- Comment on How to convince my uni / dept. to switch to Mastodon? 3 months ago:
Another scenario would be all universities cooperate in one instance, like Surf does for all Dutch universities and colleges for vocational training.
- Comment on Store (and access) old emails 4 months ago:
Must admit, those fields are precisely the ones I use in my filenaming convention. Other DMS put that in their databases but alas that’s just trading one stack for another.
Other ones put it in XMP metadata of the pdf themselves. But I guess the work involved would be similar.
- Comment on Store (and access) old emails 4 months ago:
I don’t know.
- I don’t need formatting but it doesn’t get in the way either. So I am not bothered by it.
- Also pdf and especially PDF/A standard is widely used for archiving and compliance regulation.
- If you want text the same tactic goes: just export in bulk to txt instead of pdf
- Comment on Store (and access) old emails 4 months ago:
I had roughly the same goals ( archive search 2 decades of mail) but approached it completely different: I export every mail to PDF with a strict naming convention.
- Backend: No mailserver, just storage and backup for files.
- Search: based on filenames FSearch and Void tools Everything. I could use local indexing on pdf content.
- Frontend: a pdf viewer.
- Comment on How the US Lost the Solar Power Race to China 5 months ago:
Also … not knowing you’re in a race is a sure way to lose it …
- Comment on How to scale household energy projects 6 months ago:
Don’t know if it’s really feasible but for scaling (just like in computing and datacentering etc) we need a lot other legislation, more standardization for a smarter grid I guess then now AND make it “Plug & Play” so the required expertise to install and configure comes down.
One example here in NL is HomeWizard home battery because it’s just max 800W one can just plug it in. (In order to have more in one appliance we need other compliance regulation)
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages | July 2024 Update - New iOS App, Full Page Copy, User Administration and more... 🚀 7 months ago:
I have a floccus sync with NextCloud bookmarks but for long time archival and accessibility I use FireShot for pdf and png saving to local copy.
Your bookmark + pdf + image + html intrigued me but I is it possible to export in bulk these files for local archive and backup?
- Comment on Forgot to pay my domain for a year and now I have to spend £2200 ($3000) if I want to get it back 7 months ago:
Got a work related variant, a 3 letter domain we really liked was registered by a person asking a couple of hundred bucks or so. Which really was a good deal and we were more then happy to pay.
Our IT department advised guiding the transfer themselves. Instead our marketing department went ahead anyway and just agreed to “you end your subscription and after that we register it” … instead of using transfer codes.
In the minutes between, a bulk claimer snatched it away.
- Comment on Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext 8 months ago:
Yep, decrypt … export elsewhere to csv txt json … encrypt
- Comment on Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext 8 months ago:
While true I don’t get why this is long known and also news at the same time.
For Signal Backup tools for example this isn’t a bug but a feature and the only way to make long term archival of chats possible.
- Comment on The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines | British homes would be powered with African energy under an ambitious plan 8 months ago:
I do think we need multiple tactics:
Local (national) surplus energy stored also locally (home battery, chargings cars, powering local industry from renewables at moments it isn’t needed elsewhere), so all kinds of buffers. To also use it within the same country at other moments.
Diversify solar wind and thermal etc
Exchange cross-borders despite geopolitical risc. Countries with more sun hours or more steady wind or abundant geothermal sources or more hydro … could export their surplus or capacity but also import.
For solar: if storage exceeds need, the daytime countries at any moment should power the nighttime countries, but only to balance local smart grids I think?
- Comment on Introducing Sudo for Windows 1 year ago:
Old saying still applies if something isnt working:
Linux: be root Windows: reboot