (not sure about other animals) neutralize the “chime” exiting your stomach so that it’s pH is appropriate for the microbiome living in the intestines.
The human digestive tract suggest sit evolved for adaptability, a healthy human can safely eat anything from carrion (not saying it’s fine, just that we evolved to be able to survive it), be a vegetarian, or eat mostly meat and thrive.
- Comment on iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes 9 months ago:
So are you saying that they suffered from a filesystem bug that caused deletion failure? I’d imagine they use standard filesystems on their backend, I haven’t heard about any bugs like this.
If you ask me, what’s more likely, that a company known for shitty behavior lies about deleting files so they can continue to use that information to profit, – OR – that they are experiencing a filesystem bug on their backend, I’ll choose the former.
- Comment on iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes 9 months ago:
But clearly the data is not overwritten and this was intentional. How do I know? Because that would amount to a massive amount of data, if it was de to a bug in Apple software or underlying filesystems, it would be detected in monitoring systems “Hey, we’re using 10x the data we should be, maybe we should look into it”.
The mistake was in the flag code that was supposed to fool us.
- Comment on iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes 9 months ago:
Nothing sinister, we just don’t delete what we say we delete. Instead we keep it in your profile to feed the algorithms and set the “deleted” flag to make you think it’s gone.
- Comment on If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible? 9 months ago:
Depending on your definitions (empathy, sympathy, and compassion are often confusingly defined and contradictory between dictionaries), you ARE empathizing by realizing they are mental children. You’re just not sympathizing and therefore deciding no longer to act with compassion, which makes plenty of sense to me.
IMHO it’s good to empathize with the right (understand your attacker), but it’s also important have to understand that whatever the underlying reasons, these people, when activated into an idiot army they become a dangerous group.
The definitions that make the most sense to me is
Empathy - understanding the perspective of another, where there desires and fears come from. It takes intelligence to not just project one’s own personality on everyone else and understand that they are different.
Sympathy - Feeling in sync with another (like when you speak of sympathetic guitar strings causing each other to vibrate). Like you see the bombing in Gaza and not just understand that they don’t want to be bombed (empathy), but imagining the pain of losing your child.
Compassion - The positive treatment of another due to having sympathy for them
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Still not quite getting my analogy. I’m not merely speaking of calories, or how we decide to dispose of waste.
I haven’t seen any evidence of this.
–> I’ve never seen anyone use this terminology before about “human eutrophication”, I made it up. But if you want more info on this topic,
The evidence is the apparent non-sustainable lifestyle that is only possible by the addition of energy not part of the natural short-term energy cycle of the planet. We are making species go extinct and destroying this planet.
By using fossil/nuclear energy we are able to produce enough food to quadruple the population this planet could sustain without that extra energy. All those extra people need more than food, and in producing all the other needs for this expanded population, we damage the ecosystem. The planet is not ours to use, we are
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
If you do that then count the deaths finding and acquiring nuclear materials, the political tensions nuclear materials cause and any related deaths, the deaths of people building the plant, the engineers that died in car accidents in the decade going back and forth to the office in their gas car in the plant planning stages, etc.
There is no perfect energy source, we should stop looking for “the one”, use the nuclear plants we have as we degrow and use more green energy (which is a scam if sold as a solution for eco problems on it’s own).
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
The fact that nuclear is still significantly better than
If you ignore that near everlasting radioactive waste problem we have yet to come with a solution for.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Yes, all of those things make it more likely for human numbers to grow even more, and in the process making more species extinct, and habitats destroyed.
Physics and biology tell us we are living unsustainably. Free energy just makes exploitation of the planet more efficient, wipe out nature even faster with more humans.
If we expect to exist in 100 years, degrowth is the only answer, green energy is a scam.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
To my knowledge, electric energy generated by heated water is not producing any kind of effect comparable to nitrogen dumped into a lake or CO2 into the atmosphere. If there’s some source suggesting otherwise, I’d be curious to read it.
You’re not understanding my analogy.
Eutrophication is the addition of too much food for one type of living thing in an environment, allowing it’s population to grow too large for the ecosystem to support. This is exactly what the Green Revolution was for humanity.
I think you’re confusing fossil fuels with fossil fertilizers.
I’m talking about fossil energy in general, all forms of it. Fossil fertilizers are one form of fossil energy.
- Comment on There are songs we've gone our whole lives without hearing and our favorite song might still be out there. 9 months ago:
That’s silly, the greatest song was made in 1999 by Kook Keith.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
It’s not about shame, it’s about too much energy added to a system causing imbalance. Large scale use of nuclear or fossil energy does the same thing as adding tons of nitrogen to a lake (eutrophication). It’s temporarily great for the few nitrogen lovers but otherwise destroys the ecosystem.
By using nuclear or fossil energy, humans are causing the equivalent of eutrophication of our own environment.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
So to make nuclear sound better it’s compared against the most polluting source?
I can’t say I’ve seen much push for more coal power plants.
The fact the nobody on any side likes to bring up (and most aren’t aware of tbh) is that using large amounts of energy that isn’t part of the natural cycle of the planet (i.e. current solar energy), whether that’s fossil energy (solar energy the the past), nuclear fission or fusion, it means the population of our species can grow beyond the carrying capacity (and I’m not speaking of simply making enough food, there are many other limits) and puts us into a race condition where we have to figure out how to colonize space before destroying the planet.
- Comment on There used to be a point were I was mostly too young to get the joke. Now I'm mostly too old to get the joke... 9 months ago:
Eventually you become the joke.
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 9 months ago:
- Comment on [Help] Which modules for BTRFS or ZFS setup with Ansible? 10 months ago:
You can use the parted module for partitioning…/parted_module.html#ans…
Format with BTRFS or many others…/filesystem_module.html#ansible…
These might come in handy:
For ZFS, I’m not familiar but I found
Here’s the index of all modules:…/index_module.html
- Comment on How working for Big Tech lost 'dream job' status 10 months ago:
They lost dream job status for me when I realized I was facilitating some evil shit. Like “oh! great job in genomics! I can help cure cancer!” Then realize it’s “oh, help China build population scale genomic sequencing, wonder what they’re gonna do with that?”
And “oh, edge computing, sounds cool”, then realizing “oh, edge computing is mostly useful for facial recognition, wonder what people will use that for?”
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
These are great ideas and should be implemented, but at best the push the issue of population down the road. These are temporary band-aids to a worsening problem.
A species that grows beyond it’s bounds and kills itself is not intelligent, it’s merely a clever tool user. Let’s prove our real intelligence by being the first species on our planet conscious of the physical bounds, with understanding we have the capacity to to go beyond them to our own demise, and wisdom to actively choose sustainability. Let’s be smarter than bacteria on a Petri dish.
The goal of our species shouldn’t be to fit as many humans as possible on the planet and make everyone sacrifice for it.
But I want to clarify, I’m not in favor of authoritarian limits on reproduction (I’m an anarchist). I suspect, looking at the timing of the human population explosion on the scale of thousands of years, that exploitative economic systems and the ability to cheat the natural energy balance by using prehistoric sunlight energy (fossil fuels) are the drivers of this explosion and if we can eliminate or control those things the population would naturally contract.
- Comment on The more air conditions in an area the hotter becomes around it. In turn increasing the demand for AC. Talk about infinite money glitch. 10 months ago:
You totally can.
I’m planning on making some panels to help cool my garden in an attempt to help plants survive extreme heat and sun by shooting some of that heat into space! The combination of partial shading with cooling mass vs heating mass should help a bit. People think it doesn’t work, but I’d imagine growing a garden on a asphalt blacktop vs white cement would make a few degrees difference. This technology does the same thing, it just pushes the boundaries further to cool below atmospheric temperature.
- Comment on Yeah, I call BS 10 months ago:
Capitalism’s influence on science, they need to get funding or find other work.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
Every time we’ve run into issues, we’ve innovated our way out of it.
Is that right?
We’re currently wiping out the Amazon, causing the 6th great extinction, unsustainably using fossil fuels. Billions of people are dependent on very complex supply chains that require massive polluting and ocean life harming ships to get them to you. You can’t even talk about your favorite camping spot without it getting overrun and damaging the ecosystem. Many people can’t afford to see their favorite artists because with a massive population and popular artists that supply and demand is way out of whack. Same with Disneyland etc. We don’t have enough housing, and if we build more we’re going to wipe out even more ecosystems and use even more resources.
Las Vegas? Those solar panels and air conditioners are produced using fossil fuels. Also, the desert is not wasteland, just because desert species may not be your favorite doesn’t mean it’s ok to wipe them out to build more housing tracts.
There are so many aspects of overpopulation, producing enough food, water, and housing are just the tiny tip of the iceberg. These things I brought up are what came to my mind in 2 minutes before I had my coffee.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
True, especially with some of the recent advancements, but of course politicians doing anything smart is where the impossiblity lies.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
There are 2 million people that live here and many don’t have anything to do with gambling. Your comment is like calling Hawaii a bunch of surfers.
- Comment on Construction Begins on High-Speed Rail Line Between SoCal and Las Vegas 10 months ago:
I’m sure people will hate me for saying this, but we should be phasing out unsustainable cities like Las Vegas, not giving them incentives to build up even more.
I live in Vegas (an am partly excited about the train because, well it’s a train and it will make it easier to visit family) and fully agree. This place is uninhabitable for 3 months out of the year without technological assistance (air conditioning). But I think this applies to many places both too hot and too cold. Even Southern California has no water without massive exploitation of the Colorado River. Our population is simply too much for the planet.
- Comment on Vancouver Tries to Improve Safety By Having Pedestrians Carry Bricks Across Crosswalks to Deter Drivers from Running Them Over? 10 months ago:
carry a realistic brick
A fake threat? Sounds like a good idea.
- Comment on People who lurk on Lemmy Shitpost 10 months ago:
Charlie Kirk’s sister?
- Comment on clearly aliens 10 months ago:
That’s dumb, I’m sure some think that because of racism but that can be said of anything. I think for most it’s due to the mystery about their construction that still remains and the seeming impossibility of moving huge numbers of truly massive blocks 6000 years ago. If it was an equivalent sized castle or something built with blocks that could be carried by one or two people there would be less motivation to look for crazy explanations.
Not everything is racist.