- Comment on Finally 9 months ago:
my thoughts exactly
- Comment on Neuralink's first in-human brain implant has experienced a problem, company says 9 months ago:
The .hack// timeline had net Epos rivaling the likes of the Odyssey and Beowulf.
...Is that the problem? We need more epic poetry to guide neural interface and AI development?
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.
IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.
I've actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you're respectful of their choices, they've been consistently so willing to share.
And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.
- Comment on Zelda. The minish cap 10 months ago:
Well, your username checks out, so I'm going to take your word for it
- Comment on Zelda. The minish cap 10 months ago:
100% with the Gatcha stuff? Wow.
- Comment on Circuit board earrings 11 months ago:
How do you cleanly cut boards? I have some old RAM sticks that are pretty small by today's standards and I'd kinda like to make earrings with them one day
- Comment on Canadians Are Buying $12,000 Yurts To Avoid Ridiculous Rental Prices 11 months ago:
In what situation is a tiny home 100k but a yurt is only 12k? They just go and omit all the things you need to turn that pile of fabric and sticks into a home, while making a direct comparison?
- Comment on The Oxford English Dictionary’s latest update adds 23 Japanese words - "Isekai" is now officially part of the OED. 11 months ago:
As the other users have mentioned, uts a genre about going to another world, and its real big in Japan right now, but you're definitely familiar with it in some form.
After all, The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe is technically Isekai.
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
Part of the reason they get so high up on nerd sites (And Reddit at least started as a nerd site) is that they hunger for power, and the right people are too shy to seek power themselves.
This would all be greatly relieved if communities asked for communities to nominate other members, and asked for the type of folks who are the types who would mostly only consider the position of asked/ or if they were write-ins.
People with the capacity but are looked over because they maybe lack the ego or self confidence to take such power.
This works especially well in smaller communities under 4K users or so, which kinda falls apart in our Big Internet world, sadly...
- Comment on Why can animals eat grass that they have pooped on, but humans would get sick? 11 months ago:
Well, its kinda like how dogs can be treated with a lot of cancer drugs people can't- its largely a matter of longevity and personhood. Just load 'em up with stuff that'll cause all kinds of crazy side effects in a decade or so, if they're at least six, even in longer lived breeds. (assuming its a bad form of cancer in the first place)
Sheep don't have to worry about the things people have to worry about when they aren't going to have to use the same body for the better part of a century.
So yes, they do get sick, but its not regarded as the same level of devastation because its an animal, you can use harsher treatments, and you're not looking at the same level of magnitude of suffering or life lost.If we had much shorter lifespans, we'd honestly be some pretty rugged creatures. Our stomachs are only .5 less acidic than some carrion birds. More acidic than most carnivores.
No worries about preserving teeth or joints, eat what you want, its literally Yolo!Our brains, vision, bipedalism and weird vomiting thing are pretty damn sensitive though.
A lot of animals don't have such a vomit issue. Rats literally can't vomit, iirc. - Comment on American veganism is like American Christianity. Sometimes fine and wholesome, especially when kept to oneself; but often a toxic, blatantly lying, proselytizing cult when in a group 11 months ago:
I joined a loval vegan group for some recipes because I have some dietary restrictions.
You know what they post about?
•Foie Gras is bad
•Where the FUCK can I buy a good breakfast
Seriously, these people just have this insane fixation on breakfast foods, and how much better they taste when someone else cooks them for you
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
Even before data sales, though, a baseline, universal car never happened. Was there never a market or was a market never allowed to form?
Or perhaps the tech in a car really does advance faster than I understand?
- Comment on Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies 11 months ago:
This seems like such a wretched inevitably. I mean, I guess we're living it with phones, but it seems so unnecessary with cars.
Is there really no market for the same boring car, with minor efficiency tweaks, for, like, ever? I coulda lived with my 95' Accord forever if the parts hadn't been too expensive.
Do es the market really not want that, or do the manufacturers prevent it from happening?
Any Automancer please explain, I'm not car enough to understand.
- Comment on Happy International Women's Day 11 months ago:
Well, I was thinking more "Discount Easter chocolate for women" but I'm down for switching the words around and making it International Happy Women's Day
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago: