- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Reject 2025
- Comment on Help Replicating a filter 3 months ago:
i would try printing the filter part as a flat surface (without retractions) directly on the printer bed (only 3 layers maybe) and bend it later to become a tube ( like a “C”) i am not sure about petg, i did this bending with pla. hot water comes in handy and maybe a glas bottle. also prepare something to tighten where the ends of the C connect, a border without the small filter holes but some larger holes for something like cable ties or even a printed part for connecting the C edges.
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact? 5 months ago:
First contact was on the here-named eta-carinae system, we did a holiday tour there long ago and heared about earth from a scientist that rescued a human instead of just studying and thus could not leave him there with his memories about him. the human was talking about star trek, its similarities and real differences all the time. he already spoke fluently in standard Sjesh/sound w/o any interfaces so we listened directly to his true mind. he even had a very worn out tshirt in his personal memory items box. i mean he really had used his memory items before! that made us curious and the rest is history. However he is now back here, we managed to arrange his behavioral training to hide his experiences well, he passed all the tests and got his transport back, but with his biologic cells clock reset to his 20th to compensate the decades he lost out there a little bit. it is possible he could become an ambassador for earth one day, but it looks unlikely that he would want that given the circumstances here, a task he always compares with the mytholigical boulder of Sisyphus that really never existed physically.
just kidding, first contact with TNG was in school, other kids talked about the first episode. i could not watch it at home and also had other problems to fix at that time so i missed a lot of the start of it :-/
however i am trying to train myself for writing in general as i have ideas for a longer story (but not within the trek universe) and as the above text came to my mind i just wrote it and hope you don’t find it too misplaced here or badly written… however any feedback is welcome.
- Comment on Through the Distorted Mirror: How the West Misrepresents Russia 6 months ago:
i am from the west and perceive the west as an ever-ongoing aggressor and war driver full of poisonous lies and false promises even against their own people. some of those war driver regimes even have monuments that publicly show-off their inner and outer brutish lawlessness to never give back tovtgeir rightful owner a once stolen land.
i perceive countries that took land by force and did’t give it back to their rightful owners for decades as invadors, no matter how much they like to see themselves as the “help” against “other” invadors. in fact just wanting to be seen as the goid ones for things they do worse actually makes them even worse again.
i don’t see russia to ‘like’ to invade, in fact they have left countries before, something other invaders don’t do. in fact russia sometimes even sells countries for cheap amount of money to nations that still lack and need to develop themselves to become civilised like still not having abolished slavery or such, i guess that selling that country to a slavery-liking nation was russias biggest crime until today.
also if russia really 'like’s to invade, they’ld already have done it way earlier in ukraine, and in general way more often, maybe as often as the us does and maybe then finding the same foul excuses like the us always does, but what i perceive is a LOT of propaganda here, so that i genuinely cannot really tell lots about russia these days but only about the crimes the regime here obviously commits inside and outside.
getting their asses handed to them
Are you talking about hawaii? that was not handing to the us, that was afaik forced by terror from the US against the hawaiian nation to surrender to the biggest threat to them since then.
- Comment on Through the Distorted Mirror: How the West Misrepresents Russia 6 months ago:
unfortunately all historical facts do not help that easily against false narrative imprinted opinions in brainwashed slaves.
- Comment on Technically Correct 6 months ago:
i once heared something like this:
“the idea of having more than those who have nothing is the very only reason shareholders can ever imagine someone would work for at all, thus they also falsely believe they would do something good when enforcing this by removing everything from those who already are vulnerable and thus create a living example of how you would end when you don’t help them rob even more.”
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 6 months ago:
apple also killed productivity *lol but that has nothing to do with blackburied or … *who the f is intel?
server: arm handy: arm desktop: amd laptop: amd
and happy with it, left intel 20years ago for at that time already obvious reasons why other companies products are better.
work notebook: impediment with a bitten fruit logo on it. i am very unhappy with its lack of stability/deterministic behaviour on even veery low basic things, and guess what, it also has an intel cpu… yeah (f**k), i unwillingly try to use that intel crap for work.
apple might have killed intel, but got infested with releasing crappy products on that path. what a gain!!! 🤦♀️
i’ld rather let a zombie go on walking than getting zombiefied while trying to stop it… but tbh its “only work” that is slowed down by the fruitlogozombie (well, am i zombiefied already?) at least that “bitten” part of its logo from now on makes fully sense to me 😁 😂
- Comment on Forget security – Google's reCAPTCHA v2 is exploiting users for profit | Web puzzles don't protect against bots, but humans have spent 819 million unpaid hours solving them 7 months ago:
[…] reCAPTCHA […] isn’t to detect bots. It is more of stopping automated requests […]
which is bots. bots do automated requests and every automated request doer can also be called a bot (i.e. web crawlers are called bots too and -if kind- also respect robots.txt which has “bots” in its name for this very reason and bots is the shortcut for robots) use of different words does not change reality behind it, but may add a fact of someone trying something on the other.
- Deutsche Telekom and their interpretation of their security obligations when beeing a public ↗Submitted 7 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on NSA Claims It Can’t Watch a Tape It Recorded in the 1980s 7 months ago:
you could donate one and at the same time claim (somewhere really anonymously in the internet) that you want to destroy that tape with that player for protection. They then might actually ‘want’ to investigate
- the tape
- the player (3. possibly also you)
after doing 1 and 2 they then actually have the technology AND the hardware to play that stupid tape.
if they do 3. and ask you who you want to protect, you can truthfully say “law fulfillment”
always think outside the box AND around the corner ;-)
hope that helps
- Comment on NSA Claims It Can’t Watch a Tape It Recorded in the 1980s 7 months ago:
… like a prophet that has genuinely seen inevitable future !!
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
i think it should not be too difficult to compete with m$ security, that is at least true for the state of the last 30 years or maybe more.
But something like a non-profit organisation - or a bunch of them- that make self-hosting for essential services (like email, messenger, video calls) a charm could be a big win for billions of peoples.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
because the domains tend to be cheaper when they don’t end with “.com”.
did a quick check with a weird domain name to not hit reserved ones etc,.
on one domain hoster .com was the second cheapest, only one other offered was cheaper all others offered were more expensive than .com looking at it showed some bit cheaper ones like .pro or .life but majority seems definitively more expensive than .com also most spam i got (as long as i got spam) was genuinely (spf) from .com domains that days. however i do not really get much spam any more 😁
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
really i’ve had that problem once (and only once in > 20years of self-hosted emailling), and guess what? competitors are available, problem quickly solved.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
i am sure that only affects the data YOU can ever access, but never the data already stored for later abuse ;-)
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
better do not hate, just make them irrelevant for yourself.
NOT hating is good for health and not depend on abusers is good for you too ;-)
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
one does not become dependent on tech giants without a critical loss at some day, no matter whats the “reason” for it and they tend to do weird stuff within or without laws…
For others or for a new start and how to avoid such in the future (maybe “migrate” your relatives to secure services “before” you get ripped off):
- get your own domain like make sure the toplevel (.info .com .net or whatever) has laws that let you effecticely reclaim your domain if one of the providers block something or fail to do their job. also make sure you do not fall into only-first-year-very-cheap traps for domain prices. maybe check that the toplevel domain is not one regulary found to be used by spammers and thus maybe blocked by some providers.
- use one company only for DNS related things, maybe, but there are plenty others and lots of generic hosting providers also provide dns-only hosting.
- get some provider to host email for your domain or run your own emailserver and set mx records to that mailserver.
- configure and change valueable services to your email addresses under your domain
- make sure you have a local(!) copy of all your emails that automatically updates itself, if you can, at least daily, offlineimap checked in into a git repo could do a good job
- if one provider sucks, change it and leave the rest as is.
- the setup alone already shows the provider, that only gov (of that toplevel domain) can effectively block you, as when the email provider tries to block you, you find a new one and change MX records (and obviously cancel and stop paying the blocking one), if the DNS provider tries to block you, you get a new provider and transfer the domain to it, if that fails a lawyer could help) also the small providers have usually no way to know what you do on another account at another company, only if you put your whole life into the hands of the few known big evil ones, you are that vulnerable to the chaos they produce.
also setting up recovery addresses (if possible) is a good idea, like when one email is unusable for whatever reason, the provider already has a known email address from you to start a recovery process, of course that second email address MUST be out of reach of the provider of the first one, that is, if you have address and one at microshits, then microshit buys, you have to change everything from that to a new one just to stay secure. due to this, your own domain with a connected email service of a random hosting provider comes in handy as you would not have to change all the email adresses but only that random email provider. also if skype/zoom etc does not work for you, there are plenty of other ways to do video talks on the internet. i prefer to be independent for same reasons even though i haven’t been blocked yet, i just saw the signs of possible approaching evil because of the shitflow big evil tech produces all the time just to flush their believers view of what would be possible down the drain and choosed independence ahead of losses. following signs like leaving companies with red flags (like just too big, like already robbed their users, like give a shit on their users security, like give a shit on their bugs and blame users while their own big-tech-company-network is pwned by someone unknown for month and such) a more privacy aligned messenger that supports videocalls would be for example matrix, there are multiple clients to choose from and lots of providers to choose from (also self hosting or becoming a provider is possible while for talking to each other it is NOT necessary to use the same provider, but again self-hosting of course is most-secure) one cannot do things securely without knowing a bit about what it is. to learn more about dns, email, matrix or other topics the internet is full of informations, sometimes wikipedia is very helpful and linux user groups exist for talking about stuff and helping each other. the type of support is different and -as i see it - much more efficient, but different, there is no one to do it for you (or you get into the very same dependency trap again) but you are encouraged to learn what it takes to do so and do it yourself.
example prices from a random dns provider: .de 10€ / year .eu 16€ / year
random mail provider imap email 100GB storage 3 € /month
that is having more control over your email than when using big tech, may cost you more or less 4€ per month (and maybe the learning time to set everything up). for matrix server one might use managed services, looking around i found with 5€ as a base minimum when you provide your own VPS for it, but with many other options too. maybe the free hosting announced by where i did not look into yet is an option too. i prefer my own domains and servers, but just using separate hosting companies for dns, email and matrix gives a whole lot more control while still beeing a simple and adjustable setup. while matrix does not lock you in into one instance from the beginning (i can chat/call from/to my own account/server to any other account on other servers while beeing able to try this out using a multi-account-client that connects to all acvounts/servers at the same time) they now have bridges so one can use the same client to chat with others on telegram or whatsapp (and others) too, so this is rather the opposite of vendor lock-in. while a matrix hoster could still block your account in error and if you did not use your own domain for your matrix account at the hoster, you could connect to your friends again from another account at another hoster as you would still have their matrix adresses stored in your client. however to securely use matrix one should read about its security mechanisms and what backup keys are and why one should validate new connections.
if you had the loss, at least take advantage of the message/lesson: big tech is too powerful and thus insecure. maybe do three steps in parallel: choose and migrate to smaller providers, more providers each for different things, if one f**ks up, everything else stays in place, thus less stressful on problems. second step in parallel: get yourself into DIY your digital life. every little step into independence is a step more powerful while removing the very same power from big tech to attack the stability of your digital life. third step in parallel: share your problem including the possible solutions, which you choosed and how it went to those you think might take advantage of that information ;-)
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
that could come in veery handy once microsoft wants to pull some plugs. i guess we can be grateful for the backup that is 1. not 100% in m$ hands any more then and 2nd cannot be as easy destroyed as some backups at i actually hoped for someone with enough money to create this type of security after m$ assimilated github and thought like “does nobody see the rising danger there?” but even if china’s great fork might be more reliable than m$ over time, maybe it’s better to have your own backups of all the things you actually may need in future.
btw did microsoft manage to get rid of the hackers that settled into their network for … how long??
i guess they’ll tell
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
its amazing how good services can be if some just skip the corporation-obligatory adding of enshittification. i remember an article about a downloadable (but not very legal) DVD with an installer for a (worthless but very popular) OS that included heaps of expensive industry software and the installer was point-klick what you want and then all is done in background and fully usable once done. reading that article it seemed to be a better installer than ever produced by any company for any product.
however as that payed streaming service seemingly leaves huge amount of bank records and ran for such a long time, i guess it would have been easy to stop their customers from paying them. it rather might seem that the real intentions of content corporations might not truely be what they officially claim. maybe we learn in 25 years that the content corporations really were behind such services, maybe like “better get money from ALL markets!” or such.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
quadrillion you say…
yes, banksters like to create bubbles, inflate, trade with them until all value was extracted, let the bubble burst and then let all bus drivers and other low income people pay for the loss which is the gain of some parasites.
quadrillion… bubble->add some time->burst
if we have both two dollars, one for security and one for trading. we both “invest” in buying call orders from each other for a dollar and repeat it a billion times on the same day then we creates a “cash flow” of two billion dollars alone, yet the value behind it was less than 2 dollars.
that is what high performance traders do, they sell/buy thousands of times per second, creating the illusion of cash flow and worth, yet their actions have negative value, destabilize the market on the long run to create illusion of worth. but that illusion is very welcome as it blinds people and let them believe and invest which then can again be harvested until the bubble bursts…
lets remove two dollars from my above example… i have now only one dollar for trading so do you. but none for security. would you buy a call-option from someone without security? no. so wont i. thus remove 2 dollars (half of them) and 2 billion dollars of cash flow cease to exist on that day alone!! well, the next day looks the same then. lol. guess that would be called a collapse that 'nobody could have foreseen". lol.
7 trillion usd is roundabout the worldwide existing usd in 2017 (cash and database money, no debts, no could-be-printed, no needs-to-equaled-later) that is if wikipedia is correct and i did not miscalculate the ‘trillion’ which is just a sloppy ‘billion’ here. And further more the “worth” of the really ‘existing’ usd looks to me like a huge bubble by itself waiting to burst some day, but that is not the point or discussion here.
lets just hope that this “quadrillion bubble” you seem to be fond of does not burst too soon. there are still some resources to be ripped of from earth, some countries that could be enslavelaboured just to postpone the burst of that bubble, so the wave of destruction could carry that bubble for another generation maybe and we are sort of “safe”, but not sure. thus maybe lets hope it bursts rather sooner than later preserving some resources and preventing huge amount of hurt and damage from beeing done while leaving chance for a more stable bubble-free world without manmade intentionally created crisises just to let “others” pay for it.
intentionally created illusions are in total the most costly “realities” ;-)
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
maybe just thise"cant.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
yeah, thats exactly what i am saying, most of the money ever printed sits in places it will never leave, so IMO there are no 5trillion available on the market and the cash flow does not allow to take out even a “little” bit (speaking in 1e12 terms) before things collapse for the majority.
oh yes, printing money works exactly like that, it was just printed in the past and nowadays they just increase numbers in databases: plopp and the value of that currency and especially everything that is bound to it decreases, ripping you of what you have saved without even touching your bank account.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
i guess the number they want to fundraise comes from an AI (maybe because they do not want to think by themselves any more)
as far as i am right with the “trillion” which is just a “billion” where i live and 1e12 (a 1 followed by 12 zeroes)
but according to wikipedia (in 2017) there are only: USD existing in the world while they want to fundraise USD
so basically they want half of the USD that had been printed in all history up until 2017.
maybe they just want to say that they want to push YOU into poverty, who knows.
may it by getting it from you or by letting some govs print money faster than ever, reducing your money to half or less of a fraction of its previous virtual value.
But the AI that came up with that number had “good luck” to not come up with the need of “more” money than ever has existed =D
i think i’ld prefer to use a dice when i really need a random “decision”.
- Comment on Unnamed island 1 year ago:
the island next to england is called iceland, its in the upper left corner. but please don’t use AIs, they always do it wrong and i.e. mark the wrong spot like in your picture.
secretly: its really called Avalon, but don’t spread it, its secret and should stay so 8-)
- Comment on Bartender Qualifications 1 year ago:
my first guess is that they desperately search someone to take care for their websites progress bar
Wich is part of the “Tender” template they use:… “Tender is a free HTML5 Multipurpose Template, with […]”
and maybe they only have a dumb trainee or one of those super intelligent AIs to search for the specialists they urgently need (or both in combination)
that should explain it ;-)
who knows *gg
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