Konstrukteur, auf dem Mond und erster ohne Streit im Weltraumfahrstuhl.
- Comment on German Chancellor promotes government cloud from SAP and Microsoft 7 months ago:
- Comment on Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail 9 months ago:
Let me help you with the correct wording: ‘Power to noise’-converters. You’re welcome.
- Comment on ))<>(( 10 months ago:
This. Always be kind to your future self.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
Having tested OnShape years ago, where it already appeared very feature rich and smooth, I have no doupt one can for sure realize complex multi-part assemblies with it. For me the interesting part, in a professional environment, would be the software’s capabilities of its drawing module. Full digital workflows seem to gain track, but for me detailed technical drawings are still the bread and butter application of a CAD.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
For private use strictly FreeCAD, at the job Inventor Professional. While FreeCAD is ‘not there yet’ in many regards, it’s a great piece of software -if- you accept the flat learning curve and invest time. But I understand what you’re saying. If you already have a solid understanding of CAD-basics, you rapidly understand what the programmers want to achieve and get there relatively fast. If you expect tabet-esque convenience (which I think from a professional standpoint should not be the goal for a parametric modeler) I get that people get frustrated.
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
I went to Linux for all private use years ago. And man - I wish so very hard I could simply switch to a non win-native CAD at the job.