DaGeek247 of https://dageek247.com
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to selfhosted@lemmy.world | 1 comment
- Comment on Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area? 6 months ago:
Which I totally supported right up until my yard got a flea infestation, and they kept jumping on my legs whenever I walked outside. I'm honestly really grateful they didn't move into my house from the lawn.
I still do support having native lawns, but I also believe in informed decision making, so make sure to do a little research before committing to a native lawn. My neighbor keeps a colony of cats and I likely won't be able to safely have a native yard until they're gone.
- Comment on OS recommendations 7 months ago:
I run Debian with zfs. Really simple to set up and has been rock solid for it too. As far as I can tell all the issues I've had have been my fault.
ZFS looks like it uses a lot of RAM, but you can get away without it if you need too. It's basically extra caching. I was thrilled to use it as an excuse to upgrade my ram instead.
Mdadm has a little more setup then zfs, as far as I'm concerned. You need to set your own scrubbing up whereas zfs schedules it's own for you. You need to add monitoring stuff for both though.
I've considered looking into the various operating systems designsd for this, but they just don't seem to be worth the effort of switching to me.
- Comment on The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites 8 months ago:
I've been using noscript for years.
Yeah, it took me about that long to get my regular websites working right too. And then i had to reinstall for unrelated reasons and all that customisation was gone.
- Comment on The illusion of free choice 9 months ago:
Would still do the nasty with him.
- Comment on Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me. 9 months ago:
I csn't speak to your last requirement, but nunti promises your own custom adaptive learning rss feed.
- Comment on Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why! | itsfoss.com 10 months ago:
If server A makes one request, it keeps server B from being overload by thousands of requests from users A.
- Comment on I finally got access to the catholic AI 10 months ago:
That man is a bear. So yes.
- Comment on Roku OS home screen is getting video ads for the first time 10 months ago:
It's open source, so you're right, it won't. I use mine as a jellyfin box.
- Comment on Roku OS home screen is getting video ads for the first time 10 months ago:
There's at least one for sale; https://osmc.tv/vero/
- Comment on There it is 10 months ago:
You're sure it's not 7? I loved the glass that 7 had.
- Comment on Those were the days 10 months ago:
Dude's got a chair handle in his pants.
- Comment on YouTube moves to AV1 by default to the dismay of some Android users 10 months ago:
They are and it is. This was anounced two months ago, though i didnt find any articles about google paying for or directly contributing to videolan for the use of it.
- Comment on Oh the wonders of technology 10 months ago:
Unless meant, like, cumulatively. In that case it's more dependent on your choices than the tech itself.
- Comment on self hosted newbie question about moCA router 10 months ago:
My old ISP just let me us their device that did this and no routing when I asked for it. I didn't have to buy a MOCA device, I just had to ask to use my own router.
This of course is not true for my new ISP, but it's worth the effort to avoid the hassle of accidentally getting the wrong device to put between your router and the wall.
- Comment on oops 11 months ago:
Anyone have this without the tumblr laugh track?
- Comment on Media center under 100€ capable of 4k video 11 months ago:
I have really enjoyed my vero 4k. they came out with a new version (vero v), which I haven't used, but now has av1 support. my older model, the 4k+ version, has done everything great, with the exception of handling IR, which it did a mediocre job of managing. Linux irrecord is ass, but the vero software mitigates it by having a premade library of common remotes.
Their user forums are actually really great, their software support is also pretty good. I had help from both with setting my box up to match my TV feature set.
The vero V looks to be over budget for you, but if you end up deciding you need to spend money to get a solid product, i definitely recommend this one.
- Comment on How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? 1 year ago:
The only truth here is the one you choose. There are upward of seven billion people in the world. The truth you chase is the one that becomes your reality, especially when it comes to your relationships with other people.
To answer your question; believing yourself to be ugly and that woman only date men taller than you is a bigger factor in your ability to find a partner than the woman who dont date short and/or nonconventionally attractive men.