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- Comment on 1 year ago:
@jamie @activitypubblueskybridge There is good and bad everywhere, I am like anyone who loves this fediverse world as it is with these current flaws, and the motivated people who each try to improve it on their own. I hope the bridge follows the same logic.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
@jamie @activitypubblueskybridge
Let's assume that the intention is good, it's true, social relations are important, I agree. Will the bridge only allow humans to pass? or bots too? - Comment on 1 year ago:
@jamie @activitypubblueskybridge with this bridge the infiltrations of artificial intelligence will go unnoticed and will spread like a cancer. There are a lot of questions for example spammers who will enter through this bridge who can stop them? The list of questions is long.
2/2 - Comment on 1 year ago:
@jamie @activitypubblueskybridge
I am not against the people of Threads or BlueSky my opinion is the management of relationships between these two very different worlds, a world of enormous capital based on profit thanks to advertisements and a free and voluntary world which seeks tranquility
1/2 - Comment on 1 year ago: @activitypubblueskybridge @fedidevs @fediversenews The big fediverse house, it has a big door, why people have to enter from window ?