- Comment on Anatomy Pickup Lines 7 months ago:
It looks like they have strong hands. Based on this joke I think.
- Comment on installing awnings? 7 months ago:
From salt.
- Comment on installing awnings? 7 months ago:
Those in the picture are also common in Germany and the Netherlands.
- Comment on installing awnings? 7 months ago:
Here in Europe we use roller shutters in front of windows or doors for this. Works great, but the house gets really dark inside. A quick google search tells me this might be limited to Germany and bordering countries though.
- Comment on Shell quietly backs away from pledge to increase ‘advanced recycling’ of plastics 7 months ago:
Shell has quietly backed away from each of their environmental pledge. They've done so at least since they moved headquarters to the UK, probably a lot earlier.
- Comment on Some of y'all need this 7 months ago:
I've been around for 48 years, and while I have fucked around quite a bit, I have found out very little. One of my clowns isn't doing the job right.
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
Fun fact about being 48; I'm turning 50 next year, which sounds a lot. But I only feel old-ish when mentioning my age.
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
A heart attack where you have almost zero loss of heart funtion afterwards. Also, no loss of consciousness, just feeling really bad for an hour.
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
48 here. Had a minor heart attack earlier this year, so sometimes I'm starting to feel old.
- Comment on It's basically the same as grad school 8 months ago:
You should add Uri Tuchmann to your list if you haven't already.
- Comment on The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling 8 months ago:
In Europe, big oil companies are teaming up with waste companies to source waste plastics. Traditional mechanical recyclers are already doing bad, because the same big oil is flooding the market with cheap virgin plastics. Chemical recycling is basically a big (marketing big, not actual big) green washing scam.
- Comment on UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government 9 months ago:
Who says the companies need to keep the servers running? The petition is "to keep games in a working state".
- Comment on What is the longest discontinuous marriage? 9 months ago:
It could have happened, if Helen Viola Jackson would have applied for the pension.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
That makes more sense to me, thanks.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
As a Dutchman, do other countries not have rental places everywhere? Over here every diy store has a rental department, I'd guess this is universal?
- Comment on When you do it yourself and it looks like you did it yourself lol 10 months ago:
It could be shrinking, I usually mud it, let it dry and then mud again to prevent this.
- Comment on Google layoffs: Sundar Pichai-led company fires entire Python team for ‘cheaper labour’ 10 months ago:
But salary does not equal labour cost.
- Comment on Is there a more politically and ideologically diverse alternative for Lemmy? 10 months ago:
Regarding the prefacing; it probably won't even work because people will read it as a "I'm not racist, but" kind of statement.
Regarding the problem you're stating; I've quickly after joining installed a tampermonkey script which allows me to hover over the name of an instance, magazine or user and display a small context menu where I can block them. Blocking certain magazines made all the difference for me.
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
Still close enough to see the mushroom cloud.
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
Meh, Richard Feynman wrote in his biography that he saw the first mushroom cloud through a car windshield during the Manhattan project, he lived for another 40-50 years.
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
True, but on the other hand, the drills or impact drivers are also getting stronger and stronger, so it's easier to mess up a screw. And then there's the driver bits, they're so bad these days that every new box of screws comes with a free bit.
- Comment on rabbit hole 10 months ago:
Columbus was the first catholic to land in America. Guess who wrote our history books.
- Comment on rabbit hole 10 months ago:
Columbus was the first catholic to land in America. Guess who wrote our history books.
- Comment on When did breasts become a thing that needed to be concealed in public and why? 10 months ago:
It's actually becoming less normal in a lot of places since every creep has a smartphone with a camera these days. Women have found their pictures or filmclips back on the internet, which was not the reason for going topless.
Also, it's been allowed in the last 50 - 60 years for most countries, not so much before.
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
They will go bankrupt, but the shareholders will already have cashed out and moved to the companies of the next country.
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
True, but there are also solar steam systems, using a parabolic mirror to focus the sun on a steam drum.
- Comment on My moon is in Silty Loam but my Sun sign is Clay. 11 months ago:
For the people who have trouble reading this chart, I skillfully tried to draw how to read it.
- Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 11 months ago:
Unfortunately, the people with no knowledge of tech will then proceed to judge if someone is innocent or guilty.
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 11 months ago:
Yeah, and not just molecular damage.
- Comment on Gaza’s waterfront property could be ‘very valuable’, says Donald Trump’s son-in-law 11 months ago:
Sub title is even better, "Jared Kushner advises Israel to move territory’s civilians out to the desert, ‘then clean it up’ "