Je parle surtout d'informatique / I talk mostly about computing.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
@zoostation @i_have_no_enemies Indeed, choosing .af was a bad idea for a LGBT service. But there are other bad choices (people registering names under .social without reading the fine print, which says, among other things, that some lobbies can easily take down domain names) - Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
@i_have_no_enemies @zoostation @b0rk By the way, there is a #DNS client on the fediverse, @DNSresolver See for instance to see a query and the answer.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
@i_have_no_enemies @zoostation Maston? You mean Mastodon? The software did not "comply", it just issues regular DNS requets and the domain name servers for .af now reply NXDOMAIN (No Such Domain) for
See (or @b0rk zines). - Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
@i_have_no_enemies Almost every Internet activity start with a #DNS request. So, DNS is often (ab)used for political goals.
Also, domain names are organized in a tree so if you control a domain (in that case .af), you also control all names underneath.
There are social networks that don't rely on the DNS but they have other issues. In the mean time, take DNS seriously and choose your domain name with care.