- Comment on The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that? 5 months ago:
Depending on the details, either “holy fuck that’sbadman” or “holy fuck rich”.
- Comment on They say “anyone can become president”, but this will be the first presidential election since 1970s, where there is no Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot. 5 months ago:
I gotchu, boo 😉👌
Dear @HilaryRClinton@clinton.dynasty,
Anyone that can be funded endlessly by a corporate and capitalist elite can become president.
If billionaires and corporate leaders decided tomorrow that you should be president, they could dump millions of dollars and a few years worth of hired professional help and they’d make you president.
It’s not the will of an individual person or a personality that makes a president … it’s whichever group of wealthy backers who decide to fund the campaign … after that it is j just a matter of how much money they are willing to spend to make it happen.
- Comment on They say “anyone can become president”, but this will be the first presidential election since 1970s, where there is no Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot. 5 months ago:
I think the point of the post is merely to point out that in four decades, at least one of three families has been in each election. Statistically, if candidates were freely chosen at random from the top 0.01% of Americans, that would be insanely improbable. It’s pointing out that presidential elections aren’t the American people picking the best person in the country for the job. There are influential factors other than who-would-be-best at face value. In other words, the people aren’t given a list of American citizens with their characteristics and asked to chose the one they would prefer. The people are told to pick one from a very select few that have already been approved. Whether those candidates have climbed a ladder or been given a silver spoon is irrelevant to that point. The matter is that elections aren’t entirely free in spirit.
It also serves as an argument against social mobility and merit in the USA. Dynasties are government systems in which the ultimate power stays within a family. We’re told that it’s because of whatever bs reason with the family being divine or superior, but the reality is that when the ultimate power rests within the same family, the people that benefit from that also stay in power. It’s a system that maintains those on top on top. Having presidential dynasties shows that social mobility in the USA isn’t as fluid as commonly thought.
- Comment on Why do sports have different names for their arbitrating officials? 5 months ago:
I gotchu, boo 😘
- Comment on Why do sports have different names for their arbitrating officials? 5 months ago:
This is what I was looking for. Thank you very much!
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 6 months ago:
omg 🙏 can you 🫵 imagine 🧠?? that would bee 🐝 crazyyy 👉🤪
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 8 comments
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 173 comments
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 6 months ago:
Assuming that demand for car insurance is artificially inflated because people are mandated to purchase it, wouldn’t an open market still drive down prices due to competition? Another market that has even more demand is food. People aren’t even legally mandated to buy food. They either buy it or die. There may be a few people that can grow enough of their own food to sustain themselves without ever purchasing it, but I would guess that there are more people that make enough money to live without insurance than people that grow all of their own food. Despite that, food seems to be relatively affordable. If one food vendor is charging too much or I don’t like their product, I can easily go to a competing food vendor and purchase there. Adam’s invisible hand then ensures that the market provides an efficient quality-to-price ratio. I’m not arguing it’s perfect, but we don’t hear about how food stores are ripping us off as much as we do about insurance companies. My argument is that despite there being inflated demand, the insurance companies still have to compete with each other for those customers, which would have a considerable impact on price. Let’s say we all buy cars that are valued at $20k. If one company is providing insurance for $100/month and the other company is charging $150/month, everything else being equal, the former would earn more customers.
Also, since demand is high, I think it would LOWER rates. Here’s why. If insurance was not mandated, then the people that would get it would include everyone that thinks they may need it. The ones that think they will not use it will avoid wasting their money since they’re not receiving anything in return. That means that there will be less contributions and more expenditures from the pooled money, making insurance more expensive. Mandate insurance makes it so that even the people that will not use it contribute to the pool, so everyone’s costs are lower than otherwise. Of course, this would only happen in a market that allows for competition. Otherwise, if there were only one insurance provider, they would be in a position to price gouge everyone since the only other option would be to break the law.
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
I down vote it and like it. I just like it as the kast comment. I’m doing my part!
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
a data
- Comment on Why are people downvoting the MediaBiasFactChecker not? 6 months ago:
“Oh, this new post already has a comment, let’s check it out! … Dang it!”
Downvoting doesn’t address this. You can try hiding bots tho.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 72 comments
- Comment on Young people these days only use the word "slut" in dirty talk, such that calling someone a slut in polite company is now unacceptable. The sluts stole the word for themselves. Great job, sluts! 7 months ago:
And slut has never had a positive meaning.
Am I the only one here that likes sl… promiscuous women??
- Comment on we have a problem 10 months ago:
- Comment on What's a small cleared space in a forest where people can live called? 10 months ago:
Nope, but thank you! I think a meadow or prairie usually has vegetation like tall grasses or flowers. I’m more looking for a cleared area that has short grass at most. According to other posts it seems like a glen or clearing.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 19 comments
- Comment on When you are on a videocall do you also keep looking at your own thumbnail video? 10 months ago:
I might be odd here. I don’t look at myself, and if I could hide my video feed from myself, I would. I think I look strange, so I find it distracting. I also avoid watching myself on video in general.
- Comment on "I always saw [Trump] as a destroyer of America" - Russian state TV 10 months ago:
While I understand the logic to wanting to destroy neoliberal America, there is absolutely no guarantee that what will replace it is something more progressive. I agree that neoliberalism isn’t optimal and there are many contradictions that result in exploitation, but I rather have that than fascism.
- Comment on When did breasts become a thing that needed to be concealed in public and why? 10 months ago:
Tell us about the ones you know about
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 65 comments
- Comment on The deepest sinkhole in Florida has a deadly secret. Here’s why you should stay away 10 months ago:
So why are these people dying in there? What’s killing them??
- Comment on The real personality test 11 months ago:
You’re so lucky. The voice ones suck because you have to be somewhere really quiet and if anyone is around to hear you, they can get info on what you’re calling about. It can be embarrassing.
- Comment on The real personality test 11 months ago:
Walgreens’ system is horrible, and I have been known to snap “PHARMACY” occasionally…
Walgreens actual pharmacy is such a pain in the ass. I cannot stand using them. If there was another pharmacy that was only double the distance away, I would use them. They are terrible!!
- Comment on Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror 11 months ago:
I think you might be missing the point. Religion isn’t an autonomous being that created itself. Religion, and the guidance it provides, was made by narcissistic and psychopathic people to manipulate others. Again, it’s the medium used for control, but not the controlling entity.
- Comment on Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror 11 months ago:
Did Allah really say to stone women to death if they commit adultery??
- Comment on Taliban edict to resume stoning women to death met with horror 11 months ago:
I disagree. Religion is the medium. The true disease is narcissism and psychopathy on one end, and apathy on the other. Individuals with considerable traits of either/both use religion to gain power and manipulate others to further their Machiavellian goals, just like they use any system that concentrates power and control. Others either tolerate, embrace, or even encourage it.
- Comment on wigglin 11 months ago:
Music is a pattern of wiggling air. Color is just a frequency of wiggling because all light is wiggling, but not a pattern of frequencies. I think it would be more congruent is the statement were “movies are just the wiggling of the electromagnetic field”.
Follow me for more pedantic corrections!
Disclaimer: I am not technically a physicist.