- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
Questioncore, lemmypunk
- Comment on Apple Intelligence won't launch in EU in 2024 due to antitrust regulation, company says 8 months ago:
Can't imagine how this could be perceived as anything but retaliation for the EU daring to attempt to regulate Apple
- Comment on NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense 8 months ago:
If ace combat has taught me anything, it's that there's no reason we can't do both
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
male'); DROP TABLE Gender;--
- Comment on Sony Music opts out of AI training for its entire catalog 9 months ago:
There was one just a few weeks ago with Helldivers 2 and requiring PSN accounts on pc even if you don't live in a country with PSN
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Never thought I would see the day.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 10 months ago:
Lmao, this was such a panic reaction by sony that they've banned all US territories as well multiple countries where PSN is active.
They are so cooked that this isn't even funny.
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
Tree law continues to be the wildest
- Comment on Flood of AI-Generated Submissions ‘Final Straw’ for Small 22-Year-Old Publisher 10 months ago:
The only change I've seen in this regard is a dramatic reduction in people's willingness to tolerate these people. They've always been here and always been like this, but we as a society used to just let them have their way to make them go away.
So I see articles like this as being nothing but good news.
- Comment on Tell me what it smells like in the comments! 10 months ago:
Only if they've failed to drink their verification cans.
- Comment on I diagnose you with dystopia 10 months ago:
Let them fight
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Ya gotta remember that at its inception, at least in the US, copyright had 2 things going for it:
The duration was limited to 14 years, not the death of the author +95 or fucking whatever it is currently, and that much of that duration would need to get burnt up in duplication and distribution of the work, all of which had significant costs associated with it. Hundred year long guarantees with unlimited instant reproduction of a work and instant mass distribution functionally for free would have been anathema at the time, and this kind of abuse of the system goes directly counter to the original as-written intent.
Too bad those 'originalists' in the courts only use that concept to suppress women and minorities instead of maybe picking up a small W with it here.
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
One of these days a Corp is going to push hard enough they get their rights stripped away for not meeting the 'to promote the progress of science and useful arts' part of copyright clause and i'm starting to wonder if the big N is going to be the winner.
- Comment on Steam will stop issuing refunds if you play two hours of a game before launch day 10 months ago:
I think this is fine so long as valve continues to allow exceptions in cases of obvious bait and switches, etc as they have historically.
- Comment on ISPs can charge extra for fast gaming under FCC’s Internet rules, critics say 10 months ago:
Peering isn't Sender Pays, Peering is "I'll carry your traffic if you'll carry mine", with the understanding that when there's an imbalance in one direction or another that an exchange of some sort is had, be it dollars, bandwidth limits, or similar. In this case, where C interconnects with A which interconnects with B, if C's traffic is so substantial that it's saturating the crosslink between A and B, A would need to evaluate whether their peering agreement with C means that C needs to be paying for the network upgrade, or if there's enough traffic moving from A's network into C's to offset that, and that the interconnect between A and B is the root issue. In your example, rather than paying more into ISPs and, essentially, indirectly funding US network backbone infrastructure upgrades across the board, they solved their problem with cache servers that they handed out like candy to avoid their costs to C sky rocketing. G solved this problem by buying a bunch of dark fiber which was laid on spec by contractors and started peering directly with the Tier 1 providers, dramatically reducing their cost delta.
Where Korea's system differs is that in traditional Tier 1 peering, as I understand it, T's ISP (call them P) should be using some of the money they get from T to pay Q and R for the excess traffic of their customer, but instead Q and R were, per the government, allowed to also charge T for delivery of their packets, resulting in T having to pay both on the up and downlink side, charging them twice for the same bit. T, rather than attempt what G did, told Korea to pound sand and exited the market.
- Comment on ISPs can charge extra for fast gaming under FCC’s Internet rules, critics say 10 months ago:
The correct answer in that scenario is C should be paying for it, as in the stated scenario C's traffic would be exceeding the peering arrangement with B and/or A, but there were/are a number of reasons that breaks down in the real world.
- Comment on Fake Vs Counterfeit Eclipse Glasses. Did You Get Any? 11 months ago:
I got mine at home depot, there was a tub of them between the checkout and power tools. Like 2 bucks per.
- Comment on Best Buy Geek Squad Agents ‘Going Sleeper’ After Mass Layoffs 11 months ago:
Not to any meaningful degree. You're better off at Vintage Stock tbh
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
I always figured it was intentional but for the other reason: screws soft enough that overtightening can't damage/crack the multi-thousand dollar components, the screw head cores out first.
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
They 100% got me until I saw your post, I was just about ready to start proselytizing for our lord and saivor the Torx bit.
- Comment on Could the US Government Self-Host a Fediverse Server? 11 months ago:
They would also be instantly defederated by like 90% of the fediverse
- Comment on Wyoming governor vetoes bill on concealed carry of guns in public schools 11 months ago:
So it would have put him in danger.
I can see why it was veto'd.
- Comment on Public Broadcasters of Europe, Let's All Join Mastodon! 11 months ago:
Hey, I resemble that remark!
- Comment on Peak technology 11 months ago:
For ink jet you buy Epson, for laser buy Brother
- Comment on Ides of March 11 months ago:
Each class has what's called a Hit Die which determines how much HP a character accrues per level. At level 1, the character gets (typically) their full Hit Die plus their Constituion (Con) modifier ((##-10)/2, so 8 is -1, 14 is 2, etc). From there, Hit Die can be rolled as the character levels up or you can take the average for the HD, and add Con to that. So in this case, they're suggesting that Caesar, a 10th level Fighter (d10 hit die) would have on average 60HP total, though this would require them to have 'rolled' their level 1 HP pool (average of 5, plus a Con modifier of 1)
- Comment on Roku Data Breach: Over 15,000 Accounts Affected 11 months ago:
It would not*
*Does not apply in the 5th circuit
- Comment on The existence of Sloths implies the existence Wraths, Lusts, Gluttonies, Prides, Envies, and Greeds. 11 months ago:
I actually prefer irony for this one
- Comment on Yes, honey, I applied my butt cream 11 months ago:
Fun fact, they make the same thing in a slightly different formulation for boobs too.
- Comment on Apple Terminated Epic’s Developer Account 11 months ago:
I don't know where you got that 20% statistic, but everything I've read and can find on short notice has it up around 70%.