- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
What about 1+(n/∞ where n is a finite integer)
- Comment on something something 10 months ago:
Can confirm, I am the shit
- Comment on Comedy has peaked ladies and gentlemen 10 months ago:
- Comment on ermmm 10 months ago:
They appear armed so you will need to use a demetalization gun to rearrange the macroneurological circuitry in their central radial control system, slowly increase the volume and the voltage, but not the current or the pitch until they start having a cardiovascular cerebral extrution at which point you can pick them up with sterile gloves and clean them with soap and lukewarm water before putting them back in the case, cover the hole with Newtonian shielding until you can get a new case, be make sure you are quick, since the shielding is only able to last a couple weeks on average
- Comment on Court upholds New York law that says ISPs must offer $15 broadband 10 months ago:
Since you’re stupid let me explain, what i believe he’s saying is that even though corporations are a “person” according to the law certain things that can happen to actual persons (like a leopard eating someone’s face) can’t happen to a corporations
- Comment on Meet ‘goldene’: this gilded cousin of graphene is also one atom thick 10 months ago:
Firsly gilded means covered in a thin layer of gold in order to appear expensive, a one atom thick sheet of gold is not gilded, it is literally solid gold
Second that’s cool af
- Comment on TSMC says first 1.6nm chips coming in 2026 10 months ago:
Well being as the diameter of a silicon atom is 0.2 nm I’m guessing not long
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
Registry edits get silly really fast, technically it’s possible just not very possible
- Comment on If you want communusm, you can start a commune 10 months ago:
Well that’s 9 iq points I’m never getting back
- Comment on Drake threatened with lawsuit over diss track featuring AI Tupac 10 months ago:
Honestly using ai such bad move in a rap beef, yeah Taylor Made kind of went hard for a drake song, but Kendrick now can make fun of him for needing ai on his track, ignoring how cringe and hypocritical him using ai is, it’s a bad move handing his main adversary a loaded gun like that
- Comment on Drake threatened with lawsuit over diss track featuring AI Tupac 10 months ago:
Drake always drops two tracks, this wasn’t for shits and giggles
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Russia and Belarus aren’t conservative, they are a weird crony fascism, when i say conservative I mean catholic neotheocracy (like Hungary)
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
No, i mean Poland, Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, and Romania, if there was a war in Europe between Eastern and Western Europe, Belarus and Russia would already have been defeated
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I don’t understand then, if you know that they are relatively rare, then why do they matter to the discussion at hand?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Even if that’s true, custome pcs are a tiny fraction of client computing, oem desktops and especially laptops completely own client computing, most people only ever get a laptop
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
My predictions for this fall and beyond:
1: someone is going to win
2: the supporters of the other side are going to throw a hissy fit
3: China moves on Taiwan
4: US gets involved in asia, and russia tries to expand its influence only to be kicked in the balls by the EU or some part of it, possibly followed by a war between liberal western Europe and the conservative eastern Europe, Israel does whatever tf they want to the middle east
5: tens of millions of people die
6: US and China both end up breaking down under the weight of the logistically impossible war
7: both countries have a revolution and a regime change
7a: US ends with some sort of protofascist clusterfuck of a democratic dictatorship
7b: China either ends up with another authoritarian dictatorship but claiming to be something like the empires of old or a democratically elected republic that is rife with corruption from the start
Bonus: sometime somewhere russia maybe tries to take alaska but gets mauled by a polar bear with a 50 cal pistol
I hope I’m wrong, and if you think that I am, lmk why
- Comment on Why I ditched Gmail for Proton Mail 10 months ago:
I think it is important to understand that email never will be very secure because the standard wasn’t made with modern threat models in mind, if you want to communicate privately and anonymously, you need modern protocols like signal, i also use proton but only because I hate Google, i don’t expect my emails are any more private than they have ever been. I use email only when it is required, I use signal for private communication, overlap is impossible
- Comment on Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it 10 months ago:
Oh that’s why it passed so fast, it was the aid package that was bundled with it
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I’ll have you know that for the past 16 years of my life i have lived off of nothing but raw puppy and i can now summon lightning, fly, and I have telekinesis
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
Nice name
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
Shorting is designed to only be used by the ultra rich and is therefore too dangerous for average mofos like us imo
- Comment on Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it 10 months ago:
I didn’t know it was legal for a law to make it through the senate that fast
- Comment on You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000 10 months ago:
It’s for fighting on the side of fire
- Comment on Smothsinian 10 months ago:
I use them every day (it’s the only way to listen music in my car)
- Comment on Nas’ 'Illmatic' Was the Beginning of the End of the Album 10 months ago:
To Pimp a Butterfly - Kendrick Lamar
The Rising Tide - Fort Minor
The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Wretched and Divine - Black Veil Brides
Lincoln Park’s entire discography
Natural Causes - Skylar Grey
Appeal To Reason - Rise Against
Eminem’s entire discography (Revival excluded)
Oh my heart - mother mother
Fallen - Evenescence
The Search - NF
Carolus Rex - Sabaton NMNB Amorphous - Icon for Hire
Goodbye and Good Riddance - Juice WRLD
What distinguishes a good album from a mixtape (which is what the article was essentially describing when it said albums where dead) is in a good album there is a central theme (be that a story, emotion or simply a repeated refrain) the songs flow into each other each building on the last, a good album also has a good opening and closing track that introduce or resolve all the tension in the album. It is true many people don’t listen to albums from cover to cover anymore, but those who truly love music do because most of the time it is the best way to enjoy it
- Comment on It's not brain surgery 10 months ago:
Puts a whole new meaning to fucked in the head
- Comment on Humane AI Pin: much-hyped gadget rocked by bad reviews 10 months ago:
It was in the tech news for a little bit, to some that counts as hype
- Comment on My earlier years were terrible. Wasn't hard to improve things when the bar is so low 10 months ago:
Thx comrade i appreciate it
- Comment on My earlier years were terrible. Wasn't hard to improve things when the bar is so low 10 months ago:
I’m no longer cutting myself every day, and attempting suicide every month, I’m so much better than I was, but I’m still so far from where i want to be